Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 102 The Imperial Capital Is Ahead Of Us?

Shen Li had good eyesight and was the first to find their opponent team.

"It's not our turn yet." Lu An calculated.


The knockout venue is still the usual flat ground. The entire venue is divided into four groups in the southeast, northwest, and eight teams will compete at once.

There is no way, there is not enough time.

But what is different from Lu An's atmosphere is another group of students.

All of them looked like eggplants beaten by frost, looking downcast.

I didn't expect, oh, I didn't expect that for the first time in the group, they would actually fight that fierce god? Doesn't this make them seek death?

"No matter what, we can't just admit defeat like this!"

Their captain looked around and found that everyone had a bitter face, and the four words "I have to admit defeat" were almost written on their faces.

He said silently and smiled wryly: "Assigned to them, it's no shame to lose! But if we admit defeat directly, what will the instructor think of us? What will our family members think of us!"

"Facing a strong enemy, not even having the courage to take a shot will only embarrass us who are highly expected in front of the audience!"

"How can you hold your head up in the future?! Give me cheer up, lose as soon as you lose, and lose beautifully!"

The captain spoke in one breath, trying to encourage them.

Encouraged by the team leader, the students from Qingyun City cheered up one after another.

Yes, losing is not ashamed, but the terrible thing is that you don't even have the courage to face him.

They regained their fighting spirit.

"The captain is right, even if we lose, we have to tear off a piece of him!"

A male student whispered.

"That's right!"

"That's right, even if we lose, we still have to show off our Qingyun city demeanor!"

"We also have cards!"

Others joined in.

Seeing that the team members cheered up again, the captain smiled faintly.

"Actually, there is no need to be so afraid. We have no enmity with Lu An. We are just ordinary opponents. He can't deal with us like he did with Tianhai Jiuzi."

"What's more, there are referees watching."

The captain comforted them, but started to mutter in his heart.

I hope so, if it is still so brutal, I can only take the lead and admit defeat.

After all, losing face is more important than life.

Such a situation is very common in the entire field.

Some people are happy and some are worried.

He was happy to be assigned to a team weaker than himself, and the team stronger than him looked like something had happened at home, almost relieved.

It's that time of the year again.

The spectators in the auditorium laughed at the expressions on their faces.

There was still time before they entered the field, Lu An and the others returned to the channel to join the old principal Zhang Fu and the others.

"It's not bad. I won a strong team without the first round."

That's what the old headmaster said, and then he smiled with relief.

"We'll be here in the afternoon at most. What are you going to do now?" Zhang Fu asked.

"Don't go anywhere, just watch here." Lu An lowered his head and thought for a while.

There is really not much shopping around here, maybe there are some Internet celebrities or small reporters outside guarding the door.

If you want to be entangled, you have to be bored to death.

"Alright, just look at other people's fighting styles, know yourself and your enemy and win every battle, maybe you will be your opponent in the next few rounds."

The old principal pondered, and then looked at Lu An: "I just noticed that the teams in the imperial capital Tianhai are in front of you. None of these teams are fuel-efficient, except for Tianhai."

"They are in the front row, and there are very few fighting videos of them on the Internet, so it's just a good time to get to know them."

Shen Li clasped her hands and said softly.

Lu An nodded indifferently, followed the old principal into the tunnel, turned around and went to the players' bench.

When Lu An and the others came to the player's bench, many people were there, either eating or playing with their mobile phones, waiting for the league to start.

Lu An and the others randomly found a seat in the front row and sat down, watching the eight teams remaining on the stage below.

Other players are rushing towards the passages on both sides with the flow of people.

poke, poke

Who pierced me?

Lu An felt someone poking him.

Looking sideways, Gu Mengmeng's little hand was poking his waist one by one.

"Cute?" Lu An whispered.

"Lu An, look across."

Gu Mengmeng nodded towards the front, Lu An followed her gaze, and there was a person on the opposite bench who seemed to be waving at them.

"This is... Feng Yang?"

Lu An looked at him suspiciously, not sure.

"It's him." Gu Mengmeng said firmly.

"Why is he waving?" Lu An asked with the same impression in his mind as the opposite Feng Yang.

"Let's say hello." Gu Mengmeng thought for a while.

"Don't worry about him, just watch the game." Lu An refocused on the ball of light.

He wanted to see what these circumstances meant.

On the other side, Feng Yang saw Lu An take a look at him, then looked back, and turned back speechlessly: "It's useless to talk about it, why don't you call to say hello? You want me to come? Can we see you when things are different at night?"

Zhao Yaoyao fanned the wind with a plume feather fan: "If I hit, I will hit!"

She glared at Feng Yang, got up and walked to the stage, waving her fan in the direction of Lu An.

This time, Lu An and the others didn't notice, they all focused on the introduction of the various environments on the light sphere.

"Oh, Shen Li and the others don't even look at them."

Zhao Yaoyao lost her mind and walked back to her seat, paralyzed.

As everyone knows, her actions just now have been noticed by people and students who secretly followed her.

They patrolled in Lu An's direction one by one, and finally locked the suspicion on them.

Who let them eat at the same table last night.

A group of deep licking dogs glared at them, cursing secretly, trying to tear them apart.

"Scene random change begins!"

Not long after they glared, Zhou Zhongshan's voice from the high-flying stone platform made them look away and look at the four arenas shrouded in semi-light curtains.

Among the four and a half light curtains, eight student teams stood among them, looking around anxiously.

boom boom boom

Suddenly, my feet became unstable, and the ordinary ground gradually sprouted grass or turned into rocks.

Big trees rose from the ground, the rocks cracked, and bright red magma flowed inside.

Smells like sulfur.

"Oh, it seems that the players of our eight teams are very lucky, and they randomly landed in the forest scene and the lava scene!" Zhou Zhongshan said exaggeratedly.

"Yes, in fact, we have already done our homework among the five scenes. The most troublesome scenes are the ocean scene and quicksand scene."

"Only a few reefs can stand on the ocean scene. If no player in the team can use the sea water, the battle will become very difficult, and you can only stand on one reef to move."

"The horror of the quicksand scene is that it will cover the entire arena, and there are many dark vortices below, and you will fall into it if you are not careful."

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