Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1162 I Believe You Say This Is A Big City

The huge main peak with the resplendent sword-cry shaking the sky is too sharp, and the sharpness of its spout is so sharp that it can hurt the naked eye just looking directly at it.

This is the ultimate sword intent. Countless monks used to practice swords on the mountain peak. Over time, the sword intent soaked through the mountain and gradually evolved into a mountain of swords.

It is like a sharp knife that splits mountains and seas, with a bold blade reaching to the blue sky, wanting to compete with the sky.

Each of the main peaks has its own characteristics, which bring great shock and impact to everyone, and they can't regain their senses for a long time looking down.

Near Xianzong, there are also ten phantoms standing proudly, Qingming on the top and Nine Nethers on the bottom. Although they don't have the slightest aura and power, they are more majestic than the nearby Shenfeng.

Their images are naturally no strangers to Wei Xiaoran and others who possess the aura of heaven.

Each one corresponds to a celestial figure in their original form.

There are not so many bells and whistles, but without exception, they all reveal divinity, like the incarnation of heaven, overlooking everything in the world.

Perhaps it was because of the reason why Ming covered the spirit boat with the air mechanism, they did not encounter any obstacles or restrictions all the way, and they arrived outside the gate of Xianzong Mountain very easily.

This is the most central area of ​​the entire Xianzong, and it is also the location of the Xianzong base camp. It is an unimaginable prehistoric giant peak, and the surrounding main peaks seem much smaller in front of it.

It's just that it seems to be cut off by some kind of force, and the part above the mountainside is missing, leaving only a vast and vast flat mountainside.

Judging from the surrounding Qionglou Yuyu, which seems to be full of stars, its scale is no less than a small city.

The successive visual impacts really shocked Adar and the others in the spirit boat. It was hard for them to imagine that this was a sect, not a super-large city.

The Everbright Base Camp has such a scale. If you count the 473 sacred peaks around it, what is it if it is not a super-large city?

Before coming, they had thought about the scale of Vientiane Fatian in their hearts,

They have thought about how big it is, but due to the solidification of modern thinking, they thought that no matter how big it is, it will not be too big. After all, it is just a sect and does not occupy much land.

It's just that they were wrong, dead wrong!

The scale and vastness of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong completely shattered their perception of the sect's territory.

Ordinary sects are just far away from the urban area, and are built in secluded places away from the hustle and bustle, such as mountains and islands, and their scale is really not that big.

But the Vientiane Fa Tianzong is not taking the usual path. Its base camp is as large as a small city, and the surrounding 473 main peaks are even more outrageous. The total sum is no less than that of a large city.

This is not a sect, it is clearly a big city wearing a sect.


Gu Yunzi stroked his long white beard and smiled without saying a word. Since the "barbecue" dinner last night, he already had a general understanding of the current era from Xiang Yuan and his family.

It's different from their meeting, it's not that immortals dominate the world, nor do monks dominate the mainstream, ordinary people are inferior to others.

It is the two-pronged approach of immortality and technology, even ordinary people without the roots of immortality can still gain a foothold in the country and society by virtue of their intelligence and wisdom.

He even leads the army of monks and leads the affairs of a country.

This was unbelievable in their era. After all, in front of monks, ordinary people who have no power to restrain chickens can manipulate them like chickens. They are too weak and passive by nature, so they are not suitable to be leaders.

The current situation is a bit novel, but Gu Yunzi does not dislike it. It is a good thing for ordinary people to be in power. At least it can show that the current era is quite equal, and there is not so much oppression that people are not as good as animals.

It's just that the general sect seems to be a bit shabby, like a bandit in the green forest who occupies the mountain as the king, and the territory is pitifully small.

Never really seen the big world.

They were admiring each other, but unexpectedly, Ming did not stop the spirit boat at the foot of the mountain.

Instead, he directly drove the spirit boat into the sect.

At this moment, the great god Weitian nearby moved suddenly, unleashing a mighty divine power, which was very oppressive in his giant figure like Kuafu, but fortunately, this mighty divine power only lasted for a moment.

As if sensing Ming's aura, the power of the gods dissipated and collapsed, no longer hindering the spirit boat from moving forward.

"Hey, don't be surprised, Xiao Mingming is the guarding elder of your Vientiane Fa Tianzong. His aura has already been included in the major restrictions, and once it is sensed, it will not be blocked too much."

"It's not like the old man, when he just touched the edge of the Shenfeng Peak, the phantom of the big starry sky directly threw a mountain star over, and the old man was almost crushed to death."

Gu Yunzi shamelessly used himself as a negative example, signaling that they would take out their disciple tokens later, otherwise they would be 100% identified as intruders once the ambiguity dissipated.

Passing through the phantom of the Dharma without hindrance, Lingzhou has truly entered the scope of the sect, and there are carved beams and painted buildings everywhere below. The antique Qionglouyuyu seems to have traveled back to ancient times, and there is an inexplicable sense of historical vicissitudes.

The celestial splendor above the head is scattered, and all kinds of ancient buildings with strange shapes reflect the light, shining brightly between the heaven and the earth.

The beautiful scenery came into view, but the only pity was that there was nothing angry.

Although this place is so clean that there is no trace of blemish or dust, it lacks traces of living beings, which undoubtedly lacks a sense of beauty.

The speed of the spirit boat slowed down a little, it was intentional, she was also overlooking the scene below, there seemed to be nostalgia in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

She saw a lot of familiar scenery, and she thought about people when she saw things. The memories of the past scenes that were already blurred gradually became clear, and she remembered many past events.

After endless years, after waking up, she has been looking for it, and now she has finally fulfilled her wish, found her own homeland, and returned home with a full load of clothes.

Unknowingly, they came to the core of the Immortal Sect, in front of a huge immortal gate flowing with Fahui.

The dragon and phoenix embossed Panshan stands still, and the breath of the dragon and phoenix is ​​full of supreme majesty, shocking all Xiaoxiao.

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