Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1192 A Little Hidden Beforehand

Yue Zu.

The long skirt of the Moon White House dress is like the incarnation of the bright moon, and the slender waist is fastened with a light blue ribbon, showing a concave and convex figure, which is quite charming.

With beautiful eyes like autumn water and rippling brilliance, she is a peerless beauty with bright eyes and white teeth.

It's a pity that her brows have a bit of coldness, like a cold and bright moon that can't be reached, adding a sense of distance that strangers should not get close to.

Even among the disciples behind her, few spirit beasts dared to look directly at her, as if taking a serious look would be an unforgivable blasphemy.

It is not uncommon for such a magnificent beast ancestor to be astonishingly talented and glamorous in the eyes of others. Biqu library

As long as she is around, all kinds of eyes will appear around her.

Admiration, respect, adoration, fanaticism, admiration...

This kind of situation is really normal, don't you see that there are many disciples of the five sects, and at this moment, many people are quietly looking at it secretly?

But Motian and Su Jiuqing didn't think so. They didn't think that Lu An was just amazed by Yuezu's face, but implied other emotions.

It was a kind of extreme astonishment, as if witnessing something that should not exist appeared in front of his eyes.

This is obviously not normal!

Why is Junior Brother Lu so frightened when he sees Yuezu? Had he seen her before?

Mo Tian and Su Jiuqing looked at each other, and decisively crushed this idea.

It is simply nonsense. It is absolutely impossible for the two to meet each other, after all, the times are far apart.

Yue Zu lived in the same era as them, and Junior Brother Lu was born today, how could the two know each other.

If it is said to have been seen from the inheritance of ancient sites, it is also unlikely.

According to their understanding, Yuezu's life was extremely low-key, even if he joined the Myriad Beasts Mountain, he never left behind a lineage.

If I really have to say...

Mo Tian still remembered that when Yue Zu joined the Myriad Beasts Mountain, he was not alone, but an apprentice followed him and entered the mountain with her.

If we talk about inheritance, maybe it's just that disciple, but unfortunately Yuezu himself usually shows his face, and her disciples are the same, keeping a low profile to the extreme.

How could such a beast ancestor leave inheritance at will?

But that being the case, why did Lu An show such an expression?

"Junior Brother Lu, have you ever had something on your mind?"

Seeing Lu An staring at Yuezu without blinking, Fertian was afraid that he would attract attention, so he moved lightly and used his body to block in front of him, so as not to offend Wanshou Xianshan.

You must know that this group of orcs are not very good-tempered, and their expressions are so offensive, it may cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

However, Lu An didn't answer, still staring fixedly at Yuezu in the distance, his state of mind can be said to be full of turmoil, overwhelming mountains and seas.

He was completely immersed in his own world, Yuezu was the only one in his field of vision, and a turbulent sea arose in his heart.

Even though it was the first time he came to a different star, his mentality was very stable and calm, without any nervousness or timidity.

But no matter what, he never expected that he would meet a person who only existed in his long memory here today!

No, it's a strange beast!

Memories that have been buried for a long time, at the moment of seeing the beautiful woman, all of them emerge from the depths of my mind one after another, and they are freshly presented in front of my eyes.

That was a long time ago, when he practiced the first level of the spirit-restricting method.

I remember that when he first entered the Vientiane Cave, he completely refined the blood essence of the moon wolf and obtained a memory of inheritance.

It is the inherited memory belonging to the Moon Wolf Clan.

At that time, he had witnessed Gu Jianzong's cruel treatment of half-demons, and also witnessed their extermination of the sect with his own eyes.

He once swore secretly that he would dig up the ancestral tomb of Gu Jianzong and expose it to the sun, but because of Su Daoqi's existence, he could only let it go.

However, after he mentioned it, the current Jianzong is also aware of the evil behavior of the ancient Jianzong, and did not continue to promote the ancient inheritance, and the leftover mausoleum was also closed.

Su Daoqi once told him that the mausoleum will still be dug, but not the remains of the ancestors of the ancient sword sect, but the inheritance of excavation skills.

After all, it is a pity to waste everything.

But the point is not these, the point is the pictures he saw in the inheritance memory!

The moon wolf who was called the incarnation of Haoyue back then left a deep impression on him, and he will always remember it in his heart!

On the day when the ancient sword sect was smashed, Moon Wolf once transformed into a peerless woman, single-handedly defeated the heroes, and destroyed the ancient sword sect with his own power, allowing many disciples of the beast body sect to save countless half-demon hybrids.

And the magnificent moon wolf in the inheritance memory is exactly the same as the beautiful woman in front of him!

The cold face that wiped out millions of lives with his hands was still fresh in his memory from the beginning to the end, and he can't forget it until now!

The ancient strongman that has always existed in his memory appeared in front of his eyes, and only he knew how turbulent Lu An's mood was at this moment.

It seems to travel through distant time and space, with a glance of thousands of years! It seems like a lifetime away!


While lamenting her existence, I also feel the insignificance of the world and the wonder of fate.

Although he doesn't believe in fate, in this situation, he has to sigh that fate tricks people.

Who would have thought that the strong alien beast that had appeared in the inheritance memory in the past would stand before his eyes alive now.

The meeting after thousands of years not only shocked Lu An, but also made him a little inexplicably nervous.

He didn't know what he was nervous about, but he just couldn't help feeling flustered, as if he had done bad things and met the righteous master and was caught.

It's not clear what the way is, it's a whim in the warrior's heart, it's a kind of sixth sense.

A voice seemed to be whispering in his ear, telling him that he must not be discovered, otherwise something big would happen!

But things often backfire.

According to Murphy's Law, the less a person wants something to happen, the more likely it will happen!

Yuezu, who was chatting with Fuyu and the others with a chuckle, seemed to have sensed something, his elegant expression changed suddenly, and his bright silver moon eyes looked back, pointing directly at the disciples of Wanxiangfa Tianzong!

The sudden change made the other five people startled for a while, and they all noticed Yuezu's change.

"What did Yuezu discover?"

Following her line of sight, she could only see the four of Mo Tian standing there, but the young man in black robe behind him was worth paying attention to.

Can actually stand behind the three Taoists of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong?

"Huh? Hahaha I haven't seen you for a long time, little friend Lu! How are you doing lately!"

The three red-haired men did not know each other, but Gu Yunzi was different, his eyes lit up immediately, and regardless of his own demeanor, he stretched out his hand to say hello to Lu An, very happy.

Since the day we parted, he hadn't eaten authentic beef gluten for a long time.

Let the disciples imitate the barbecue, the appearance is indeed similar, but it is not the taste at all!

There is no such fragrance that makes his taste buds burst, and the whole person is ecstatic!

I have long wanted to visit Vientiane Fa Tianzong, but because I have no time, I can't imagine that we will meet again today.

It's really fate!


Seeing Gu Yunzi's voice attracting all the attention, Lu An almost scolded him in his heart, wishing he could run over and grab his male duck voice and shake it vigorously.

Howling with a hammer, you are afraid that others will not see me, right?

Lu An wanted to make amends, but it was too late.

Under the gaze of countless gazes, Yuezu's figure flashed, and only the fleeting moonlight could be vaguely seen.

After they reacted, Yue Zu had left his original place, slightly shook Mo Tian and Su Jiuqing away, stood in front of Lu An and stared at him.

The space seems to be solidified at this moment, and the heavy coercion makes no one dare to approach it.

"Senior Yuezu!"

Seeing her shaking him away without saying a word, Mo Tian was terrified, thinking that she wanted to harm Lu An, and was about to stop her, but fortunately, Ming and Fu Yu also came in a flash, always on guard against her every move.

"Yuezu, this is the fourth biography of this sect, what do you want to do?"

"The fourth Daoist biography? Little friend Lu is capable, so this is one of the Daoist biography?"

Fuyu warned Yuezu not to mess around, but Gu Yunzi and others listened attentively. For a moment, countless eyes focused on Lu An, including the disciples of the five sects.

"Hahaha, it's really an anecdote! Since when did your sect have more Taoism? Does this brat have any merits?"

Hearing that the Vientiane Fa Tianzong added a Taoist disciple, the red-haired man immediately became interested, his spiritual sense swept Lu An up and down, and his dark eyes became more and more dignified.

"This son is an old Taoist martial artist?"

"Old way martial arts?!"

The female elder of Chuixian Valley in Yaochi next to him was stunned, and immediately looked at Lu An carefully: "There is no aura in the body, and the blood is surging. It really is an old martial arts."

The words of the two elders were immediately heard by the disciples below. They heard that Lu An was an old Dao warrior, and they were all shocked, as if they were looking at some new species.

However, Lu An is not in the mood to pay attention to these things at the moment, he is under great pressure now.

Yuezu just stood in front of him quietly, his eyes that looked like blue and bright moon were watching him silently, without any emotion.

He was under a lot of psychological pressure, but he didn't know that Yuezu was not much better at this time.

For a long time, the mood of the bright moon in the ancient well was turbulent, and the river and the sea were surging, and the pale moon reflected in it was scattered.

At the same time, at the moment of ups and downs in mood, a long-sealed past gradually surfaced, shining brightly with the bright moon.

It was an unhappy past. It started when a village she sheltered was wiped out by humans. Only a few half-demons survived in the whole village, and they were taken back as slaves by that sect.

It seems to be called... Gu Jianzong!

She still remembered that on the day when Gu Jianzong was destroyed, she had noticed a sudden change.

It is a fleeting and ferocious arm with intertwined gold and silver veins

, containing the double aura of their Yuelang clan and Yaori Panhu.

This arm seems to be a taboo horror, it only exists for a very short moment, and even if it is erased by the world, it seems to never exist, and it does not belong to any place.

Can't go back to the past, can't trace the cause and fate, only a trace of breath remains.

Since then, even if she deliberately looked for it, she never saw that hideous arm again.

Even if you ask someone to do a fortune-telling, you can't get any results.

The past does not exist, it does not exist in the present, there is no trace of it in the world, only a trace of breath is preserved in the moon seal.

Until now, she saw it.

After an unknown number of years, she finally saw a human being with the aura of a moon wolf and the aura of a sun panhu.

This is the first case so far after the Ancient Sword Sect!

The two extreme powers are manifested in one person, such a feat has never been seen by the Wanshou Body Sect.

And... exactly the same as the breath left in her moon seal!

"You have the blood of our clan and Yaori Panhu in your body." After a long silence, Yuezu spoke quietly, and the cold female voice penetrated the soul and reached the depths of consciousness.

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately understood what she was doing to find Lu An.

It turns out that this guy has the power of Moon Wolf and Sun Panhu in his body.

This is so weird, Moon Wolf and Sun Panhu are equivalent to Yin and Yang, and such extreme forces coexist in one body, how did he do it? Biqu library

Normal people can't directly explode and die?

No wonder Yuezu reacted like this, it turned out that he had an origin.

"Senior Hui Yuezu, the boy once refined two drops of blood essence, and he was lucky enough to accommodate one."

For some reason, seeing Yuezu approaching, Lu An became more and more flustered, as if some secret was about to be revealed, and he felt extremely anxious.

Fortunately, he was still calm on the surface, he pursed his lips and saluted, while answering honestly.

In front of such a strong person, it is impossible for him to hide it.

In Yuezu's eyes, the moon wolf breath was as dazzling as the sun.

Even if he tried his best to hide his restraint, it would not help.


Seeing his honest confession, Yuezu's heart became more solemn, as if there were mysterious clouds lingering ahead, full of unknown and terror.

Everything in the world has its own aura, and there is no such thing as the same aura in the world.

But now, the qi sealed in her moon seal is exactly the same as the black-robed youth in front of her, there is no difference between the two.

The only difference is that the aura in the moon seal is very weak, and it cannot be compared with the aura of the black-robed youth at the moment.

Just like the firefly and the bright moon, there is a huge difference between them.

But this is not important, what is important is why the aura in her moon seal is the same as that of the black-robed youth, there must be a connection between the two!

"You... know this thing."

Time flies, she had already given up at first, but she never thought that after a long time, she would meet the same person here after waking up, like a joke from the gods, and another village will be brighter than the willow flowers.

In any case, she must find out what happened.

Yue Zuyu tapped the crescent moon between her eyebrows lightly, drawing out a breath of the bright moon and the sun intertwined, they are very weak, if she hadn't maintained them, they might have already dissipated.

Under Lu An's bewildered gaze, this ray of energy finally condensed into a broken arm.

The cut surface is smooth, the crimson skin is entangled with the golden pattern of the sun and the silver pattern of the bright moon, and the outer bone spurs are protruding, which is a natural murder weapon.

Seeing this, everyone in Lu An was dumbfounded.

He finally understood where his panic came from!

That's what happened!

Isn't this severed arm the one that he used to chop up the male and female disciples of the ancient sword sect in his inheritance memory?

This breath was what he possessed at that time!

"I haven't seen it before. The boy sees that the severed arm is not a human hand, so how could he know it."

At this point, Lu An pretended to be calm and shook his head, expressing that he didn't know this thing at all.

In fact, I have already started spraying the little assistant in my heart, wishing to pull out the eighteenth generation of its ancestors and whip the corpse.

"Get out, what did you say before you stepped on the horse? It's just a fragment, won't it affect you!"

"You step on the horse, now tell me clearly, what is going on with this step on the horse!"

Lu An was so angry, he still remembered that when the little assistant helped him vent his anger for free, he thought this bastard was a conscience discovery.

In the end, the co-author is digging a hole here and waiting for him to jump.

You really traveled through time and space, and you were caught by the Lord.

【Uh, this... that, don't worry the host, it's probably just a small mistake, it's harmless. 】

The little assistant faltered and hawed, and it was just a whim at the beginning, just playing casually, and it didn't expect to have what it is today.

[Come on host, this assistant has been hidden beforehand, and will come back in a few hours. 】

There is no way to quibble, the little assistant can only plan thirty-six profit as the best policy, and sneak away first.

Anyway, no matter what it is, do what you like.

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