"That's right, why are we worried? The White Eagle Empire has done all kinds of bad things, and even the Holy Spirit Sect can't stand it anymore."

Gu Mengmeng frowned and thought about it carefully, this is indeed the truth.

In this way, she may have to cheer for the comeback of the Holy Spirit.

Let the disgusting politicians in the Hexagon Building and the behind-the-scenes capital sanction Tianxuan, it's all right now, the Holy Spirit Cult appears in the territory of Baiying, and they want to confront them by name.

With such a nail pierced into the flesh, it would take them a long time to pull it out.

"I hope that the deputy leader is a sinister, cunning and capable guy, not a showman."

Gu Mengmeng wrinkled her nose and prayed, hoping that the new deputy leader of the Holy Spirit Sect would emerge from blue and be better than blue.

Only in this way can it deal with the huge superpower of the White Eagle Empire.

If it's just a slightly stronger remnant, then it's really not enough for the White Eagle Empire, at most it's a bigger ant.

"Hey Lu An, you said, this dead body claims to be the deputy leader of the Holy Spirit Church, so is there a real leader behind him?"

As soon as the voice changed, Gu Mengmeng's pretty face showed a look of inquiry again, and she stretched out her finger to poke Lu An's face.

Then Lu An grabbed her, held her in her palm and gently squeezed it, making Gu Mengmeng shy and uncomfortable.

"Maybe maybe not, who knows." Lu An stared at the TV program nonchalantly, and looked at Gu Mengmeng slightly with his cheeks sideways, his eyes were very calm.

"I don't know if they have a leader, but I know that if you don't rest, you will be spanked by me!"

"And I have to be trained by Coach Hu in the morning!"

Lu An didn't give this little night owl a chance to defend herself, so she turned off the TV and forcibly carried her into the bedroom. Before entering the door, she stopped suddenly, turned around and said forcefully to the four little guys:

"You too, stop playing the game! Go to bed and watch the game with me in the morning!"


Hearing this, the three Xuetuanzi, who were thinking about playing another game, stopped their paws, turned off the tablet reluctantly, and followed Lu An's footsteps into the bedroom.

Gouzi also gnawed the duck leg three times, five times and two times, then ran into the bedroom, slammed on the brakes and hit the closet, and rolled back to his den.

"Sleep quickly! I'll come as soon as I finish tidying up the living room!"

Putting Gu Mengmeng gently on the bed, Lu An helped her cover the quilt, patted her rosy head and turned to leave.

"Then hurry up!"

Gu Mengmeng pinched the edge of the quilt with both hands, and watched Lu An gently close the bedroom door. Feeling that she couldn't sleep anyway, she simply turned her gaze to the three snowballs in the small bed next to her.

After closing the door, Lu An didn't know what was going on in the bedroom. Taking out a bottle of unknown iced drink from the refrigerator, Lu An swaggered back to the sofa, and his consciousness returned to his mind.

First, he glanced at the monitoring coordinates, and then Lu An directly called up the group chat and opened a private chat with the Harpy.

"What are you doing?"


At the same time, far away in New York City, White Eagle.

The eagle demon was enjoying the bath in a certain luxury villa, when he suddenly heard a ding-dong sound in his head, which made it tremble instantly in fright.

At first, the eagle demon thought it was some cheap guy who was doing trouble in Aite, and when he was furiously preparing to organize words to attack people, he suddenly saw that it was from Lu An's private chat, and the whole eagle immediately woke up from the state of drunkenness and dreaming.

The anger was swept away, replaced by a flattering smile that filled his cheeks.

"Master, the little eagle is taking a bath!"

He didn't dare to be slow to respond to the message, and then the eagle demon sent a video invitation very interestingly.

Getting up from the big bath, shaking the drenched feathers, he prepared to report to work with anticipation.

It has done a lot of things in the past few days, and it is worried that its master will not be able to report and invite credit in seclusion, but it can't think of tea or food after waiting.

The video was connected very quickly, until the moment the video was opened, Lu An couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly when he saw the environment where the eagle demon was.

The environment where the eagle demon lives looks like a large remote villa, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, and the scenery is too beautiful to behold.

The most important thing is that the eagle demon is now soaking in a large bathtub, the water mist is floating like a fairy, and the ceiling is hung with exquisite blooming crystals instead of chandeliers, decorated with some kind of green plants similar to ivy.

Surrounded by exquisite glass walls, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery during your leisure time in the bath.

What's even more outrageous is that there are many rose petals floating on the surface of the bath, which he enjoys even more.


For a while, Lu An fell into silence, not knowing what to say.

Ignoring this extravagant environment and looking at the weather outside, it was almost dawn on the eagle demon side. According to the time difference, it should be six or seven New York time.

The difference in British time is about five hours or so.

"Master, this is a piece of property belonging to Xiaoying's subordinates." Knowing that Lu An was surprised by the environment here, Eagle Demon explained to him in a low voice with a smirk, with a sense of pride in his words.

"Did you do what happened these days?"

Taking a general look at the surrounding environment, Lu An turned the topic to the issue he was most concerned about.

"If the master is talking about the evil tide, then it is indeed the little eagle!" The eagle proudly puffed up his chest, waiting for Lu An's praise.

This operation can be said to be playing with the White Eagle Empire in the palm of its hand.

The eagle demon is very proud, since it came to the White Eagle Empire, it has not been idle.

At first, when he was out to win over evil spirits, he accidentally found a corpse that had just died, so he simply used it as a clone, and then secretly planned to attack the town, which proved to be very effective.

It's a game of intelligence.

Pay the price of three hundred evil spirits' deaths and destroy a small town in Baiying.

The price/performance ratio is totally worth it.

And it also used the camera function of the chat group to send all the incompetent and furious appearances of the stupid dogs of the White Eagle Empire to the Internet.

"Well done, what are you now?"

The eagle monster became famous instantly, and Lu An did not hesitate to praise it, praised it, and then raised his chin and nodded behind it.

What's going on with this Dabieye?

"Well, after Xiaoying sneaked into New York State secretly, he specially selected the owner of the villa for hypnotism!"

"He is a mine owner who mines energy mines. He has several companies under him. Xiaoying thinks he is good, so he is forced to hypnotize him when there is no one around him, and uses his contacts to help Xiaoying collect information. By the way, the entire stronghold!"

The kitty came out of the bath with its steamed and dried feathers, and revealed his plan.

"The master doesn't know that there is a small secret area in a mine contracted by this guy, which is suitable for Kitty Eagle's secret stronghold! And there is also a small cooperation with Tianshen Pharmaceutical Group."

"Little Eagle intends to use him as a springboard to take the opportunity to nibble away at Tianshen Pharmaceutical, both internally and externally, to achieve the goal of destroying it in one fell swoop!"

The eagle demon talked eloquently, but the owner of the villa was the best target it had carefully selected. It only hypnotized the mine owner, and did not make any extraordinary actions such as becoming a believer.

Just order it to collect intelligence and provide hiding places for strongholds. Other than that, everything is business as usual, and it is still doing what it did before.

There is absolutely nothing to say about concealment.

As his own paparazzi, Eagle Demon can't let him have any relationship with Holy Spirit Cult.

lest you expose yourself.

As for the stronghold of the Holy Spirit Cult and the recruitment of troops, the eagle demon will find another way by itself.

Anyway, the mine boss must not be used.

Only when there is nothing to do with it can the identity be watertight.

No one would have thought that the majestic deputy head of the Holy Spirit Church would be a black eagle and live in a distant villa of a certain mine boss.

"Pay attention to safety, you can use your avatar when you go out and walk, and you must not expose yourself."

Lu An nodded in satisfaction, gave the instructions carefully, and then closed the video call under the excited guarantee of the eagle demon.

So far, it seems that the eagle demon is doing well, and the affairs are proceeding in an orderly manner. The White Eagle Empire is in big trouble.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of the enemy's strength, but be afraid of the enemy's dog.

Once an insidious and cunning master like the Eagle Demon develops a firm foothold, the destructive power it can cause is terrifying.

Not to mention that the eagle demon also has the scalp-numbing natural talent of clone seed soul.

Back then, he, Lu, paid a huge price by burning down an entire mountain in order to arrest the eagle demon.

Even the ants and earthworms in the soil were not spared.

Knowing that the eagle demon is going well in the White Eagle Empire, Lu An is relieved.

Stretching to turn off the lights, he walked slowly towards the bedroom.

Hearing the whispers behind the door, Lu An smiled helplessly and opened the door pretending not to know.

Sure enough, there was no sound in the bedroom for a moment, as if the whispers he heard just now were just hallucinations.

"Don't pretend, I heard you!" After closing the door with a click, Lu An turned over in a few steps and stared at Gu Mengmeng's sleeping face, and couldn't help poking her face.

With a light poke, the little girl who pretended to be asleep really woke up, and she wrapped her arms around his waist with a smile.

"You know how to laugh when you smile. Believe it or not, I will tell Coach Hu immediately so that you can't laugh?"

"Come on, I can't sleep..."

Gu Mengmeng pursed her small red mouth, buried her face in the quilt, and lightly beat her twice to vent her dissatisfaction.

"It's getting skinier."

Helplessly stroking her head, Lu An grabbed a bunch of ponytails to play with, and gently closed his eyes to perform martial arts in his mind, simulating the trajectory of the ninth acupoint.

Although he didn't break through the Ninth Body Store this time, he gained a lot.

What is certain is that he will be able to break through the Ninth Body Store in a short time.

Although the ninth tizang is the last lock of the tizang realm, the difficulty of breaking through it is really not as great as the powerful tizang.

It is still very easy for him to break through.

Lu An simulated the rehearsal in his mind, and his body hadn't moved for a long time. Gu Mengmeng, who was tucked into the bedding, finally noticed something was wrong, and sneaked out half of her head to take a peek.

When she saw Lu An closing his eyes as if falling into a deep sleep, she blinked first, then stared at Lu An for a long time, and then retracted the bedding again.

As the stars changed, the night outside the window was replaced by dawn. Lu An opened his eyes on time, and noticed a little raccoon in the quilt. He stroked it gently and took out his phone.

Seeing the time at 5:10, Lu An couldn't sit still any longer, and directly reached into the quilt to try to wake Gu Mengmeng, but was pushed away by her lazy dissatisfaction.

"Let you not go to bed early, and now stay in bed again!"

Normally, Lu An would have allowed Gu Mengmeng to sleep a little longer, but not today.

Today's competition determines the international ranking, determines the allocation of national resources, and involves all walks of life and inextricably linked relationships.

This is something that even the top management of Tianxuan attaches great importance to, there is no room for carelessness, let alone mistakes.

Although in Lu An's view, these things have nothing to do with him, but a player like Gu Mengmeng is different, and his every move attracts attention.

If he wins the championship, he might be personally interviewed by the Great Elder when he goes back. The benefits are definitely unimaginable.

After all, he was the supreme leader of Tianxuan.

So even if Lu An didn't care about it, for the sake of Gu Mengmeng and others, she still had to strictly supervise her.

Throwing off the quilt and hugging the limp Gu Mengmeng, Lu An took the opportunity to use 30 loudspeakers in the group chat.

The bombardment of jingling information directly awakened many people from their practice sleep, wishing to cut Lu An, who killed thousands of knives, into pieces.

Gu Mengmeng, who was hugged horizontally by him, was no exception, her eyes widened suddenly, she groaned and bit his arm, and then was forced to go to the bathroom, Lu An grabbed a towel, dipped it in water, and wiped it on her face indiscriminately. .

After a lot of tossing, Gu Mengmeng reluctantly changed her clothes and followed Lu An out of the house.

Today's hotel is as lively as ever. Even though it's still dark, many players are still going in and out of the restaurant, discussing the game in full swing.

Although it has nothing to do with most of them, the top five matches are definitely worth watching.

At 5:30, Hu Haizhou went downstairs on time, ready to call his group of slobs to gather, but unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out of the hotel lobby, he suddenly found that the group of people had already assembled.

Even Ammus and others were there.

It was himself who was late.

What made Hu Haizhou feel strange was that Lu An actually came back, and the other people looked at him as if they wanted to kill him soon.

There seemed to be something going on here that he didn't know about.

But curiosity is curiosity, but today is the most important day. Hu Haizhou touched his nose to hide his embarrassment, so he ran over to say hello to them, and marched to the restaurant in a mighty manner.

There were a lot of contestants in the restaurant, and they were all discussing today's game. When the two protagonists, Tianxuan and Saudi, came, many contestants from various countries who were already familiar with each other greeted them and extended their thumbs and high-fives to encourage them.

"Come on, I look forward to your good performance!"

"Great boys, make sure to play an amazing game today! I will cheer for all of you!"

"Use all your strength! I bet you Tianxuan will win the championship!"

The atmosphere will be extremely lively and harmonious, and everyone hopes that they will go all out and play an exciting game.

"Hi Lu An-sang! Here here!"

Lu An was looking around with the four little guys in his arms, when a familiar soft voice came from not far away, and when he turned his head, he saw a group of Sakura players and coaches crowded into two tables, and Ampere Myojin was smiling at them with his signature greet. m.58160.com

"Oh, it's the first time to be among the top five. The feeling is really different from watching the game. It's really exciting."

Needless to say, Lu An has already seen it.

Except for a few people, a group of little cherry blossoms had more or less excited faces, both looking forward to and fearing the arrival of the game.

"Lu An-sang~ I hope that for the sake of my so many panaceas, I will be merciful in the competition~"

Ampere Mingshen thought that Lu An would be on stage, so he said hello in advance to prevent his small body from being ruthlessly destroyed.

He was just a poor and weak onmyoji, whose body couldn't withstand Lu An's violent bombardment.

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