What are the five declines of heaven and man? Legend has it that there are five catastrophe visions that will come when the Taoist immortal is approaching.

In the eyes of Taoist immortals, they are the most terrifying disasters in the world, and they are gods of death who specialize in taking lives.

They are the representatives of death, and they are the existences that even the gods fear.

But it is worth mentioning that the five declines of heaven and man are not the five declines of heaven and man.

It is a catastrophe of heretics, not a vision of a dying immortal as described in Buddhism.

Although the meanings are different, there is no doubt about one thing.

Whether it is the five declines of heaven and man in Buddhism, or the five declines of heaven and man in external calamity, they are all taboo horrors that make people look pale and frightened!

Outer Tribulation·Five Declines of Heaven and Man can be divided into five major catastrophes.

Body decline, spirit decline, wisdom decline, consciousness decline, and the most terrifying longevity decline.

They contain almost everything in life and are the nightmare of all living beings.

In front of them, many heart calamities such as the emptiness heart calamity can only be overshadowed.

But now, Lu An met them, and two of them suffered catastrophe.

Faintness and neurasthenia.

In an instant, whether it is the physical body in the barren land or the consciousness that has fallen into nothingness and chaos, there are strange changes.

As if he had encountered some kind of unknown terror, his pulse stopped and his heartbeat-free body quickly rotted and withered like a withered flower.

It is not like the aging of the human body, but the dryness of Qi and blood, and the decay of flesh and blood.

In just a few seconds, Lu An turned from a strong young man into a skinny mummy!

It's not even over! The catastrophe of body failure is still happening! Even though Lu An had already decayed into a mummy, he still didn't intend to stop there.

The physical body has been completely exhausted, but the catastrophe of physical decline has not yet ended.

I saw that the dry skin attached to the bones gradually cracked, like paper ashes that were burned by fire and withered away from the body.

After the skin is decayed, there will be withered flesh, internal organs, bones...

Everything in the physical body, even if it's just a tiny cell, can't escape the impact of the catastrophe of physical decline.

It wasn't until Lu An's physical body was completely wiped out that the catastrophe of physical decline ended.

From the beginning to the end, everything happened silently, there was no earth-shattering vision, and there was no mighty apocalypse.

Some are just unknown, treacherous and terrifying.

Like the silent drizzle that moisturizes everything, no one will notice that on the vast barren land, there is a fresh corpse rapidly decaying until it disappears into nothingness.

The physical body has been wiped out, and Lu An's consciousness is not much better.

The catastrophe of divine failure caused his consciousness to wither quickly, and even if he wanted to resist, he was powerless, and he didn't know where to start.

You can only simply contend with one or two, and hold on for a few more seconds.

But that's all, at the moment when the physical decline and catastrophe came, he had already sensed the situation of the physical body, but because of the first sight of killing, he couldn't do anything.

Coupled with the interference of the catastrophe of mental decline, the two are two-pronged, and he can't guard against it.

Confronting the catastrophe is like the heavens wanting you to die, and you are facing the endless power of heaven!

The soul and body were gone, and Lu An also succeeded in violent death without any accident. After withdrawing from the endless martial arts, he suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly sat up in a dying state of shock.

Lu An took a deep breath and glanced at Bailu and Ilya who were sleeping soundly next to him. He was still in shock and gradually calmed down.

But no matter how calm he was, Lu An's heartbeat was at least twice as fast as usual.

He never thought that the tenth body possession would be so terrifying!

It's nothing more than emptiness and heart calamity, behind the key is physical and mental decline, which are two of the five declines of heaven and man, waiting for him!

If it wasn't for the little assistant's reminder, he might not have known that these two catastrophes were the legendary physical and mental decline.

The five declines of heaven and man! A terrifying catastrophe that only a fairy god would encounter in legend!

He is a small martial artist, how can He De enjoy such care?

He was expressionless on the surface, but his heart was already in a mess.

He finally understands why no one has been able to open this secret treasure since ancient times.

It's okay to break the nine orifices, and there are all kinds of murderous intentions hidden, so it's obvious that you don't intend to let people break through!

Isn't this deliberately embarrassing people?

First there is emptiness and heart calamity, and then the five decays of heaven and man, who can guard against this? !

What's more, what he encountered was only physical decline and mental decline, who knows if there are other three declines hidden behind.

The obstacles are one after another, and what's even more outrageous is that the second round will be the big boss. Who can resist this?

The more Lu An thought about it, the angrier he became, he almost put on a pain mask.

"Xiaofu, is there a way to overcome the five decays of heaven and man?"

Thinking of what happened to him just now, Lu An still has lingering fears.

The feeling of adding disaster to one's body is too uncomfortable, if you can say that you can resist it, you still have to play.

But the key is that there is no way to start, let alone contend.

Up to now, Lu An himself has not figured out where the five declines of people came from that day.

There is no sign at all, no vision at all, and the body, spirit, and soul will decay and wither without knowing it.

There is at least a precursor to the emptiness and heart calamity, but the five declines of heaven and man are really hard to guard against.

It's too late when you realize its existence, because the catastrophe has already come quietly without knowing it.

[Now the host's soul and body have been integrated, as long as the blood is strong enough, then the second decline of the spirit and body will not be able to do anything to you, you only need to survive the catastrophe. 】

[In addition to relying on oneself, you can also use foreign objects to assist you in crossing the catastrophe. 】

[The reason why the host had no resistance just now was because he didn't know the root cause, and the second was that his physical body had already suffered and missed the best time. 】

[And the host, don't forget, he still has unlimited vitality. 】

The little assistant gave Lu An a shot in the arm.

The five declines of heaven and man sound terrible, but in fact it is nothing more than a kind of "kalpa".

As long as it is robbery, there is a method of extradition, it just depends on whether you can find the right way.

The catastrophe of physical decline is terrible, but he is still a younger brother in front of infinite blood!

You don't even need to prepare the assistance of Tiancaidibao, just relying on infinite energy and blood can cure it to death.

"Is it possible... If I relax the limit of unlimited energy and blood, will the internal scene of the universe heal instantly?"

Lu An hesitated a little, he could feel that the secret of achieving perfection was hidden in the shattered void and chaos, if he unsealed the infinite qi and blood to heal the nine orifices, he might not be able to achieve success in vain.

[Host, please see, shortly after you shattered your nine orifices, your body injuries will heal itself due to the tenth body storehouse. At this time, unlocking the infinite energy and blood will not affect you. 】

The little assistant pasted a picture on Lu An's face, which was a picture of the blood hole on his body shrinking and healing after he turned into a corpse from his broken nine orifices.

This scene surprised him very much, but he immediately felt relieved when he thought of what the little assistant said.

The body heals its injuries by itself, which is probably the feedback brought by the tenth body.

However, what made Lu An quite concerned was that the nine orifices that stopped the bleeding due to muscle contraction were not completely healed, but each left a thumb-sized spiral mark.

It looked very weird, but Lu An didn't bother to think about it.

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