"The harvest is full~"

Lu An stretched lazily on the bed, looking very much like a cat bending over and stretching.

However, it was also at this moment, at the moment when the purple energy came from the east at dawn, the entire Vientiane Fa Tianzong suddenly resounded through the boundless fairy sound, like a torrent of bells rolling in, stretching for thousands of miles, spreading to 473 divine peaks in a radius.

Under the cover of the fairy sound, countless disciples woke up and looked up one after another, and immediately understood what was going on and what it was foretelling.

Zongmen Grand Ceremony!

That's right! Three days have passed, and today is the day for the grand ceremony!

The Zongmen Grand Ceremony held for the first time after Tianzong's awakening is of great significance and extraordinary!

Such a solemn and solemn sect event, everyone needs to take it seriously!

The sound of the fairy sound means that there is still an hour left before the grand ceremony is officially held!

All of a sudden, thousands of disciples all over the place took action at the same time, quickly dressed neatly, like migrating ants, flocking to the sect from all directions.

Lu An was no exception. Elder Ming had reminded him of the Zongmen Grand Ceremony yesterday when he came to deliver the costumes, so naturally he couldn't forget it.

Immediately woke up the sleepy Ilya, took the little guy to the side of the stream to wash her face briefly, and then helped her put on the ultra-small Tianzong costume.

In this short time alone, Lu An sensed that many people hurried past around the mountain peak, aiming at the Zongmen's address in the center.

"My lord, I want to go with you too!"

Sleeping soundly, he was suddenly awakened by the rolling fairy sound, and Bai Lu reluctantly crawled out of bed to find Lu An.

Although she wanted to continue to sleep, she did not forget her duty.

Keep in mind the teachings of the high priest, and protect the Holy One personally.

"No, it's just to participate in a sect ceremony, you can continue to sleep."

Putting on the cool white robe, Lu An put on the cloud-covered soap boots, and took advantage of the situation to cover the white deer's head with his paws and gently rubbed it: "Come with me, I guess you will have to stand there for several hours, it's boring! "

It can be said that Lu An suffered a lot from this kind of occasion, which was similar to the school leader's speech.

Back then at Su Fengyi High School, there were countless speeches like this.

Whenever the school leader speaks, it is the beginning of pain and suffering.

Especially the bald director, with a small mouth, he can really babble, he can split a story into five parts, and repeat it several times in different words from different angles.

He has a beer belly, and even the aunts at the entrance of the village can't chat with him.

"Illya and I will be back in a few hours, you can continue to sleep, and take care of these dead pigs for me, don't let them run around."

Lu An casually threw the limp little ferret onto the pillow.

Under his consolation and persuasion, Bailu didn't continue to insist, and yawned sleepily, and struggled to climb back onto the bed and covered himself with the quilt, only revealing a pair of petite antlers.


Waking up every day to see this warm scene is the beginning of a good mood for Lu An.

Gently close the wooden door, suddenly there is a gray-white sword light galloping across the sky, like a meteor piercing the sky, and falling lightly near the wooden house in an instant.

The sword was buzzing, and Ming flicked the sword flower with one hand, seeing that Lu An was fully dressed, he could not help but nod slightly.

"The Zongmen Grand Ceremony is about to begin, and I will take you there."

"Okay!" Lu An didn't talk nonsense, and directly took Elder Ming's free ride to the mountain gate.

Along the way, Ming carefully told Lu An some matters, big and small, so that this kid would not make a joke under the eyes of thousands of disciples.

In a word, just listen to the arrangement and it's over, don't move unless you are told!

In other words, pretending to be dead and in a daze, he is too familiar with this!

"Don't worry, Elder Ming, we can't embarrass you!"

Lu An slapped his chest wildly to assure him, who in the world doesn't know that he, Lu, is synonymous with keeping himself safe?

If he behaved himself, he would be afraid!

"Be less talkative, don't show your timidity then."

After the final explanation, the two of them arrived at the host venue of the Zongmen Grand Ceremony, which is the Zongmen Square of Vientiane Fa Tianzong.

The square is huge and magnificent.

Although he is just a newcomer, but looking down from the sky, Lu An dares to assert that this Zongmen Square is absolutely no less than Tiananmen Square in Tianxuan.

The area is at least 500,000 square meters.

The fairy gate Tianque, the jade-level divine pillar, and the green tiles and vermilion scorpions are magnificent.

It's really a small knife butt, which opened Grandma Lu's eyes.

Ming and Lu An came not too early, and certainly not too late.

It's just that as soon as they arrived here, there were already dense crowds of Tianzong disciples standing below.

Standing in an array one by one, standing in their own positions in an orderly manner, very orderly.

Hundreds of law enforcement teams walked back and forth among them, greeted the newly arrived disciples to take their positions, and did their best to maintain order.

with them

With help, everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Although there were many people in the square, it didn't look chaotic and crowded. Everyone stood in line and waited quietly for the grand ceremony to start.

Under the maintenance of the law enforcement team, the outermost circle of the square is the outer disciples, and it is also the largest and most extensive group, not one of them.

Continuing to go inside, there is a group of inner disciples.

Sort by identity tokens, and so on, followed by elite disciples and core disciples.

These four groups occupy almost two-thirds of the area of ​​the Zongmen Square, and they are also the foundation of the entire Zongmen and the mainstay of the future.

As for the direct disciples, they follow their masters, that is, the elders.

"We have met the guardian elder!"

When Ming Yujian landed, it immediately attracted the attention of the twenty core disciples at the front. They all bowed respectfully and saluted, and immediately shifted their eyes to Lu An and Ilya who landed behind, with a flash of curiosity in their eyes.

Such a good-looking student, and how could he not have any cultivation base in his whole body?

Someone with a cheerful personality wanted to go over and have a chat, but then realized that the place was solemn and solemn, so he had no choice but to give up the idea.

However, they still kept their eyes open and kept Lu An's appearance in their hearts.


Ming slightly nodded in response, and immediately withdrew his sword and sent a voice transmission to Lu An: "They are the core disciples of our sect, fifty in total, taking the number of heavenly figures, in terms of status and personal succession, they are only inferior to a certain extent .”

Lu An nodded to express his understanding, and glanced sideways at these young and beautiful men and women, and found that their appearance more or less had the characteristics of the Dharma, and their temperaments were also different, which deviated from their own Dharma.

He nodded towards them and showed a friendly smile to show his friendliness, and he immediately got a lot of glances in return.

It is estimated that there are many reasons for the elders here. They dare not be too rash, and can only secretly express their emotions with small movements of their eyes.

The atmosphere is good, Elder Ming really didn't lie to me!

Seeing that they actually winked at him in response, Lu An was quite surprised.

Originally, according to what he thought, these core disciples were of noble status, and it is estimated that all of them were arrogant and arrogant, so arrogant that they would not even talk to him.

Unexpectedly, the result was quite different, and it was extremely friendly.

A little expressiveness will immediately get many responses.

"Oh, you're finally here. I've been waiting here for a long time!" Lin Qingsheng, who was looking forward to their arrival with a book in his hand, immediately ran over in three steps at a time when he saw them coming.

"Hello Elder Lin, I have really troubled you these three days."

Noticing him running over, Lu An took the initiative to say hello with a smile, and then noticed that there were no disciples following behind him, and couldn't help being curious.

It turned out that Elder Lin had confiscated his disciples.

"Don't do that! It's my honor to be able to teach Illya, so where's the trouble?"

Lin Qingsheng smiled lightly: "Ilya is talented and intelligent, and she knows everything. Being a teacher is the most comfortable thing. The only flaw is that she doesn't like to talk, which is a great pity!"

Speaking of this, Lin Qingsheng changed his elegant and easy-going smile, gritted his teeth and looked coldly: "When Tianzong returns to the ancestral star, I will lead the team to destroy that black butterfly!"

"You nerd, just go back a little bit, and use your three-legged cat kung fu to lead the team to kill the black butterfly, be careful of the gutter capsized!"

A disdainful sneer came from the side, at first glance it was Le Wuchen flying over with a smile on his face, followed by two men and women in green shirts.

He ignored Lin Qingsheng, hurriedly ran behind Lu An and looked at Ilya, and took out a few sweet pills full of dandelion from his pocket.

"Little Eliya, do you miss Grandpa Le? See what delicious food Grandpa Le brought you?"

He peeled off the sugar coating and gently stuffed it into Illya's mouth, his handsome face almost turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

"Is it delicious? This was made by Grandpa Le himself last night. There are still a lot here. Come and take it." Le Wuchen took out a small sachet, hung it on Yi Liya's little hand, and smashed it read:

"In the future, if you want to eat anything, come to Shenyao Peak to find Grandpa Le. Grandpa Le will make it for you himself, and even take you out to play! You can go anywhere you want!"

At this moment, Le Wuchen is like a human trafficker, knowing that the normal way can't take away Yi Liya, so he has all kinds of evil tricks in his heart, beating around the bush openly and secretly, with only one purpose.

Establish a good relationship so that Illya can be abducted in the future.

As long as it is effective, it is not in vain for him to sneak around the door of the Book Pavilion for three days in a row.

"Take the sugar pills, Grandpa Le will leave first, and I will come to you after the ceremony is over." Patted her on the head, before Lin Qingsheng could yell, Le Wuchen ran away quickly and handed it to her one

A disdainful look.

It's almost fine after finishing the set, even if it is hand-picked by the suzerain, so what? What can you nerd do to me?

Illya will grab it from you sooner or later!

Le Wuchen left, came and went in a hurry, his two stunned disciples also went back in a daze, leaving only a group of core disciples bursting with curiosity.

One of the thirty-six veins, Le Wuchen, the elder of Shenyao Peak, is no stranger to them, but it is the first time they have met a little girl with a shy face!

They wanted to find out the inside story of the military situation, but the sect ceremony was about to start, and they couldn't move around, they could only move their eyes back and forth.

While angrily scolding Le Wuchen for being disrespectful and watching him leave, Lin Qingsheng denounced his shameless behavior for a few minutes before saying goodbye to Lu An and Ming helplessly.

"You will stand here later, this is the position of Taoism."

Time passed by, and under the watchful eyes of thousands of disciples, Ming led Lu An up to the Heavenly Immortal Steps ahead, and then left on foot.

This is the seat of the Taoist disciple, and the topmost Xiantai is the place where the suzerain preaches.

Looking down from here, one can clearly see the millions of disciples in the dark, and even Xiang Yuan and the others can be seen waving at him among the crowd.

Countless gazes shot at him, even Lu An couldn't help but feel a tingling pain on his back.

Facts have proved that to be the case.

Even if no one told it, it was self-evident what it meant to bring Lu An to that special position under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The core disciples who greeted happily before were dumbfounded, and so were the direct disciples around the elders.

Millions of disciples were all dumbfounded by coincidence, and thousands of whispers sounded like a frying pan.

Also at this moment, three brilliant visions suddenly flew in the sky.

One demonizes the purple moon, the other sweeps the tide with radiant righteousness, and the other carries the mighty force of heaven, attracting the vision of evil stars and rushing for thousands of miles.

Three visions galloped from three directions, east, south, north, and turned into three streamers of light that suddenly landed on the ground, setting off billowing air waves that shook Lu An's white robe crazily.

The air wave dissipated, and the figures of two men and one woman were impressively revealed.

The man on the far left has a resolute face, firm eyes, extremely pale thin lips, and a wound on his cheek, leaving a conspicuous scar.

But it also adds a bit of fierceness, the resolute Huanghuang uprightness rushes towards his face, and the heavenly golden inscriptions circulating around him appear and disappear from time to time, completely showing the temperament of a decent boss.

Next to him was a young man in black armor with an indifferent expression, like a unparalleled general who took the head of an enemy general in a thousand armies, with long black hair fluttering in the wind, very bloody on the battlefield.

It is worth mentioning that his eyes are not very human, but are born with different pupils like Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, also known as heavy pupils!

It is one of the symbols of ancient saints.

The right pupil is as black as ink, and the left pupil is bright red almost dripping blood. It looks fierce, not like a good person.

"Eh? Is that Senior Sister Su?"

When Zhao Yaoyao saw the last girl with a light gauze, her eyes widened and she was a little dazed.

Wearing gold rings and black silk waterfalls on the feet, and those big white legs that are very eye-catching.

Although he didn't see his face, Zhao Yaoyao was sure that this person was Senior Sister Su who had gotten to know them these few days!

"Ah? Is Senior Sister Su a Taoist disciple?!"

Zhao Yaoyao reacted, covered her mouth immediately and let out a scream, with an exaggerated expression of being deceived.

She never expected, wow, there is actually a Taoist disciple sneaking in beside her without anyone noticing!

Everyone agreed to be good friends together, why did you sneak away to become a Taoist disciple?

Deliberately approaching them to inquire about the situation, this woman is so scheming!

Zhao Yaoyao has come to her senses, no wonder Senior Sister Su came to them whenever she had time in the past three days, like a curious baby who turned into a hundred thousand whys.

Co-authoring is talking about them!

"It's broken! Master Lu stands there alone, won't he be bullied?"

She reacted and immediately realized that the current situation seemed very bad.

Now it looks like three against two on that table, but it is actually three against one. Ilya's fighting power is basically negligible.

If these three veteran Taoists teamed up to bully others, judging from the current situation, wouldn't Lu An be dumb and eat coptis?

"That's not right. With Master Lu's personality, if he really dares to bully others, it doesn't matter who will suffer."

After thinking about it, Zhao Yaoyao muttered and felt relieved.

Mr. Lu is a ruthless man with thorns and anti-armour, and the anti-injury is very high. If you really want to touch it, it is not certain who will be stabbed all over.

Modify something, two updates tomorrow

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