"Small assistant? Assistant? Little assistant? You will die suddenly at night if you ride a horse!"

Called several times in a row without receiving a response, Lu An pretended to be calm on the surface, acting flattered, speaking clearly and fluently, and even showing a hint of doubt.

The neither humble nor overbearing attitude, and the superb micro-expression management can be called the Oscar-winning actor level, and people can't find any faults.

But the real situation is that he is smiling on the surface, but mmp in his heart, he is a paper tiger who is strong on the outside but does nothing on the inside.

After all the calculations, I never expected that a small act at the beginning would have such a huge impact.

Who would have thought that a small unintentional move could change the course of history and make this Yuezu of Myriad Beasts Mountain miss him for a lifetime.

What's even more outrageous is that she was caught by her.

This is obviously abnormal. According to the little assistant, what he intervened is obviously just a memory fragment, which is equivalent to the image of a projector, and it will not change in any way emotionally or rationally.

But now it seems that the truth is by no means as simple as he thought.

What you did back then may not affect the inherited memory, but the real past!

Due to the intervention of the little assistant, he unknowingly left a short-term trace in the past, which affects the present!

In other words, the supernatural memory he once entered is not a fragment, but the real past time.

Everything happened in reality, and it was presented in front of his eyes.

At this point, Lu An felt that his brain cells were vaguely overloaded, and he hurriedly suspended his philosophical thinking.

The concept of time and space, the water in it is very deep, and it contains all kinds of esoteric knowledge, such as the paradox of time and space, the closed loop of time and other advanced theories, which are not understood by a young man like him.

Why care so much about it, anyway, he only knows one thing, and the responsibility is all on the assistant!

Usually, the mountain is not dewy, but I didn't expect this to be so quiet, so I put it here to bury him a big thunder.

Keep saying what you promise will not have any impact.

In the end, let this be used to cheat, to attack him, an old man.

Don't talk about Wude!

"Senior Yuezu, this severed arm looks like some kind of ancient human-shaped beast. The kid has never seen it before, and I don't know it."

Lu An got up and ran the train full of nonsense, her face was not flushed and her heart was not beating, as if she really didn't know the severed arm.

At the same time, she chatted privately with Shen Li and the others in the chat group, telling them not to show their faces and attract Yuezu's attention.

Ninety-nine percent of the people present with this severed arm were unfamiliar, but Shen Li and the others were not among them.

These guys are too familiar with the sun and moon form of the spirit refining and forbidden method, and it was not uncommon before.

Showing up at this time will inevitably attract the attention of the big man.

However, Lu An didn't know that his little trick was useless in front of Yue Zu.

After years of tempering and seeing through all kinds of things in the world, Yuezu has seen countless people in his life, and he has never seen anything.

The orthodox lord who dominates one side, the lonely wolf hermit of Tianya, the benevolent emperor of the heyday, the cruel and inhuman overbearing tyrant, the common people on the street, the cunning businessman...

After seeing all kinds of creatures, he finally got sharp eyes.

Insight into people's hearts and clear eyes.

In her eyes, there is nowhere to hide any small movements, and she can see through people's hearts most intuitively.

Just like now, although what Lu An said is serious, in Yuezu's eyes, every word and deed of him is full of flaws, and everything he says is insincere.

All kinds of words are not from the heart.

This is a lie!

Seeing his demeanor, Yuezu immediately felt certain that Lu An definitely knew this aura and had a close relationship with it.

"Your lies are full of flaws."

Seeing her silent for a long time, Lu An thought he had successfully bluffed through the test, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but a cold voice suddenly came from his ears, like a cold moonlight shining into his heart, making his hairs stand on end, and his whole body shivering .

He moved his eyes and looked at Yuezu in a hurry, and found that her moon eyes were still there, and the pupils were full of silver light, and there was no wave from the beginning to the end.

Gu Jing's calm silver eyes made Lu An feel more and more heavy.

"If you don't want to say it, I won't force it."

At this critical moment of tension, Yuezu's attitude relaxed a little, which eased the atmosphere between the two of them a lot.

"However, your eyes say it all."

Yuezu didn't disturb other people, she looked at Lu An with cold moon eyes in the form of sound transmission into her ears: "You must know me."

"It's the first time the two of us have met, but you see me as if you're seeing the old story. This makes me very curious, and there must be a reason for it."

No matter how well Lu An hid it, he still couldn't hide it from Yuezu's eyes. All his emotions were conveyed through his eyes.

For the first time in history, Lu An felt numb and helpless.

I didn't do anything, but in Yuezu

In front of him, all his careful thoughts are fully exposed.

Those eyes are like mirrors looking at demons while riding a horse, and nothing can be hidden from her.

Lu An couldn't help being silent, and simply played hooliganism, and didn't want to try to make up for it and make excuses, and stared at Yuezu directly.

He didn't say anything, just looked at you quietly, and everyone would spend it if he had the ability.

It is absolutely impossible for Lu An to tell the truth of the matter. After all, it is too unbelievable to describe it as appalling.

Across the long river of time! From the future to affect the past, the consequences of saying this are very serious! He couldn't even imagine the scene!

This matter is not a joke, it has reached an unknown height, which is beyond what he can achieve now.

As far as ordinary people can imagine, the use of small assistants can be described as a supreme taboo. Since ancient times, who can do this?

Across the long river of time, setting off sporadic splashes in the upper reaches, this move is beyond cognition, and it is beyond Lu An's imagination.

Of course, no matter how capable he is, he can't change the fact that the assistant is a cjb in his heart.

"If you have something to do in the future, you can come to Wanshou Xianshan to find me."

Seeing that he was in distress, Yue Zu didn't force it any more, his eyes passed him, and looked at the dogs in the crowd who were poking their heads.

In the next moment, she moved lightly, passed Lu An and flashed in front of Xiao Ha, but she scared the cowardly dog ​​enough.

Greasy fur trembled and almost fell over.

"So it turns out that his essence and blood come from you."

Seeing the blood of Yuelang and Yaori Panhu in Xiaoha's body, Yuezu immediately understood the relationship, looked at Gouzi for a moment and nodded slightly.

Glossy fur, good health, apparently not badly treated.

It's just that the strength is a little weak, obviously too lazy on weekdays, and didn't work hard to practice. Biqu library

With the blood of the moon wolf clan, how can he be so lazy?

Yuezu thought for a moment, and immediately bowed his head to stare at Gouzi: "My single name is Yue, and I am your kin."


My own excrement shovel officer didn't dare to breathe in front of her, and the dog didn't dare to be too presumptuous, so he squatted on the ground honestly, raised his neck and greeted her.

No matter what, it has half the blood of the moon wolf, presumably this big brother of the same clan shouldn't make things difficult for it.

"You have the blood of the sun and the moon, and you are a superior talent. Seeing that your practice is not easy, and your memory of inheritance has never been opened, would you like to return to the fairy mountain with me to see the heavenly fortune?"

Yuezu looked soft and extended an invitation to Gouzi.

After finally meeting a fellow with such a pure bloodline, she really couldn't ignore it and let him waste her unique talent in vain.

Still young, still a good seedling to be guided.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of many orc disciples who belonged to Wanshou Xianshan immediately changed. They looked at Gouzi full of envy, jealousy and hatred. They looked left and right, not knowing where they lost.

How stupid does this guy look, how can I not look better than him? Why did Yuezu see the right thing?

Even if they are of the same race, this kind of treatment is not acceptable.


Hearing that the ancestor wanted to take him to the Myriad Beasts Mountain, Gouzi's ears pricked up, and without thinking about it, he quickly shook his head.

What an international joke, if it is sick, go to the Immortal Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts with a hammer, so why not do nothing when it is idle.

How nourishing my life is now, three meals a day are served by a shit-shoveling officer, and when I am bored at night, I have duck legs supper.

From time to time, I can go out for a walk, hang a wooden sign around my neck, no one dares to mess with it, and Wanxiangfa Tianzong walks sideways.

It has such a nourishing life, but it ran to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain to find hardship?

Don't you see that it doesn't even bother to learn human language?

Cerebral thrombosis will not be able to do this in ten years.

Think it Lu Xiaoha is stupid, right? !

"You are very talented, it's a pity to let it go to waste."


No matter what she said, Gouzi is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and will not go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain to practice if he is killed.

Without a shit-shoveling officer, who will be responsible for its food? Who can I turn to for reasoning?

Not only did the Beast disciples from Myriad Beasts Immortal Mountain want to beat it, but even the brothers and sisters next to it were somewhat speechless.

Who is Yue Patriarch, one of the Beast Patriarchs of Myriad Beast Immortal Mountain is an existence standing at the top of Tianzong.

They personally put down their posture and invite you to practice in the mountains. Why is the dog's head shaking like a rattle?

This kind of precious god-sent opportunity, even if others want to fight, they have no place to fight for it.

"Insist on this, and I won't force you." Seeing Gouzi refused, Yuezu sighed softly, stretched out his hand and tapped its brows, and a dazzling moonlight bloomed.

"I will help you open up your inheritance memory, remember to practice well, and don't waste your talent."

As the saying goes, Taoists have their own aspirations, and so do spirit beasts. Since this fellow is unwilling to follow, she doesn't want to force it either.

Anyway, come to Japan

Long, there will be opportunities in the future.

After finishing everything, she simply turned around and left, apologized to Gu Yunzi and the others, and then silently took the opportunity to approach Ming to find out about Lu An's news from her.

Since she doesn't want to say more, she can also tap on the side and look elsewhere for answers.

Many previous signs have shown that Lu An is definitely closely related to the broken arm in the past.

But if it's me, I can't match the number in terms of age.

It has been a long time since the battle of the ancient sword sect, but Lu An's bone age was extremely young, and he was estimated to have not yet been born at the time, so how could he commit a secret attack.

After hearing Lu An's information, Yue Zu became more sure of his guess.

The two existed in different eras, so how could they be me.

But in this case, new problems were born.

Why did they have the same aura, and why did Lu An look at her like an acquaintance.

The two unknown mysteries have been lingering in Yuezu's mind for a long time. In her spare time, she locked Lu An tightly with her spiritual sense and decided to pay attention to one or two.

On the other hand, Lu An, who escaped by chance, exclaimed in his heart that he was lucky. In front of Yue Zu, a human-shaped lie detector, he really had no way to do it.

If he kept asking, he would have to call the little assistant to wipe his ass.

After saying hello to Motian and the others, Lu An came to Gouzi in two or three steps, knelt down on the ground and tapped its forehead, with an angry expression on his face: "Senior Yuezu just wanted to teach you how to practice, why didn't you agree? "

Ask yourself, although Yue Zu put too much pressure on him, Lu An still has a good impression of him.

For nothing else, supernatural power memory occupies a large part.

From a certain point of view, Yuezu is his first teacher.

It was the first time for him to truly see what life is like worthless, destroying millions of lives with a wave of his hand, so contemptible that it is not worth mentioning.

Such an extremely powerful man wanted to teach his own dog himself, how could such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity be missed.


Suddenly there are many strange things in the brain, and the dog feels his head is swollen, but it does not prevent it from answering the question.

Knowing that this guy was reluctant to part with its food, Lu An's old face turned black, and he rubbed it hard from head to tail with his hands, almost balding his scalp.

For the next period of time, fortunately, nothing happened. The five heavenly sects seemed to use the surrounding areas as their strongholds and were laying out their formations.

The armies of the five parties landed on the ice sheet in the form of five corners. With the completion of the various projects, Ming also summoned Lu An and announced that they could lead the team to explore freely.

"If your life is in danger, you can activate the Starfall Imprint to return. We will stay here for about three days, so we must seize the opportunity."


Seeing their confidence, Ming nodded in satisfaction, pondered for half a second and then added: "Remember the Patriarch's teaching, don't lose to others."

Without her pointing it out, everyone knew who the "other" she was referring to, they nodded tacitly, then took their leave and turned to leave.

"Separately or together?"

Watching groups of disciples leave, Su Jiuqing looked at Lu An and the others.

Different from many disciples with heavy responsibilities, they travel freely and can explore life outside the territory, collect resources, and do whatever they want.

"Now that the cultivation has not been restored, it's better to be safe, let's go together."

As the chief elder brother, Mo Tian is also the person in charge in the Taoist biography, so no one objects to his decision.

The four reached a consensus, and Lu An rushed back to the station immediately, and went to capture Xiang Yuan and other strong men to join the army.


"Hoo... hoo..."

In the cold and strange ice forest, two emerald green figures were speeding through, surrounded by weird plants of strange shapes.

Heavy panting accompanied by white mist, even though the physical strength is about to reach the limit, but the two emerald green figures still dare not stop, as if there is something terrible chasing them behind.

The hasty running and panting added a bone-deep chill and horror to this eerie and peaceful ice forest.


One of the emerald green figures accidentally stepped on the air and fell, rolling crazily on the ground due to inertia. The extremely hard ice and iron gravel scraped across the skin, making it unable to help moaning in pain.

The voice is as crisp as a lark, and the strange clothes made of emerald green leaves are like light leather armor. There is a large light green cloak covering the whole body, and the leaf-shaped stripes drawn on it seem to be able to block the erosion of cold air.

But for some unknown reason, it seemed that he had experienced some kind of fierce battle, which caused the thin cloak to be damaged in many places, making it look horrible.

There is a sense of sight of war damage.

Inadvertently rolled over, revealing a pair of long and narrow pointed ears that were purple with cold and bloodless from the light green hood.

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