Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1137 Congenital Return To The Original Body Without Leaks

This is exactly the case with Lu An's current situation. Even though the giant blood-red tree is huge, it has never produced half a flower of supernatural power, let alone the shadow of the cohesive fruit.

Looking at the whole picture, the blood-red giant tree is full of branches and leaves, and the whole body spews out blazing energy and blood to transpire and burn, just like a flaming tree born from scorching lava, releasing infinite heat to the utmost.

This is the specificity of the supernatural powers. Depending on the monk's own strength, the supernatural power tree will change in ever-changing ways.

For example, if a sword cultivator enters the realm of supernatural powers, the "sapling" derived from Jiuzang will be shaped like a sword's edge, spewing out wind and sword energy all the time.

If it is combined with Xuanyi to blossom and bear fruit, then nine times out of ten it will evolve into a swordsmanship supernatural power.

Everything is condensed according to the monk's own will and comprehension of mystery, which is very mysterious.

Closer to home, the picture returns to the interior scene.

The blood-red giant tree has lush branches and leaves, looks extremely healthy, and has no symptoms of malnutrition.

But that's all. The branches, buds, crowns and leaves are luxuriant and new, but there are leaves but no flowers, and there are branches but no fruits.

Such an unbelievable anomaly is just one of them.

The second is the vigorous clouds that cling to various parts of the blood-red giant tree.

There are traces of them all over the roots, trunks, crowns, and even fresh branches and leaves of the blood-red giant tree.

Vigorous clouds and white looming in the blazing qi and blood, making the burning giant tree show a trace of sacredness, and overflowing with a little bit of the vicissitudes of the sky.

It is riddled with sky marks, this is what makes it most different from ordinary people.

Looking at ancient and modern China and foreign countries, perhaps this is the only one!

The misty stars dominate the universe, and the blood-red giant tree is located in it to guard one side. All the signs show that the two are extraordinary.

The vast sky stands proudly in the sky, like the supreme ruler who has existed since ancient times, above all things and even the way of heaven.

Showing the supreme will of the only one.

Someone who is in a deep sleep at this moment does not know that while the internal scene of his world is changing, the outside world is also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Vientiane Cave.

Winds and clouds were surging above the valley, and a supreme power of antiquity descended brilliantly. The sky was extremely oppressive and heavy, making the air almost frozen and stagnant.

Under it, everything is ruthlessly suppressed, nothing can be avoided, and no one is spared.

"My lord..."

The majestic power above heaven and earth permeated every corner of the valley. Even the white deer, who was in the realm of the shrine, felt a burst of difficulty in breathing. His body seemed to be filled with lead, and it was difficult for him to move, and it was difficult for him to straighten his back.

It feels like it is facing some kind of supreme existence that is waking up. This kind of suffocation is unprecedented, as if the heart and soul are grasped by unknown giant hands, and life and death are involuntary.

Unable to bear this supreme power that suppressed everything, Bailu directly chose to return to his original form, turning into the white deer body from a little lolita, lying on the ground to tenaciously resist this painful and uncomfortable Cangwei.

However, beside it, Gouzi had long since given up all resistance, slumped on the ground and lay dead on the ground. Whatever changes in the sky, if it howls, it will be considered a loser.

Looking down from the side, Lu An in the valley was covered with pale clouds. They danced crazily and gradually turned into a faint sky star to wrap Lu An. Cocoon of butterflies.

Just looking at the ever-changing simple textures on the dim sky star, Bai Lu felt his eyes a little sore, and couldn't help but glistening tears.

"Aww!" (The shit shoveler is alive!)

In a trance, the two of them seemed to hear the beating of a certain heart, the sound was very illusory, like the unique melodious sound of water drops falling into a secluded pool.

In the vast sky, Lu An's already dead body began to rejuvenate, starting from the heart, and all the functions of the body started to work again.

Under the wrapping of the supreme rhythm, the resuscitated heart gradually changed, and the inexhaustible pale robbery pattern turned from nothing to reality, either clinging to the outside of the heart, or drilling into it for some unknown and mysterious transformation.

At first glance, the heart at this moment is completely covered with white light, like a miniature version of the Celestial body.

If you really want to talk about the difference, it's that the shape doesn't quite fit.

Every time it beats, it will feed back the dense breath to the limbs and bones, completely make up for some of the deficiencies that existed in the past, and evolve towards a more perfect direction.

Everything is changing, the most obvious change is that his black hair, which was originally neatly combed, has grown violently again, and can wrap the whole person into rice dumplings like a black hedgehog.

I don't know how long it has passed, but his heartbeat has become more and more healthy, and has returned to the level of a normal person.

Finally, as his eyes opened instantly, a white light suddenly appeared in the void, and his eyes were covered with dense clouds.

Yang, as if the supreme being dominating the world suddenly awakened.

In an instant, the terrifying power in the valley subsided like a storm, and the thick heavenly power covering the top of everything no longer existed, as if it had never appeared before.

Having just returned from death and silence, Lu An's eyes were still a little confused, and he didn't understand his current situation.

But with the sound of "Master Shengzun" who was extremely surprised and mixed with tears, it immediately brought his still-unclear consciousness back to reality.

With a "bang", a small figure swooped down from the valley and crashed into his arms, it was either a white deer or someone else.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Lu An subconsciously put on the Xuanlin robe, otherwise, with the chilly posture just now, it would be embarrassing to be hugged by Bailu.

"You finally woke up, my lord, I thought you wouldn't be able to wake up." Bailu Lihua hugged Lu An's thigh in the rain and rubbed wildly, making someone's old face darken.

Why can't I wake up? Will you speak?

What about cursing him?

Since Bai Lu had just come into contact with human society not long ago, Lu An exempted her from the sin of speaking rudely, but secretly made a decision in her heart that she must teach her the art of language when she has time.

"How long has it been since I died suddenly?"

Seeing her pear blossoms with rain but relieved, Lu An couldn't help feeling soft, and lifted the white deer to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes with his fingers.

"Well, the departure was yesterday, and today is... the next day!" Bailu spread his fingers and calculated, and then gave an accurate answer.

"It's only been a day?!" Lu An was a little surprised when he heard that, he thought at least five or six days had passed.

Unexpectedly, it was only yesterday morning before his sudden death.

Is it a matter of time flow? still......

Lu An thought about it for a moment, and felt that there should be something wrong with his sense of timing.

The disturbance of endless darkness and the swarming of various catastrophes caused his sense of time to deviate.

This effect is inevitable, even if he simulates it every time.

But from this point of view, his efficiency is still quite fast.

Lu An was overjoyed in his heart, and then looked at the dog sniffing around his legs, and picked it up and held it in his arms: "Why are you two alone, what about the little fish?"

Looking up and looking around in a large circle, there is nothing but the two in my hand, not even a person.

"It seems that because they went to the place, they went out yesterday, my lord."

Bai Lu opened his two big eyes and added: "I came back several times before, but seeing that you didn't wake up, I left."

"Is that so, that means you two stayed here specially to wait for me? It's really hard work for you." Realizing this, Lu An couldn't help but rubbed her and Gouzi's heads emotionally.

As expected of his follower who came out from the Holy City of Haiyuan, they are really inseparable.

"Master Shengzun." At this moment, Bailu suddenly called out softly, hesitatingly looked at him with small eyes for a moment, his small face was full of curiosity: "Master Shengzun, you have broken through the tenth Tibetan realm. "

For some reason, Bailu always felt that something had changed in Lu An, but he couldn't tell.

But what is certain is that there is definitely a difference from before, at least she feels that the aura of Lord Shengzun has become closer than before.

There is an indescribable charm, very...pure?

Bailu pondered for a long time, not knowing whether to use pure or pure to describe it. He was annoyed that he hadn't studied human language well with Ilya in the past few days, so he couldn't even think of an adjective.

"Ah yes! I saw that you were almost negligent."

After being reminded by her, Lu An just remembered that he had just been reborn and woke up, and he hadn't checked his own changes carefully yet.

"Wait for a while, I'll take a look."

Although he didn't pay much attention, Lu An can still feel that he has changed a lot now.

Whether it's cultivation base or physical strength, there has almost been an earth-shaking change.

Putting the two little guys on the ground, Lu An sat casually on the ground, closed his eyes and began to look inside himself.

In the end, within three seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed: "Damn it! Five realms of supernatural powers!"

"what? What?"

This incredible exclamation full of shock scared Bailu and Gouzi.

"Master Shengzun, have you broken through to the five realms of supernatural powers?!"

Bailu looked up and down in disbelief. She remembered that before the sudden death of Lord Shengzun yesterday, he must have been at the peak of the Tibetan realm!

With this in mind, she opened her fingers again: "The peak of Tibet, the first level of supernatural powers, the second level..."

"Ah! Your Majesty has been broken in a day.

Six realms? ! "

Bailu's eyes widened, filled with disbelief.

Breaking through six realms in one day is too shocking to hear!

The pinnacle of Tibet, the tenth Tibetan realm, and the realm of supernatural powers.

There is a taboo field and a great realm that no one has entered through the ages! It's not the basic small realm of Naling Realm!

As expected of His Excellency, Shengzi is invincible.

Bailu had never heard of this kind of thing, but he felt relieved when he thought it was Lord Shengzun.

How can a sage who can be recognized by the five sage kings be an ordinary person!

Lu An didn't know that Bai Lu's little head had thought so much in just a few seconds, and he was also dumbfounded now, not knowing what was going on.

Recalling one or two shortly, he only remembered that after he crushed himself to death, his consciousness seemed to return to his mother's womb, and he fell into silence involuntarily.

He vaguely remembered that he felt a sense of profound energy enveloping him, like the selfless feedback from heaven and earth after going through thousands of calamities.

Very warm, very large, unknown source, unknown origin.

Maybe it's because of this?

Apart from that, Lu An couldn't think of other factors anymore, after all, breaking through the six realms in one day is too bizarre and inhuman.

If you say it, you will definitely be taken away and sliced ​​for research.

Putting this situation behind him, Lu An turned his head and set his sights on his only body star.

All the stars in the nine tizang are broken and merged into the tenth tizang, and the nine tibetans are unified into today's sky stars, which are supreme in the universe and rule all things.

"Is this the last robbery pattern... Cang Gu is the only one."

Staring at its dazzling supreme posture, Lu An's eyes shone brightly.

That's right, this final robbery pattern is called Cang Gu Duzun, and it is his own robbery pattern.

Because of his birth, because of his existence, because of his appearance!

During the time when his consciousness fell into silence, he also had a clear understanding of the Canggu Sovereign Tribulation Pattern.

Others may not believe it, but before his arrival, this robbery pattern did not exist from the very beginning.

In other words, there are only five robbery patterns in the tenth body from the beginning to the end!

Breaking through kalpas and crossing the mind, not destroying emptiness, greedy wolves devouring the sky, the big sun and cloud wheel, turning the wheel of yin and yang.

Since the very beginning, there have only been these five robbery patterns, and there is no sixth kind of robbery pattern!

And the Canggu Sovereign Tribulation Pattern never existed!

It was he who went all the way to the end of the Tibetan realm, which gave birth to a ray of invisible concepts.

From non-existence to a vague concept, he sensed his martial arts will after passing through the heavenly tribulation, and gradually evolved into a prototype.

Finally, after going through the tribulation of terrain, sentient beings, and ego, the body is completely solidified, and thus the concept of the never-before-appeared tribulation pattern was born.

This tribulation pattern was born by relying on his will, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is exclusive.

If it were someone else, maybe this robbery pattern would be another scene.

"This is my tenth body store?"

Lu An's expression was strange. He naturally saw the blood-red giant tree in the vast sky, and also saw the ancient and unique tribulation pattern wrapped around the tree.

He had heard about the situation of the supernatural power realm, but he dared to pat his chest to assure that there must be no one with such a unique supernatural power tree like himself.

Now it seems that the robbery pattern in the Tibetan realm does not only affect the physical Tibetan realm, it also affects the supernatural power realm!

What's more, there is no fruit on his tree of supernatural powers, which definitely has something to do with the Canggu Sovereign Tribulation Pattern!

Lu An felt it quietly, and he could clearly perceive that there was an inexplicable and wonderful Dao rhyme in him, which could also be called "martial arts".

From the avenue to the simplicity, everything goes down.

It does not have those weird and fancy abilities, only the most simple and clear two words.


I say Ling Tian, ​​everything is town.

Therefore, his tree of supernatural powers will not blossom and bear fruit, and will not condense the fruit of natal skills.

But after the tree of supernatural powers is combined with the Canggu Sovereign Tribulation Pattern, if he is willing, every blow can be compared to the supernatural powers of his own life.

This is the influence brought by the Canggu Sovereign Tribulation Pattern, the most concise dao rhyme, and the simplest and most brutal attacking effect.

At present, Lu An can explore so much, because he has never heard of the field of Jiewen, and he has completely touched the blind spot of knowledge, and can only briefly explore these rough and superficial effects.

He was also at a loss as to the changes in his body and heart.

It seems to make up for some omissions, from a balloon with holes to perfect, to a perfect state.

[Don’t even think about the host, after Ten Zang is consummated, your body has completely transformed and evolved from a mortal body, and you will return to your innate nature after the day after tomorrow, and you will become a body with no omissions from the innate return to the original, which is the most perfect life form. 】

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