"This is the resource star area?!"

As soon as her feet stepped into the new world, Samisha looked around excitedly, stretched her arms and stretched her waist, and stretched comfortably.

Because of the imprint of the falling star, she couldn't feel the gravitational influence of this planet, just like on the blue star.

The oxygen needed for breathing is also automatically transformed by the aura absorbed by the falling star mark, adapting to everything in all directions.

Of course, in their current state, they don't need to breathe at all, but they just live on the blue star all year round, and they won't be able to change their habits for a while.

Just like Lu An, as long as he wants to, it doesn't matter whether he has oxygen or not, whether he can breathe or not.

The level of life has long since left the realm of needing oxygen for survival.

"It looks very strange, much better than the ice and snow planet a few days ago."

Stretching her body and moving her muscles and bones, Samisha exerted a little strength on her feet, and easily crushed the gravel into powder, just like pressing tofu.

She likes the environment here very much, it is much better than the extreme cold and snowy planet.

And looking at the surrounding environment, these plants are all over the earth like plants, and they have a sense of vitality and primitiveness.

"Sasha, would you like to try to remove the adaptive effect of the Starfall Mark? You can truly experience the feeling of being on an alien planet."

Gu Mengmeng strolled to her side with her hands behind her back, a slight smirk appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Looking at this posture, it was obvious that he wanted to trick her.

"Is it possible, the Mark of Falling Star still has this function?"

Samisha was taken aback when she heard the words, and then eagerly asked Gu Mengmeng to teach her how to undo it.

Since it was the second time to use this mark, she didn't even know that she could cancel the adaptive effect.

With her own consent, Gu Mengmeng taught her to sense the falling star imprint, and turned off the self-adaptive function along with that thread.

Seeing the imprinted golden glow between Samisha's eyebrows flashing, it seemed that some kind of power had been shut down, her whole expression changed suddenly, she hurriedly held her breath, and opened her mouth to make a faint mosquito sound.

Even standing next to her, it was barely audible.

It was subtler than the buzzing of a mosquito's wings.

Fortunately, Samisha was just caught off guard, but she regained her composure after she reacted. She jumped up to a height of more than ten meters, and landed like a feather dangling, creating a circle of dust on the ground.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she made another jump with accumulated strength, this time she burst out of the hidden strength at the bottom, her body was like a rocket launched into the sky, and she rushed to a height of more than 300 meters in a whist.

Leaping into the sky, Samisha took advantage of this opportunity and looked down at the surrounding environment, especially the area where they were.

The surface of this planet is like the original Lin Ye of the Blue Star, full of strange "plants" that glow in blue.

The body size varies, the shortest looks like a king flower, and the tallest looks like a round giant umbrella, as high as 100 meters.

The blue branches hang down quietly on it, and the overall environment is very quiet.

Quiet and quiet.

The side reveals a different kind of peace.

Their void island is located within the range of the secluded forest, overlooking the past like a giant island of Lin Hai.

The huge void island suddenly fell from the sky, presumably because many Youlan plants were brutally suppressed, and unfortunately Chiyu was affected.

Re-opening the adaptive effect of the Falling Star Imprint, Samisha turned into a meteor and crashed to the ground, shaking the surrounding dust away.

"How do you feel?" Gu Mengmeng giggled, feeling like she had succeeded in a prank.

"It's okay, the environment here is really different from that of Blue Star."

"The gravitational force is much smaller than that of Blue Star, and the environment is almost a vacuum, making almost no sound."

She was caught off guard just now, but Samisha thought the experience was not bad, so she let it go with a smile.

She has experienced the alien ecology once, and she will not experience it a second time unless it is necessary.

The current state is still good, she is more used to the gravity of the blue star.

"Stop playing, both of you, hurry up and pick up the entrustment, and then you can mess around as you please."

However, at this moment, Lu An's voice sounded from a distance, making Samisha startled slightly, and hurriedly looked around.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that the people who were here just now had left at some point, and were looking through the mission entrustment at the temporary residence of Jugong Pavilion.

"When did you run away! Why didn't you wait for us."

Seeing this, Samisha didn't care about the experience, she grabbed Gu Mengmeng and ran over together, squeezed in and looked through the mission entrustment together.

Most of the missions given by Jugong Pavilion are related to resource exploration, and most of them are sect missions, which are open to all disciples and can be accepted by individuals.

It doesn't affect other people after receiving it, and there is no repetition limit.

A small part is some specific resources. The Jugong Pavilion gives the item projection, and the real samples need to go out to find them. If you find them and hand them over to the Jugong Pavilion, you can get a lot of money.

Contribution points, pills, spiritual weapons...

I don't know why they are so sure that there are real samples on this planet.

Lu An guessed that nine out of ten were based on deduction and divination.

This method is too foolish, and it is not impossible to know the whereabouts of the required items in advance.

Looks like a pretty good value.

Lu An's eyes wandered among the many phantoms, and suddenly his eyes changed slightly, locking on to one of the purple phantoms.

This thing is shaped like a manjusawa, which is commonly known as the other shore flower.

It's just that its petals are purple, with seven leaves, and the stamens are even more colorful, and the whole is like a jade stone carving.

It looks like a flower, but in fact it doesn't look like a plant, but like a finely crafted work of art.

"Seven-coloured Illusory Moon, Yuan Ling's sixth-grade earth treasure, the essence of flower pistil can break through the realm, ignore the bottleneck of shackles, and act on the realm below the flawless realm."

"The petals are highly poisonous, and can be used to control Life and Death Bian'an Pill, Delusion Miexin San, Seven Desires Broken Heart Fragrance..."

"The roots and leaves contain the mysterious wonders of heaven and earth. They can be used to refine the body, and they can also repair the roots and wounds of raw flesh and bones. It is suitable for disciples below the Wuleu state."

Lu Anxu squinted his eyes, and took all the information of the phantom into his eyes without saying a word, and there was a trace of fire in his eyes.

This thing is good, it just suits him!

The sixth grade of Yuanling, in other words, a high-end existence above nine stars.

His Lie Yuankui is a skill of this level, which is already beyond the nine-star skill.

Above the Yuanling level, there are also the three spirit levels of heaven, earth and man.

Human spirit, earth spirit, heaven spirit.

As for the grade, this is the first time Lu An knows about it.

In the past, he only knew a rough classification, but he didn't pay attention to these detailed divisions.

It may also be set by the sect itself.

Anyway, he had never heard of any grade before.

The Yuanling level is the Yuanling level, there is no distinction between high and low.

The same is true for those star-rated items below. There is no grade, at most they are low, middle and high-level.

But these are not the key points, the key point is the function of the Colorful Illusory Birth Moon itself! This is the most important thing!

Putting aside the grades, Lu An's eyes locked on those few lines.

The breakthrough of the stamen essence suit ignores the shackles and bottlenecks, and is limited to below the non-leakage realm.

That is to say, it can take effect even below the king level.

Now he is not far from the peak of supernatural powers. If he can catch this thing and swallow its stamens, wouldn't it be necessary for him to rack his brains to condense the palace of life?

This thing can do it automatically.

Thinking of this, Lu An decisively asked the little assistant in his heart, and got the answer soon.

The little assistant said yes.

Prove that his conjecture is correct! This thing called the Seven-Color Huanshengyue can be applied to their martial arts!

"Good stuff..."

Lu An stroked his chin, remembering its appearance in his heart, and decided to look for it when he went out. If he came across it, he must not miss it.

This is equivalent to the magical candy in Pokémon. If you eat any of them, you can break through and upgrade.

Helped him a lot.

"This place is a bit like the commission hall of the Mercenary Association."

Standing with Hiernarius and other elves, Royna couldn't understand the meaning of the ghost image, but it was not difficult to see from the expressions of the surrounding humans and the operation mode here that it was a place to receive entrusted tasks.

It is very similar to the various associations in their elf sanctuary, among which is the Mercenary Association.

And there are many things she knows in the many phantoms above.

Among them are even expensive items of the morning star.

Morning star, items of this level are synonymous with treasure in the elf sanctuary.

If you take it to auction, you can sell a lot of gold coins.

Is this planet so valuable? This group of human beings is really not simple.

Royna thought to herself, the trembling black and brown cat ears were particularly eye-catching.

It's not that they have never been to this resource star area, but this is the first time they have seen this planet.

"That... Yaoyao, is this the Adventurer's Association?"

Although they couldn't understand what they said, the elves like Hiernarius could roughly understand what was going on, so they couldn't help but gently grabbed the corner of Zhao Yaoyao's clothes and asked in a low voice.

"What adventurer's association?" Zhao Yaoyao was flipping through the Zongmen's missions. She was taken aback when she heard her words, and then reacted with a strange smile: "Oh~ I understand! This is the Jugong Pavilion, not yours. The Adventurer's Association."

"But the nature is roughly the same. It is a good place to issue mission entrustments to Zongmen disciples to make money!"

Well, the Adventurer's Association, Zhao Yaoyao is no stranger to the word, she has seen it in Western Fantasy games a lot.

What kind of pubs, restaurants, more formal receptions, etc., she has never seen anything.

It's where the npc sends the question mark.

"You can treat it as the Adventurer's Association for accepting mission release commissions, no problem."

After Zhao Yaoyao finished speaking, she simply collected all the tasks that could be accepted.

Anyway, there is no penalty for failure. If you receive it, you earn it. If you can complete the natural blood earning, it doesn't matter if you can't complete it, and you won't lose a piece of meat.

"Sure enough, I wonder if we can accept it?"

Hearing Zhao Yaoyao's explanation, Royena's cat ears moved slightly, her eyes were novel and fiery.

As a mercenary adventure group, they usually rely on accepting various commissions to eat, and they are too familiar with this.

To put it bluntly, all of them are veterans of veterans.

It's a pity that the entrustment overturned the cart this time, and they didn't know which unlucky guy was causing the trouble. They encountered bumps and bumps along the way, and all kinds of bad things happened to them.

As a result, the singer number is gone now, and I can't even go back to the elf sanctuary.

"You don't have a disciple token, even if you accept it, you can't get contribution points."

"It's okay! We don't need contribution points, just exchange for some supplies!"

Royna's gaze turned to the part that seemed to be a reward. There were many things in it that she had never seen before, and it was probably a specialty of this ancient power.

As the head of the group, Royna is very active and can see the business opportunities inside at a glance.

These are rare in the Elven Sanctuary, and they are all unique and rare!

Get a little for each item, and if you can return to the elven sanctuary smoothly, you can definitely make a lot of money by reselling it!

Even if the actual quality is not high, it is rare and unique.

Pack it up, and you won't be able to fool those big fools who claim to be appraisers! Let them bleed!

Thinking of this, Royna seemed to see clattering gold coins beckoning to them.

"It might work......"

Zhao Yaoyao was not very sure, so she ran over and caught a deacon of Jugong Pavilion to try to consult.

Originally, the deacon wanted to leave this matter to his disciples because he was busy with his affairs, but when he saw Lu An behind Zhao Yaoyao, he immediately showed a bright smile and asked him what was the matter enthusiastically.

Hearing that it was a visitor from outside the territory who wanted to accept the entrustment, the deacon was a little uncertain, but he didn't keep everyone waiting, and informed the elder in charge through the summoning magic weapon.

About a minute later, he came to announce the good news.

If you can pick it up, you can pick it up, but as Zhao Yaoyao said, without a disciple token, you can only replace it with other things.

As soon as these words came out, a group of young elves who hadn't graduated were overjoyed.

In this way, not only will they have their academic papers, but they can also experience the life of a mercenary!

The excited look made Lu An speechless, and sighed that the scar was healed and forgot the pain.

It seems that the lesson from the ice and snow planet is not enough, and a severe beating from the big universe is needed.

After entrusting all the tasks that can be accepted, everyone stepped out of the void island together, full of energy, ready to make a fortune.

Actually, they were not too worried about whether there was any harvest, because with Lu Humanoid Treasure Hunter Anzai, harvesting was not a problem at all.

With a sniff of the dog's nose, as long as the planet is not too poor and shabby, the resources are completely within reach.

However, just as everyone was about to leave, Lu Anque sent them a bad news.

"I won't act together with you guys. I'm almost at the peak of my supernatural powers now, and I'm just one step away from entering the Palace of Fate. I just take this opportunity to see if I can seek a breakthrough."

"Fuck! Fate Palace!" Xiang Yuan was shocked when he heard the words: "It's outrageous, I haven't even entered the supernatural powers, and you are going to the Fate Palace here? Why are you practicing so fast, not waiting for brother?"

Lu An's speed was outrageous, shocking many people.

They still remember that not long ago, Lu An was still in the five realms of supernatural powers, and it's only been a few days.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry, in my opinion, as long as you can condense the robbery patterns in the Tibetan realm, then your cultivation base should be able to break through several realms in a row. I am a good example. Once you enter the supernatural power, you will go straight Five realms."

Lu An waved his hand calmly. His foundation has been compressed into a diamond. It was just a lack of energy before, but now it is just a normal situation.

The energy is in place and the realm is dry and broken.

"Master Lu, my little girl has a problem. Your old man has left, so who will take us to explore the treasure?"

Knowing that Lu An had serious business to do, Zhao Yaoyao didn't object even though she was reluctant, and just raised her hand worriedly to ask questions.

When it comes to treasure hunting, she, Zhao, only looks for the signboard of the Lu family.

"Look at the group chat, it's marked on the map for you, and you can find it yourself when the time comes."

Mr. Lu did not disappoint everyone. Long before he laid down his burden, he synchronized the auxiliary radar to the group chat map, and various resources were clearly visible.

Although he can't share the adventure with everyone because the breakthrough is imminent, his heart and legacy are with the big guys.

"Take it, this is my last ripple."

Huadianyuan can enable the assistant to synchronize the group chat map in real time. Lu An sighed deeply, then picked a pleasing direction and left with his hands behind his back.

The view of Xiao Se from the back makes people want to compose a poem.

The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone.

If he fails to succeed, he will be benevolent. He must break the membrane of this life and palace, and Jesus will not be able to stop him from coming, he said someone in Lu.

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