Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 112 Alien Treasure, Murder Weapon

"There is one more, that is Ming Hai Koji from Tianhai." After the old principal finished speaking, he looked at Lu An.

"Ming Hai Koji? What's so noteworthy about his slack?"

Lu An wondered, this product is pitifully weak, how can it compare to the previous ones.

"It's not him, it's his sword. You should have seen the dark red sword in his hand today."

"After you left, I also watched Tianhai's game."

The old headmaster's face suddenly became serious when he said this: "Their opponents are all seriously injured, and they are all in the rescue. It was Ming Haihaoji who did it alone, and Wei Xiaoran didn't listen to stop it."

"The key is that knife. It's very evil. It can absorb the blood of the enemy to feed back to Ming Hai Koji, recover from the injury, the cut wound can't heal, the blood bleeds continuously, and..."

The old headmaster paused and said slowly: "I noticed his eyes, the more blood the knife absorbed, the redder and sharper the blade became, and his eyes also turned red, acting crazy, as if being controlled by the knife Same."

"I speculate that the knife is not an ordinary spiritual weapon, or even whether it is a spiritual weapon or not. There are very few such evil sects in spiritual weapons."

Dark red sword?

Lu An noticed the information revealed in the old principal's words, and thought for a while: "Principal, the Taidao is not a spiritual weapon, is there something else?"

Forgive him for being ignorant and ignorant after graduating from elementary school, but he still has weapons that are not spiritual weapons?

"It's right that you don't know. This kind of thing is not known to the public. It's normal if you don't know it. Then I will tell you something other than spiritual weapons."

"One is conventional treasures of heaven and earth, such as the spiritual materials you are familiar with, and the other is rare and rare objects of heaven and earth, such as fire seeds."

"This classification is generally very broad, and some things that have special effects but are not spiritual weapons can be classified into it."

"I will focus on one of the small categories."

The old headmaster looked at them curiously and said: "These small classes are some strange objects similar to weapons."

"For example, Ming Haihao's second-hand sword may not be a spiritual weapon."

"They are born in different ways. Some are born from the heavens and the earth, and some are formed through the erosion of time due to some special environments. We Tianxuan collectively call them strange treasures."

"For example, on a tragic battlefield, a spirit weapon with spirituality gradually became an ordinary soldier due to the erosion of time, but because a little of its spirituality persisted, it happened to fall into a blood puddle and soak it."

"Or absorb the invisible and ubiquitous evil spirit on the battlefield, and transform it from a spiritual weapon into a weird murder weapon."

"This kind of murder weapon is different from the spirit weapon. It has strange abilities, which are much stronger than before the transformation."

"It's so strong, why don't the refiners directly create this kind of murder weapon?"

Zhao Yanjun asked.

"I didn't say anything else. This type of weapon is powerful, but it also has fatal flaws."

The old principal looked at Zhao Yanjun seriously and said, "Side effects! Extremely strong side effects!"

"The reason why refiners who know such things don't deliberately create them is because they all have side effects without exception, and some of them may kill the user!"

It will also be affected when using it, killing one thousand enemies will damage two thousand. "

Lu An suddenly felt like his own black obsidian. Didn't he mention it in the auxiliary introduction, is the forging of heaven and earth integrated into one?

But there are no side effects.


The tattoo on the arm dissipated black energy, and it condensed in the hand: "Principal, is this what you always talk about?"

The appearance of Obsidian instantly attracted twelve pairs of eyes.

"Lu An, isn't this your ax?" Shen Li remembered, then thought of something, and locked it tightly.

Could it be?

"let me see."

The old headmaster also stared at the obsidian in Lu An's hand, frowning.

Lu An handed Black Yao to the old headmaster, who took it thoughtfully, and then repeatedly observed the connection between the ax handle and the ax blade.

Under the watchful eyes of several people, the old principal turned over Obsidian without saying a word.

This was the first time he had carefully observed Lu An's small axe. He hadn't paid much attention to it in previous battles, and thought it was just an ordinary spiritual weapon.

"Where did you get this axe, tell me in detail?"

His fingers lightly slid down from the ax blade, and he felt a slight tear on the skin of his fingers. The old principal asked Lu An to return the obsidian.

"In the wilderness outside Sufeng City, I got it from a stone that was half sunk in the soil when I was looking for spiritual materials last time. It was embedded in it at that time."

"When I saw it, I was a little curious and touched it, and then it turned into a white smoke and entered my body. I don't know when it became a tattoo on my arm recently, and it can't be washed off."

"Finally the thought of taking it down came to my mind, and the ax came out by itself."

"Then it happens that there is no weapon at hand, so I just use it if I see it so shamelessly."

Obsidian:  …

Lu An spoke vividly and vividly.

"You kid is really messy, you dare to touch anything abnormal in the wild!"

The old headmaster taught.

Shen Li and the two of them also looked at him angrily, this guy could do anything if he didn't pay attention.

"I think it's just an axe. It's not a big deal. I didn't know there was such a thing."

"Principal, stop talking about this, is Lu An's black ax a murder weapon?"

Shen Li asked eagerly, judging from what the old principal said before, if it was a murder weapon, it would have side effects!

If it is, you have to find a way to get it off Lu An.

"Hehe, don't worry, this ax is not a murder weapon. Otherwise, as he said just now, if he had carried the murder weapon for so long, he would have been tortured to death, and I didn't see any evil spirit."

"Preliminary judgment, this is the most orthodox rare treasure. After observing it for a while, Lu An's ax looks like a natural one, and there is no trace of artificial creation."

"There is a probability of more than 90%, it is a natural treasure made by nature!"

Speaking of this, the old headmaster smiled kindly: "Lu An, you are really lucky, you have come across such good things? You should know that such rare treasures are rarer than murder weapons. They are hard to come by. They are truly priceless." No city!"

"Not to mention that even if you encounter it, you may not be able to recognize the master. This kind of treasure has the most spirituality, because it is naturally generated, and it is a miracle among miracles that it can recognize you as the master by itself."

"I have a friend who finally got a rare treasure at the beginning, but he had to wait for a long time before he succeeded in recognizing the owner."

The old headmaster laughed.

Is this friend you speak of yourself?

Lu An thought about it in his heart, but he didn't ask out in order to take care of the old headmaster's face.

"Usually this kind of strange treasure has strange functions. Lu An, your ax is so sharp that it even scratches the skin when you touch it lightly."

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