Sao Nianren, the old Taoist martial artist is nothing more than that, he has seen it more or less before, but what is the matter with the backlog of evil spirits in your dantian?

What's the matter with this strange animal breath?

Beichen's starry eyes are bright, and there are thousands of stars flowing in the eyes. When he fixes his eyes, he looks at Lu An as if he is looking at an ancient alien species.

Well, not only are the five gods, but also the blood power of Moon Wolf and Sun Panhu, a total of seven strange beasts are fierce, it can be called a mishmash.

There was also the token around his waist, from which he could sense the existence of Qilin's remnant soul, and it was not difficult to see what it was.

During these years of his deep sleep, when did Ah Ming wake up, what did she go through, why there is such a strong old martial artist...

One question after another came to mind one after another, and Beichen felt faintly that the world now seems to have changed from the sun to the moon, and it is no longer the era he knew.

"Junior Lu An, a disciple of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong, has met the suzerain."

While Beichen was looking at Lu An fiercely, Lu An was also looking at him.

Judging from Gu Yunzi's words just now, the identity of this middle-aged man with sword eyebrows, star eyes and extraordinary appearance is ready to be revealed.

It is the contemporary suzerain of Vientiane Fa Tianzong!

Once they look at each other, they will be involuntarily attracted by his eyes that are different from ordinary people, and enter the vast universe of stars, witnessing the birth and disillusionment of all phenomena.

Many incomprehensible images flashed across in a flash, all of them flooding the brain and causing thinking overload, causing an indescribable exhaustion from the spirit to the body, and in just a few seconds, I felt a splitting headache.

Fortunately, Lu An woke up very quickly, forcibly pulled his consciousness away from Beichen Lie's visionary pupils, and greeted him neither humble nor humble.

He didn't know what the ancient etiquette was like, and besides, he was still holding Illya in his arms, so he simply followed the way he liked.

And I'm afraid that Beichen Lie won't be able to understand. He uses ancient Chinese. Although it's a bit crappy, it's still fluent, and normal people should be able to understand it.

Sure enough, it was Ah Ming's new student.

Facts have proved that although Beichen Lie just woke up, he is still in the ranks of normal people. He immediately understood Lu An's meaning and learned a lot of useful information from the words.

The two most important points are that, as he guessed, these young people were recruited by the Ming Dynasty Sect, newly recruited disciples for the sect, and some of them were not ordinary disciples.

Beichen Lie's eyes swept across the crowd, and stayed for a moment on Gu Mengmeng and the others. To be precise, he stayed for a moment on their imprint of the Dharma that was different from ordinary people.

Reincarnation Sky, Dark Sky, Heart Demon Sky, Bright Star Sky...

I don't know to what extent the seven great celestial phenomena have been developed.

After thinking for a moment, he smiled and nodded to Lu An, and refocused on the key information he had just captured.

Judging from the previous few words, at this point in time, the language used by humans seems to have changed long ago, and it is no longer their lingua franca.

This information is important and reveals a lot, but now is far from the best time to think about it.

Beichen Lie just woke up, he is very unfamiliar with the current environment, and urgently needs to find someone to talk to him.

Ming is the best choice. Of course, Gu Yunzi is also good, but he doesn't know as much as the former.

Even though he had been asleep for many years and his conscious thinking was still somewhat chaotic, Beichen's strong memory did not cause problems. He remembered that Gu Yunzi entered the void island with them at the beginning, and he probably never took a step out after waking up.

But Ming is different, she is the follower left by the sect, she must have experienced all kinds of wind and rain, and came in from the outside, the two have unequal information, it can be called a world of difference.

"Hey, you are really the only one here, Beichen Lie, what about the others, Xiao Qingshui and the others."

Gu Yunzi rode the clouds and wandered around the vicinity, and found that there was no abnormality in this place, and immediately turned back. He grabbed Beichen and asked fiercely.

"They're not here, I'm the only one here, and I need to find another way to wake up Tianzong."

Beichen shook his head violently, he was just a pre-measure, responsible for awakening the people of Tianzong himself.

There was a restriction left here, if someone opened the fairy gate and entered the Zongdian, he would be sent here by the restriction, awakening him who was sleeping.

"Why is it so troublesome?" Gu Yunzi muttered dissatisfiedly when he heard that the Tianzong people were still elsewhere.

"Prevent thieves." Beichen Lie's words immediately made Gu Yunzi speechless.

It's a matter of great importance, it should be how it is safe and how it comes about


"Come on! Since there is nothing here, let's go up first!"

Gu Yunzi was naturally dissatisfied with finding only Beichen Lie after all the hardships, urging them to go back like a child having a temper tantrum, not wanting to stay here at all.

"Alright, I just woke up, and I have a lot of doubts that I need you to explain to me."

Knowing that this old guy has a bad temper, Beichen Lie didn't argue with him, he stretched out his hand and swung the world upside down, and the heaven and the earth shifted.

When the surrounding situation recovered, they had already appeared outside the celestial gate of the Zongdian.

"Foreign breath?"

As soon as he cast his supernatural power, Beichen Lie immediately sensed the extraordinary aura, and his ordinary star eyes locked on the holy winged spirit boat parked in mid-air.

He sensed a relatively novel aura from this spirit boat, which resembled some races outside the territory, but not entirely.

"A newborn..." A thought flashed in his heart, and Beichen's sharp eyes revealed it.

The years are long, and the times have changed.

As the suzerain of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong, he naturally understands the vastness of the universe, has seen many life species, and has also understood their rise and fall.

After such a long period of time, even the ancestral star will evolve and give birth to new life, there is no doubt about it.

Turning his gaze to other places, seeing this familiar scene, Beichen smiled strongly, as if it was only yesterday since the last time he saw it.

This is an illusion caused by the sleeping consciousness, but it is the truth.

It was like waking up the next day after sleeping, he didn't feel as if he had passed away, everything in front of him was still so familiar, but he was a little less angry.

Shaking his head, he followed Ming's footsteps to board the spirit boat. As soon as he landed on the deck of the spirit boat, after scanning around, he formally introduced his identity to a group of young disciples of the new generation.

"My name is Beichen Lie, the current suzerain of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong, you are Ming's newly recruited disciples, you don't need to be pressured, if you join my Vientiane Fa Tianzong, you should be a member of the Tianzong, I will not do anything to you. "

The majesty of the aura is not to be offended, but Beichen Lie's soft comforting face is kind, which is extremely inconsistent with his own temperament, and it can even be said to be in conflict.

In his opinion, everyone's reaction was too normal. Even the former disciples, most of them were not afraid of him when they saw him.

It made him feel helpless. This is the disparity caused by the majesty of the suzerain that has been cultivated over the years, cultivation, identity, and status. It cannot be changed casually.

"I have seen the suzerain."

As the head of Tianzong, Beichen Lie was the first to say hello. Of course, everyone didn't dare to neglect, and responded politely, with big hearts in their hearts.

To put it lightly, who can not be afraid of your aura.

Everyone's hearts were extremely heavy, and the pressure hit like a tide.

It's like a student facing the principal, a social animal facing the chairman, and a civil servant facing the national leader.

That kind of huge pressure is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Ordinary people sitting with them will inevitably feel uncomfortable, as if there are ants crawling on their bodies, and they are under a lot of psychological pressure.

In front of Beichenlie, even Zhao Yaoyao, who was lively and ecstatic, became more honest, sitting obediently next to Lu An like a sick hen, not even daring to speak loudly.

Seeing that Beichen Lie had already talked with Ming Wusheng, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their tense nerves gradually relaxed.

"My dear, you are really the suzerain of our sect."

Zhao Yaoyao looked down at her clothes, fearing that there might be flaws in her clothes that would cause her not to perform well enough and make Beichenlie's impression worse.

This is not an elder or something, this is the real master of a sect! He is also the suzerain of one of the nine heavenly sects!

Elder Ming has been familiar with her for a long time, and there is no pressure at all in front of her, but Beichen is different.

It was the first time we met the Lord of Tianzong. In terms of status, he was more famous than the national leaders in ancient times. Normal people are not nervous.

The key point is that his pupils are even more attractive. Being stared at by him, it seems that his whole body has been seen through, and no little secrets can be kept.

It's scary.jpg

Lu An nodded approvingly, even though his cultivation had fallen to the bottom, but the boss is still the boss, there is nothing to say about the psychological pressure.

Have you been honest without seeing the white deer?

"By the way, what are you doing here?"

"Ali's side is too close to the suzerain, the pear is too big." Zhao Yaoyao blurted out without even thinking, and then picked up Lu Xiaoling, the little hedgehog, and combed her fur to relieve the psychological pressure.

"Master Lu, you have a good atmosphere and a strong sense of security."

This is no nonsense.

Lu An rolled his eyes, that

Two Tianzong elders and one Tianzong suzerain were discussing major issues through spiritual knowledge exchange. The environment was terribly quiet.

Who dares to act rashly, it would be fun to attract their attention.

"I can't see it, but you are also afraid sometimes." Lu An was quite surprised, he didn't expect Zhao Yaoyao, who was fearless and fearless, to be afraid of this, which was a bit interesting.

"Nonsense, what is the status of the suzerain and what is the status of this beautiful woman, can I not be afraid of being so close to this beautiful woman?"

Afraid that Beichen Lie would hear it, Zhao Yaoyao muttered to herself through voice transmission, and moved her buttocks to get close to Lu An in order to gain a sense of security.

"The suzerain is full of aura. This beauty has never been so nervous when I went to see the great elder last time."

In her heart, there is a pyramid ranked by fear. Originally, the Great Elder was ranked first at the top of the tower, but now he may be ranked second.

The pressure Beichen put on her was stronger than that of the First Elder, and he was the most terrifying person not to be provoked, bar none.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. They won't eat you, so I'm not afraid." Lu An smugly smiled, expressing disdain for Zhao Yaoyao's mentality of a bad boy.

Facing Beichen Lie, although he was under pressure, it was out of respect for his elders, not as scared as Zhao Yaoyao.

No matter how strong it is, can it be eaten by someone Lu?

"Yes yes yes, Master Lu is amazing, Master Lu is number one in the world, little girl can't match." Zhao Yaoyao said perfunctorily, not wanting to continue debating this profound psychological issue with him.

"I see."

About ten minutes later, Beichen Lie, who had learned about the external situation from Ming, took a deep breath and quickly sorted out his logical thoughts.

As he expected, the outside world has already passed by time, the sun and the moon have changed, and the era in which they existed is already ancient.

Today, the earth is returning, still in the recovery stage, and it is a corner of the golden world.

But even so, a lot of big things happened.

For example, demons, for example, the old ways.

The old grievances and grievances that happened in those distant years have come back again.

The evil spirits outside the territory never die, and the lost old way reappears in the world.

The two deadly enemies met again.

"I probably know." After sorting out the current situation, Beichen Lie stood up: "Although the best time has not been reached, the number of days is unpredictable, and it is not impossible for our Tianzong to be born at this moment."

The way of the number of days is the most difficult to fathom. Wouldn't it be as strong as the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, which will end up with a fate of backlash and decline?

If you insist on the best time to be born, it will be counterproductive. It is better to go with the wind and follow the trend.

With this in mind, Beichen Lie immediately decided to revive Su Tianzong and awaken millions of sect disciples and elders from all peaks.

"Have you decided? Let's start now! This old man can't wait to go back to the sect to see the suzerain!"

Seeing that Beichen Lie had made up his mind, Gu Yunzi hurriedly urged him with joy on his face. He wanted to return to the clan a long time ago, but he didn't know the changes in the outside world, so he didn't dare to act rashly, so he procrastinated so far.

"I need an hour to get something, which is the key to unlocking Tianzong."

Beichen Lie is not the kind of person who dawdles, once he has made a decision, he will execute everything swiftly and swiftly, so he looked at Ming, with a hint of kindness flashing deep in his eyes.

"A...Ming, please steer the spirit boat into the sky and wait, I will come as soon as I go."

Subconsciously wanted to call out his nickname, but fortunately he reacted quickly and changed his words, and then stepped out, and he was already a hundred miles away after crossing the spirit boat.

This unique skill can make a group of young people look stupid. Is this something that can be done in the mid-term of supernatural powers?

"Don't be surprised, don't be surprised. That guy is the master of the Heaven Sect of the Vientiane Law. Even if his cultivation level drops, he should not be underestimated. He has mastered innumerable supernatural powers. In the old man's time, he could enjoy the name of "Ten Thousand Laws." "Xiu Shuluo

Gu Yunzi stroked his beard with a smile, he was no stranger to this.

Those who can become the suzerain of Tianzong are all dragons and phoenixes among the people, so how can they be ordinary people?

Each one is a fashionista of the times.


Hezaben and the others were startled. The weight of this word is heavy enough. It was recognized as "Wanfa" in the ancient times when the strong were like clouds, and the gold content in it is self-evident.

"There are still many things you little children don't know. Let's take a look after Tianzong recovers. These secrets cannot be clarified in a few words."

Gu Yunzi caressed his white beard lightly, no matter how they questioned him, he always smiled and remained silent.

To arouse the curiosity of others and deliberately sell off, pretending to be cold and mysterious.

A typical half-spoken riddler will be put in a sack and beaten on the head with a hammer if he is put outside.

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