Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1154: The Shining Light That Guides The Way

Stone chips, broken iron, remains of spiritual artifacts, and even corpses that have decomposed to the point where only bones remain.

All kinds of material garbage drifted here with the current, clinging to the wall of the purple crystal, or getting stuck in the cracks of the stone to rot quietly, making the surface filthy, full of material garbage lost here from this world.

Just about every piece of trash you can think of is here.

Even Lu An sharply saw a broken satellite and rusty missiles.

"Here...what the hell is it?"

Realizing that this place is extraordinary, Ming manipulated the spirit boat to slow down the flying speed, and slowly approached the crystal wall.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the magnificence of this crystalline wall.

It is like an infinite giant wall erecting the void, isolating the endless void sea from it, dividing the left and right regions.

Although the end cannot be seen clearly, in the minds of everyone, the nature of the crystal wall is the same as that of the endless void.

Endless, mysterious and unknown.

"The Great Wall is not enough to see."

Tang Yan'er looked back at the projection of the spirit boat. At this moment, the signal source representing the crystal wall lamp was completely covered in front of them, indicating that its length was more than 4,000 kilometers, and its thickness was also unknown.

"Don't tell me that this crystalline wall is man-made."

Fan Tianlan was so frightened that his scalp went numb, his eyes widened and he screamed like a duck, his words were filled with awe of the crystal wall.

Why does this crystalline wall exist in the endless void, how was it born, is it man-made, and who can create such a large project in the endless void?

Thinking back to the time when the first emperor mobilized people to build the Great Wall, time flies and it is now one of the few great miracles in the world.

But even the majestic long dragon that resists foreign nations will be eclipsed in front of this crystal wall.

Void jellyfish glowing all over the body are floating around, their number can no longer be counted, there are traces of them everywhere inside and outside the crystal wall, it seems that this is their lair.

They also ignored the spirit boat that passed by, ignoring the existence of everyone inside.

Displays a gesture of disinterest in living animatronics, inside and out.

It is precisely because of this factor that the spirit boat successfully passed them and approached the crystal wall without any surprise or danger.

In the spirit boat, everyone's mood gradually relaxed from the tense guard at the beginning, and the tense heartstrings were slowly relieved, and they shouted luck in their hearts.

In the face of such a vast behemoth and countless void jellyfish, if you can avoid fighting, you must try to avoid it as much as possible.

Fighting in this unknown area, they will suffer no matter whether they win or lose.

"Not to mention, these jellyfish creatures are quite cute after a closer look."

Seeing that these little creatures did not show any aggressiveness, Zhao Yaoyao immediately became interested. She lay on Gu Mengmeng's back and looked out of the light curtain curiously.

"It seems that they are concentrating on cleaning up the nearby material residues. Such strange biological characteristics, just like scavengers."

Although these void jellyfish are harmless to humans and animals for the time being, Wei Xiaoran still hasn't let down his vigilance, and is ready to attack at any time with the ancient Huangxuan bow in his hand.

And her weapon spirit, Huangxuan, also stood by her side, giving her the greatest help at any time.

Although he has just been reborn and awakened, and his strength has not yet recovered, it is more than enough to fight a few void jellyfish.

"Scavenger?" Wei Xiaoran didn't need to say much, other people also noticed this strange phenomenon.

These void jellyfish are like countless cleaners, cleaning up dirt for the crystal walls.

They will secrete a strange substance, as long as it sticks on the material residue, no matter whether it is the remains of the spirit weapon or the black iron, it will soon be decomposed into lavender particles, which will be inhaled by the void jellyfish.

No matter how hard it is, it cannot escape the fate of being melted and eaten under the joint decomposition of many jellyfish.

"It's still an omnivorous animal. It looks like it should be easy to feed." Zhao Yaoyao's eyes were shining brightly, and she couldn't hold back the fire of desire in her heart, and wanted to grab one and bring it back.

However, she also knew the priorities, suppressed this small thought, and turned to look at the silent Ming: "Elder Ming, do you know the origin of this wall?"

Such a majestic wall of void must be extraordinary when you think about it, with traces of vicissitudes left by years of honing everywhere.

"Well, this thing is called the Wall of Destiny."

Zhao Yaoyao herself just asked casually, but Ming actually knew it, and immediately attracted the attention of others.

"This seat has mentioned to you before that the endless void sea has existed since ancient times, hiding many ancient times and mysteries." Ming looked at the jagged crystal wall in front of him, and there seemed to be a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

"You mean to say..." She brought this up suddenly, and everyone

A ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in people's minds.

It can't be such a coincidence.

"Well, this Wall of Destiny is one of the ancient mysteries." Ming nodded slightly as expected, confirming their conjecture.

"The origin is unknown, the source is unknown, it has existed since the time of this seat, no one knows when it was born, and where it ends."

"It seems to have existed here since ancient times, and it is a part of the void sea."

Seeing the familiar crystalline wall again, Ming said with emotion in his tone: "Unexpectedly, after endless years, it still exists here, and it is still immortal."

Ming Yan explained one or two succinctly, so that everyone had a concept in their hearts, and their eyes looking at the wall of the end became more and more awed.

The mysterious unknown that has existed since ancient times, no wonder it is so majestic.

"At first, I also had doubts, but I didn't expect it to be it." She shook her head and said: "Go on, these void stone mirrors rely on the wall of the end to survive, and they are timid and timid, usually not aggressive .”

Ming had obviously seen this kind of void jellyfish before, knew their information like the palm of his hand, and firmly steered the spirit boat to move forward.

But soon she found that there was a guy sneaking up behind him and started to act.

Seeing Zhao Yaoyao sneaking up on the edge of the deck, taking advantage of the moment when the spirit boat passed by a group of void jellyfish, she decisively cast a mysterious magic technique, forming a large illusory net across the light curtain barrier to cover a void jellyfish .


Seeing that she successfully caught it, Zhao Yaoyao waved her pink fist excitedly, and pinched her ten fingers together to summon the secret net of illusion into the spirit boat.

The sudden attack frightened the group of void jellyfish, and they fled in all directions with ripples.

"It's so cute~ It looks like an elf in Pokémon."

Looking at the void jellyfish in her net that gave up resistance, Zhao Yaoyao's eyes lit up, she stretched out her hand to scatter the secret net, hugged it out and rubbed it.

It feels soft and elastic like jelly, as light as cotton fluff, and has almost no weight.

The whole body is still cold, in a semi-illusory state.

"It feels so good, it should be good to take home as a pillow."

Although the intelligence is not very good, the void jellyfish also knows that there is a strange creature trying to attack it at this moment, and squirms a few phantom tentacles uncomfortably, trying to separate the claws on its body.

However, its strength is too weak. It is estimated that it can't beat an adult goose with its physical strength alone. Even if it struggles hard, it can't break free from Zhao Yaoyao's embrace.

As the saying goes, if you can't beat it, it will be destroyed, and the harmless temperament of the void jellyfish to humans and animals is even more extreme.

Realizing that it couldn't break free, it simply gave up resistance and lay quietly in the softness without moving.

"Good boy." Gu Mengmeng tentatively stretched out her hand to touch it, without encountering any resistance, her heart was immediately full of interest in the void.

It's unimaginable that such a docile little guy exists in such a dangerous endless void.

"I'll just say cute, Mengmeng, do you want to raise one? I'll catch one for you!"

"I'm not very good at keeping pets, let's forget it." Gu Mengmeng's face was tangled for a moment, and finally she shook her head reluctantly.

Although the little jellyfish is very cute, it looks a bit fragile. She is afraid of accidentally hurting others.

"A single void stone mirror is indeed weak, but it can also exert the power to subdue a tiger when gathered together."

When they were discussing the combat power of the void jellyfish, Ming slowly corrected them and motioned everyone to look forward to the left.

Following the directions, they saw an incredible scene.

In front of the left front of the spirit boat, groups of jellyfish suddenly encountered some kind of invisible attack, as if being swallowed by a giant beast, a large piece of void jellyfish disappeared instantly, and the only traces of existence were scattered and incomplete tentacle.

Seeing this scene, Lu An's heart moved.

The unobservable attack could not be the creature they encountered before.

Before he could think about it, another piece of void jellyfish suffered, but the strange thing was that they seemed to have sensed something, and instead of fleeing in all directions, they rioted together.

In an instant, all the void jellyfish gathered in all directions. There were hundreds of thousands of them, and they were still pouring in continuously.

A single void jellyfish is the light of a firefly, but a thousand or ten thousand is different.

They combine with each other, and the jelly-like illusory body blends and shapes, like a purple ball of light, and its size doubles at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if the sky was full of stars merging and converging, expanding to the size of a hilly building in just seven seconds, and the thick tentacles swung violently, streaking across the meteor whip marks in mid-air, and slapped straight somewhere in the void.

Although no sound was transmitted, everyone could still feel a blast of air

auditory hallucinations.

Where the tentacles fell, a strange corpse that was broken in two appeared, and stinky green blood spilled into the void. It was the void monster they had encountered before.

The eight gigantic tentacles danced vigorously. It seemed to be able to sense the specific location of the void monsters, and it had the ability to hurt them. Every time it slammed, it could splash a large amount of green blood and residual limbs.

Soon more than a dozen void monsters completely turned into stumps and arms, floating with the waves near the crystal wall.

After clearing the racial threat, the giant void jellyfish began to gradually decompose, and re-formed into tens of thousands of small void jellyfish scattered around, continuing their unfinished cleaning work.

"The void stone mirrors are docile, and their instinct is to clean up the filth of the wall of the end, and they are basically not aggressive."

After watching a unilateral "battle", Ming Qingyan explained: "However, there are exceptions. If other void life forms are close to the wall of the end and cause a large area of ​​death in the void stone mirror, their countermeasures will also be passively triggered. .”

"The end result is obvious to all of you. It is a fact that a single stone mirror is weak in combat power, but they can strengthen themselves without limit through fusion and enter a state of ever-changing counterattack."

"A single void stone mirror is not terrible. What is terrible is that hundreds of millions of void stone mirrors have successfully merged and launched a counterattack."

While manipulating the spirit boat to drill into the crystallized cave naturally formed by the Wall of End, Ming popularized the abilities of the void jellyfish for them.

"Hey, hundreds of millions, what will it be like?"

Xiang Yuan clicked his tongue in amazement. The big jellyfish just now was made up of tens of thousands of small jellyfish, and its size is comparable to a tall building.

Hundreds of millions of jellyfish merged, and he didn't know what kind of giant it was.

"Elder Ming, I have a question!" Xie Qingzhu raised his hand: "So many jellyfish are fused together, how are their autonomous consciousness allocated?"

There are tens of thousands of void jellyfish, all of which have independent consciousness, so who will lead after the fusion.

"Just like their bodies, they merge into a common consciousness. The only thought is to fight back and destroy, without much thought."

The interior of the Wall of End is very wide, and there are jagged void crystals everywhere, intertwined in disorder, and it is a test of driving skills to walk through it.

But at present, it seems that Ming's spirit boat is rich in experience, the boat is as light as a swallow, and it deftly avoids many crystals blocking the way.

It is worth mentioning that there are also void jellyfish that can be seen everywhere inside the Last Wall, and it seems that this is their base camp.

This group of void jellyfish will take the initiative to avoid the spirit boat, and their temperament is unbelievably docile.

But everyone is also happy, in this kind of ghostly place with a little carelessness and abyss, if there is one thing that can be missed, one thing will be missed.

After all, I am not the only one sitting on the spirit boat, no one wants to implicate everyone.

The spirit boat turned and turned in the crystal cave for fourteen hours, and finally saw the exit at the other end, successfully crossed the wall of the end, and reached its other end.

It was also at this moment that Lu An, who was dozing off with Yi Liya in his arms, suddenly got a jolt and was awakened by the barrage that appeared in his mind.

"Elder Ming, I sensed it!"

Lu An woke up suddenly from his bewildered consciousness, and without thinking about it, he stood up and shouted, his expression revealing an unconcealable excitement.

His loud shout was no less than a rooster crowing, and immediately woke up the other people on the deck, and they raised their eyes to focus on him.

"What?" Ming Wenyan, who was manipulating the spirit boat, was taken aback, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Void Island! I have sensed the Void Island we are looking for! Go to the left at ten o'clock!"

Ming was shocked when he heard this, and turned his head to look at the radar displayed on the projection. No abnormalities were found within a radius of 2,000 kilometers except for the Wall of Ending Yan.

Even so, she did not hesitate to follow what she said, and controlled the spirit boat to turn around and gallop away.

The disc left by Gu Yunzi has long been broken, and the only one left who can be trusted is Lu An.

This kid is full of mysteries, even she can't see through it, and because of this, he is the most trustworthy.

Caressing Yi Liya's head sorry, Lu An exhaled heavily, and all of a sudden all sleepiness disappeared.

[The coordinates of the void island have been detected, and the straight-line distance from the host is 7853.8 kilometers. 】

This is the prompt that the little assistant just popped up. As early as when Gu Yunzi's disc was broken, he had to cut his flesh so hard that he asked the little assistant to detect within a certain range and find the coordinates of the void island as soon as possible.

It seems that he was lucky today, and he had this exciting news just after he left the Wall of Ending.

Pulling out the auxiliary radar, a bright blue dot is quietly hanging on the edge of the radar, shining like a beacon of hope, guiding them in this dark void.

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