Lu An smiled mischievously, stroked Yi Liya's little head awkwardly, and suddenly felt that she was inexplicably aoeed by Elder Ming.

Strictly speaking, he and Hei Die are just about the same at best, so they have no right to laugh at others.

If it wasn't for Yuan Lin, he wouldn't be able to know about Illya's situation.

"Elder Ming is right. I think that if Hei Die finds out Illya's real body, he will probably be pissed off."

Lu An looked gloating and gloating, he was thinking about how Heidi would react if the Azure Eucharist were made public.

Sitting on a golden mountain without knowing it, if you say it, you may become the laughing stock of the whole world.

But this is just thinking about it, Lu An himself will definitely not be like the old lady at the entrance of the village with a loudspeaker all over the world.

If the matter of Ilya was exposed, it would definitely be unnecessary trouble for him.

At that time, maybe the whole world will come to him, trying to get Illya from him in vain, and then cultivate and naturalize, so as to raise a powerful person who can dominate the world situation in the future.

Thinking of a group of flies surrounding him as a whole, Lu An felt uncomfortable and wanted to crush a few stones to relieve the pressure.

However, accompanied by a light itching from his right ear, Lu An quickly put these distracting thoughts behind him, and looked sideways at Illya who stretched out her hand to scratch his ear.


Yi Liya nodded her head expressionlessly, and got a lollipop from Lu An's pocket without any surprises, and put it in her mouth with joy in her heart.

"Closing back to the subject, the root cause of her problem is her own, because she was young and immature and couldn't perfectly control her own power, which caused the Azure Holy Physique to bite her back."

"Secondly, it is also because her natal fairy cannot be born, so riots often occur."

"Both are easy to solve. You only need to teach her to familiarize herself with her own physique to embark on the fairy road, and guide her natal fairy to be born."

Ming clearly pointed out the problem.

Illya's situation seems troublesome, but in fact it's just for modern people who don't know anything about it.

For her, Ilya's problem can be easily solved.

"That...Elder Ming, I heard from her grandfather that he had guided her to practice before, but they all failed without exception."

Lu An also thought about using immortal cultivation to solve the physical problem, but Nazak rejected it.

Because of the existence of the Azure Saint Physique, she was unable to cultivate a sense of aura.

If you can't feel aura, let alone set foot on the extraordinary.

Even a spirit foundation that cannot be consolidated, even inferior to an ordinary person with one-star aptitude, what a miserable word.

One-star aptitude is bad, but people can practice anyway, right?

Yi Liya has the Celestial Holy Physique, but she can't practice even if she wants to.

"Azure Saint Physique is one of the top ten supreme bodies. How can the immortal path be similar to that of the world. Of course, using secular cultivation methods cannot guide the Azure Saint Physique to the right path."

There is no surprise about Lu An's doubts.

Not to mention the supreme body, many special physiques are like this, the secular Gongji way can't play a role, and we must find another way to level up Qingyun.

Nowadays, the legend of the Supreme Body has long been lost in the long river of time, and the world does not know the Supreme Body, so how can it guide them to practice correctly.

"Then you have a solution?" Seeing that Ming was so confident, Lu An immediately had an answer in his heart.

"Of course, the Azure Holy Physique is the incarnation of nature. You only need to lead her to understand the nature of the world, and you will be able to gain luck in the baptism of nature..."

Listening to what Elder Ming said a lot, Lu An could understand at first, but he became more and more at a loss as he went on.

He knew each word separately, but he couldn't understand it when combined.

He understood one thing, that is, Illya can comprehend nature and get rich benefits from the baptism of nature.

"When the sect recovers, you can lead her to practice in Cangqing Tianmu Peak or Medicine Peak. The Tianqing Holy Physique is the most natural way."

Ming folded his arms and thought about Illya's future.

The Celestial Saint Body is strong or good, but it doesn't fit her lineage, and I am not its best teacher.

If Illya wants to show her brilliance to the fullest, she needs to find another good teacher.

"Elder Ming, has our sect produced the Celestial Body before?" Lu An couldn't help showing curiosity when he heard that Ming had arranged a future for Illya.

Listening to Elder Ming's meaning, could it be that the Wanxiang Fa Tianzong had produced the Azure Holy Body before?

"No, this Tianzong has never walked out of the Azure Saint Physique, but the Yaochi Chuixian Valley has appeared, and their third valley owner is the Azure Saint Physique. We are also considered to be familiar with each other between the two sects. Qing Sheng Physique also understands it quite well.”

Ming told Lu An the reason very bluntly, the Tianqing Sacred Body of Vientiane Fa Tianzong had never been produced, but it had been produced in Yaochi Chuixian Valley, so I have some theoretical experience on how to train them.


Lu An understood, he had heard the name Yaochi Chuixian Valley before, and it was also one of the nine heavenly sects. It entered the Void Island to sleep together with Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect and Vientiane Fa Tianzong.

Unexpectedly, this sect that sounds very feminine actually had the Celestial Holy Physique.

"You should take care of this child for a few days. I still remember that there are several rubbings of exercises suitable for the early practice of Tianqing Holy Physique stored in the Temple of Heaven."

"When I find it, it's about time to set off. On the way, let's lead her to appreciate the natural scenery." Ming touched Yi Liya's head softly, feeling a little headache in his heart.

She had originally planned to leave for Saudi Arabia as soon as the Void Shuttle was refined, but now the appearance of the Azure Holy Body interrupted her plan.

I still have to spend time searching through the library, and take the way to lead Ilya to understand nature.

The key point is that the Celestial Body is of great significance to Tianzong, she must do this, and the matter of finding the Void Island can be shelved for the time being!

But it happened to be on the way, and there was no rush to understand nature. The best results were achieved on the way, and it was fine to introduce those guys to those guys before finding the sect.

"Departure?! Does that mean you're going to find the Void Island soon?" Lu An blinked his eyelids, but he didn't forget this.

Not long ago, Elder Ming was thinking about refining equipment so that he could lead them to find the sect.

Equipment that wanders in the void, has it been refined so quickly?

"There are still a few last steps left, so be prepared."

Ming stretched out his hand to move, and the Baiyu fairy gate suddenly descended and opened, and the three of them left the Vientiane Cave immediately.

In the sky above Gu Mengmeng's cube house, there are still many people staying here at the moment, and the reappearance of the Baiyu Immortal Gate immediately attracted their attention.

After seeing Lu An walking out with Yi Liya in his arms, many eyes immediately focused on him.

Sensing Nazak's restless eyes as if waiting for a judgment, Lu An tilted his head and nodded slightly at him, the effect can be described as immediate.

Nazak seemed to have taken a reassurance, his hanging heart suddenly fell, and his face was filled with surprise from the heart.

"This is the Holy City of Haiyuan?"

Ming looked at the surrounding environment with his hands behind his back, and there was a hint of reminiscence in his eyes.

"Elder Ming, do you know?" Seeing her appearance, Lu An was full of surprise.

Could it be that the Holy City of Haiyuan was also a well-known existence in the era of Elder Ming?

"I have heard a little bit that it is one of the sea areas next to Beihan Youyu."

"Because of the legend that there is Beiling Xuanwu sleeping, people in the world call it the Xuanyuan Sea Area, and the Holy City of Haiyuan is the underwater city built by the wise sea people."

"Because it is located in the depths of the Xuanyuan sea area, the water is cold and cold, and it is basically in a semi-closed state isolated from the world. Few people will set foot here."

"This seat is only heard, and has not really been here."

Ming looked around the surrounding environment, eyebrows slightly frowned: "It is said that the Holy City of Haiyuan is a collection of the great achievements of the Xuanyuan sea area, and it is the shelter of Beiling Xuanwu, but now it seems that it is not worthy of the name."

Looking past the bald-headed Wu Ke and the others to the distant building forest, Ming shook his head regretfully.

Although she had never actually been there, she had also heard many rumors from other people, all of whom praised and praised it, calling it a paradise of wonders and treasures everywhere.

But the current scene obviously does not meet the praise in his mouth.

"The honored guest from the Tianzong of Vientiane Fa is admirable. I have exhausted the depths of the sea to feed back the heaven and the earth. Now the holy city is naturally not as brilliant as it used to be. Please be kind to the honored guest."

Just when Ming Rui was commenting on the holy city of Haiyuan, a soft and soft smile suddenly came from a distance, and Yuan Lin floated from a distance with a full smile, and landed lightly in front of Lu An.

"I have seen the Lord Holy One!"

"Oh~ Your Excellency? Interesting." Seeing her respectfully salute Lu An, Ming looked back and glanced at the two, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"If my seat is correct, your Excellency should be the priest of Haiyuan Holy City."

Ming squinted his eyes, and saw that Yuan Lin was the real body of the soul body: "Didn't you believe in Beiling Xuanwu before, why do you now believe in Boy Lu?"

Yuan Lin has already guessed the reason why Lu An is revered as a saint, but she is still a little puzzled.

Even if he had the power of Xuanwu in his body, it would not be enough to change the belief of these sea people.

"My lord is recognized by the Xuanwu lord, and he also bears the power of the five sages. Naturally, he can be regarded as the successor of the Xuanwu lord. It is natural for us to call him the lord."

Yuan Lin still responded with a smile on her face, and at the same time secretly looked at the guardian elder from the Vientiane Fa Tianzong.

One of the two is the guardian elder of the ancient Tianzong, and the other is the last high priest of Haiyuan Holy City, and their aura is beyond comparison.

The aura of the two sides confronted each other, and no one would let the other go. The bald Wu Ke and Charlie De who were next to them wanted to open their mouths, but in the end they didn't dare to disturb them.

These two ancient masters are trying to test each other, modern people like them should stay out of it.

"Let me explain."

Lu An had no choice but to stand up and briefly explain the reason why he became the Lord Shengzun, which made Ming realize immediately.

"So it turns out that Haiyuan Holy City has suffered such a catastrophe."

Hearing the past of Xuanwu using his body to mend the sky to save all spirits, Ming knew the reason why the Holy City of Haiyuan was so depressed, and he was filled with emotion for a while.

"Worthy of the Beiling Xuanwu, it can be called the posture of a saint!"

"Your Excellency, High Priest, is equally respectable. Dissipate all your knowledge and give back to the sea of ​​heaven. Such a decision cannot be made without great wisdom and perseverance."

Ming admires what Xiao Xuanwu and Yuan Lin did. There are too few creatures in the world who dare to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the greater self.

But Yuanlin and the thousands of sea people of that generation gave up the dusty opportunity without hesitation, in exchange for the vitality of the sea area today.

It has to be said that they are worthy of followers of Beiling Xuanwu, and Xuanwu's high-spirited sentiment is also passed down in their hearts.

This alone has surpassed countless human beings.

The two ancient monks from the same era had a great conversation, and for a while, others couldn't find a chance to interrupt.

And Lu An was not idle, and returned Illya to Nasak, and noticed that Hu Haizhou and the others were waving at him.

When he saw Gu Zhenshan next to Gu Mengmeng, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Nice meeting, Comrade Lu An, my name is Wu Ke, from Xuan Tiansi!"

Seeing Lu An approaching, the bald-headed Wu Ke seized the opportunity and stretched out his big, fan-like hands to hold Lu An's both, expressing his gratitude for his hard work and hard work.

Obviously, he learned everything that happened in the whirlpool secret realm from Xiang Yuan.

The hearty laugh made Lu An couldn't help looking up at his shiny bald hair, and he was muttering inwardly.

It's true that Nima's name is Wu Ke, this name is really appropriate for his grandma.

"Hahaha, Comrade Lu An is really my Tianxuan's lucky star. He has helped us out of danger several times, and even became the holy lord of this sea area!"

After exchanging some pleasantries with him, Lu An pretended to inadvertently withdraw his hands.

He always felt that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes was not simple, and he was trying to get some useful information from him.

Although the bald-headed Wu Ke is from Xuantiansi and represents the Tianxuan official, it is understandable to do so, but Lu An is somewhat uncomfortable with this kind of beating around the bush.

He directly gave him a chance to communicate with Yuan Lin, and then left with the words that all matters in Haiyuan Holy City were under her control.

The bald-headed Wu Ke touched his forehead in embarrassment, feeling that he was too excited and acted too hastily.

He originally wanted to ask Lu An for information about that strong woman in the Illumination Realm.

Going to the old back, Lu An rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

What annoys him the most is dealing with this kind of people. He has to turn eighteen corners of the mountain road to express his intentions.

The surface has one meaning, and the words have another layer of meaning.

Let's play with layer cakes, right? Let's compare who has the highest number of layers?

If it wasn't for the fact that the bald-headed Wu Ke had no malice, he would have punched his bald face long ago.

One billion brain cells will die if you chat for a day.

"What's the matter, my lord? If you want the old man to tell you, you should use your brain more. He has a way of speaking that he has cultivated over the years. You understand him better, after all, are you in the officialdom?"

Gu Zhenshan's eccentric sage made Lu An's scalp tingle, and he rolled his eyes helplessly.

This old man was disgusting when we first met him, when did I offend him again?

Master Lu couldn't help but glance at Gu Xiaorou.

I don't know what Ming and Yuan Lin talked about, anyway, after a while, she stepped in front of Gu Mengmeng, explained a few words, then nodded slightly to Nasak and others as a greeting.

Then returned to Vientiane Cave.

From the beginning to the end, not a single word of information about the Azure Eucharist was revealed.

As for the bald Wu Ke, he ran to get acquainted with Yuan Lin, which made Lu An feel a little more at ease.

It's just that he hasn't been idle for a long time, and the glassy giant snake that has shrunk and changed greatly hastily found this place wrapped in a few gel crystals, completely detonating the atmosphere.

I saw that Bahret and others who were thrown out earlier were half dead and sealed in the gel crystal, without a piece of good meat all over their bodies.

After asking, I found out that it was the glass giant snake who came back from the shrine, and happened to meet these guys swearing outside, and uttered wild words to Lu An.

It exploded suddenly in a rage, and it was easily taken down after a hundred rounds of fighting, and it was arrested and brought to justice.

After sorting out the ins and outs, the representatives of various countries, including Charlie, were speechless.

What else can I say, write a bloody and miserable word on my leg.

Not to mention being thrown out, he was beaten up by a rock snake and brought back again.

I don't want to be kicked out!

"Unlucky thing, throw it out and throw it out quickly! Next time remember not to bring all the garbage into the city!"

Lu An didn't have the eyes to continue watching, and turned his head to the side in disgust like chasing flies and waved his hands, letting the glass giant snake throw them out of the holy city of Haiyuan.

Staying with these guys would pollute his eyes and pollute the fresh air of the holy city.

In the vast universe, the birth and death of a galaxy is just a momentary mottled streamer. Looking up at the starry sky, there is always a kind of sadness that the ending is doomed. Where will you and I be after thousands of years? The country, the flames of civilization, and the earth are all but a speck of dust in the deep space. A moment in the starry sky, a thousand years in the world. The song of insects is only in autumn, and you and I are also fighting for crossing. What is at the end of deep space? iread novel app

As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, as well as the Xiao Se of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away.

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

Waves of undulating waves like Sanskrit singing sounded around him, and the intense light began to rise rapidly, and the huge golden light and shadow were reflected behind him. Tang San's eyes flashed like lightning, staring into the sky.

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Immediately, a loud "boom" erupted from the Paradise Flower, and a huge golden beam of light rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

Not far away, the Heavenly Fox Demon King felt a shocking burst of will, the entire Hell Garden trembled violently, the flowers began to wither rapidly, and all the luck seemed to be condensing towards that golden beam of light .

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While his complexion changed drastically, he didn't dare to be negligent. He shook his body and showed his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed sky fox with a length of more than 100 meters. Each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is horizontal, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. A large amount of luck was emitted and poured into the garden of hell, stabilizing the plane.

The Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise, it would be a devastating disaster for the Sky Fox Clan.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had been restrained suddenly became stronger again. Not only that, the body of Tianhu Holy Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to be collapsing inward, pouring inward.

A golden beam of light shot up into the sky without warning, rushing to the sky in an instant.

The emperors who had just resisted another thunder disaster almost subconsciously dispersed. And in the next moment, the golden beam of light rushed into the robbery cloud.

The pitch-black robbery cloud was instantly lit up and turned into dark golden clouds. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunderbolts. It seemed that the entire plane was filled with anger.

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As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, as well as the Xiao Se of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away. iread novel app

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

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Chapter 1100 How Unlucky Is It Free to read.

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