The eagle demon fluttered its wings, and its three blood-red eyes flashed viciously and fiercely inadvertently.

While showing fierceness, the black rosary beads on the bird's neck are also glowing with magic light, as if catering to the emotional words of the eagle demon.

"Wait, wait, why can't I understand, what did you do?"

What kind of magic source body, what kind of pollution source.

Lu An was the first two big ones, and couldn't understand, so he hurriedly stopped the eagle demon who was asking for credit.

"I don't care what those two things are. I heard that Niu Yue has been in a mess recently. Are you playing tricks?"

He took a second look at the nine magic pillars behind the eagle demon. For some reason, Lu An felt that the eagle demon was doing something big.

Looking elsewhere, this underground space is definitely not formed naturally, and there are traces of man-made development everywhere.

It looks like it should be the base camp of the eagle demon.

On the other side, the eagle demon was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded frantically like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, yes, yes! The master is wise! The little eagle has indeed caused trouble in New York during this time."

"Master, please sit down first, and Xiaoying will talk to you slowly!"

Realizing that this is an excellent opportunity to ask for credit, the eagle demon immediately showed a bright smile, regardless of the situation on Lu An's side, he opened his mouth and asked him to sit down and listen first.

With that dogleg appearance, he wished he could fly over to serve Lu An himself on the spot.

It's like the chief eunuch serving his master.

"You said, I'm sitting here."

Lu An took the time to hug Ilya, who was quietly watching the animation in her arms, and signaled that the Harpy could start performing.

The eagle demon circled in mid-air, and then flew to the demon dead tree he had replanted, giggling sinisterly.

"Master, since destroying the virus research institute of Tianshen Pharmaceutical, Xiaoying has been following your teachings and devoting himself to modifying the virus."

"At the same time, I didn't forget to secretly develop forces and accumulate my teaching capital."

The eagle demon smiled darkly, and suddenly changed his voice: "Master, do you still remember the human being brought back by the little eagle?"

"Remember, what's wrong?"

Hearing the Eagle Demon's sudden mention, Lu An also remembered that when it destroyed the Virus Research Institute not long ago, it took away an experimental subject inside.

It seems to be a...a bald man with a mutated right arm!

right! It's that burly guy!

Recalling the scene that the eagle demon once showed him, Lu An's memory became clear immediately.

"Hey... It may be that Tianshen Pharmaceutical has done something to him, causing him to lose his memory and forget who he is."

"Because of this, Kitty Eagle cultivated him into a fanatic of my religion without any effort, and gave him a nice name."


Gul'dan? !

Lu An's expression suddenly became strange.

Good guy, you really know how to choose a name.

Recalling the famous scene of "then what is the price", Lu An pursed his lips and suppressed a smile.

It has to be said that the eagle demon's naming standard is very strong. Looking at it now, the situation of the burly man is very similar to that of the orc Gul'dan.

All have tragic experiences, all have gone through many hardships, and finally fell into the embrace of darkness.

Taking this name is indeed in line with the situation of the burly man.

"Then what then?" Lu An became interested. It is impossible for the eagle demon to mention the burly man for no reason. It must be something he did later.

"Then the little eagle transformed Gul'dan and ordered him to lead the evil spirits to wander around the city of New York, and then wait for the opportunity to sneak into the city to cause damage and develop believers along the way."

"He did not live up to Little Eagle's expectations. Up to now, thousands of humans have developed, most of them are homeless, and a few are young White Eagles."

"There are also some bosses of companies that cooperate with Tianshen Pharmaceutical."

The Eagle Demon explained its plan to Lu An in detail.

Because of the bad reputation of the Holy Spirit Church, it is not easy to brainwash and develop when the world is on guard.

So it set its sights on the tramp.

In its view, these homeless people at the bottom of society are the best targets for development.

They don't have enough clothes to cover their bodies, they eat every day without a second meal, and they have to dig out the garbage dumps to grab food like dogs.

In such a day of constant anxiety and no future in sight, all they can do is wait for death.

Maybe one day they will die in a dark and smelly corner of the street, and no one will find them.

The homeless man who looks like a mouse and is undoubtedly the best member of the Holy Spirit Cult.

No matter what they have experienced, as long as they need a full meal, warm clothes, and a rope to help them climb out of the well when they need it most.

Harpy believes no one would turn down such a life-changing opportunity.

So what if those homeless people know about the Holy Spirit Religion?

They have fallen to the bottom, the White Eagle Empire doesn't care about them, let them fend for themselves.

No matter how bad the reputation of the Holy Spirit Church is, it is not comparable to a tramp.

Joining the Holy Spirit Cult, at least there is still a chance to be a master.

If you don’t join, then continue to live a life of surreptitious existence. No one will look down on you, and even if you do, it’s just a charity like pity for cats and dogs.

Think about it, how many vagabonds there are in the White Eagle Empire, because of the existence of those capital plutocrats, many people lose their jobs every year, and as a result, some poor people have no hope of turning around and can only become members of the vagabond army.

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