The water in these few courses of treatment is a bit deep, and there are many ways, even Lu An can hear some clues.

However, Hiernarius and Lauren didn't know, they just looked gloomy because their friends were in danger, and they didn't notice the tricks at all.

But soon they regained their strength and cheered themselves up.

It's just that he won't be able to wake up for a while, so this little problem is nothing.

After many hardships, it is very good to be alive, and I dare not expect too much.

Compared with those bodyguards and members of the adventure group who died unfortunately, they were lucky enough.

If it weren't for these weird humans, maybe even they themselves would be captured by the ice worms as food reserves!

The elf girls believed in the diagnosis of Vientiane Fa Tianzong, which made the eyes of Lu An, who was watching not far away, twitch.

Good guy, these two elves are really innocent enough to believe such an obvious fool?

A certain person couldn't help but stroked his chin and fell into deep thought. He could only say that a student is a student, and he has never seen the darkness of society, nor been beaten severely.

Isn't she pure and innocent? She believes what others say. Are all the elves so naive?

Just these two little white rabbits, they had to count the money for others when they were sold.

"These two elves are more stupid than you."

Lu An sighed softly, said a word to Gu Mengmeng, and then continued to lead the way, standing at the forefront of the dragon's head and looking into the distance.


Gu Mengmeng blinked her eyes dumbly, but she didn't realize it all at once. When she realized that Lu An had already slipped away, she was so angry that she ran over and kicked him on the knee.

Not long after, following the guidance of the auxiliary radar, Captain Lu led a mighty vanguard to land in a certain snowy mountain. Like the ubiquitous cold current, the snow here also contains toxins. If the skin is contaminated for a long time, The flesh and blood must be necrotic and festered.

This is for monks, if an ordinary person is here, he will freeze into an ice sculpture within five seconds.

The continuous heavy snow of goose feathers rushing towards us is like raindrops covering the horizon, making it hard for people to see the scenery ahead.

But at this moment, in the heavy snow, in front of the waist-covering snow, some foreign objects that should not be there appeared.

They are scattered here, either covered by snow, or half of the wreckage protruding.

It can be vaguely seen that in the distance where the heavy snow is flying, half of a huge foreign object has fallen into the thick snow, and the wreckage is covered with frost and snow. Only some dead spots reflect dark green luster faintly.

Lu An didn't care whether it was poisonous or not, so he randomly picked up a piece from the snowdrift and looked at it carefully.

This is a piece of wood-like metal, no matter the touch or appearance, it is no different from processed wood.

But if you look carefully, you will find some kind of tiny tadpole script vaguely engraved in these wooden textures.

It's like magic spells for wizards in Western Fantasy movies.

Lu An snapped it lightly, and raised his eyebrows in amazement when he saw that it was not moving at all. Then he folded it hard, breaking it from the middle, and there was a crisp sound of metal snapping.

Just kidding, I still can't handle you?

Before the end of the Blue Star Global Competition, Lu An was able to shatter the void simply by relying on strength, let alone now.

It's just a piece of metal that has lost its aura, how hard can it be?

In fact, as he expected, the thin wood here is really some kind of metal, and when he sniffs it close to the tip of his nose, he can vaguely smell a strange floral fragrance.

"This is the fragment of the Singer! This is where we fell!"

Lauren and Hirnarios, who came over together, saw it, and immediately ran over and exclaimed, and found a nearby snowdrift to dig wildly, and they really let them dig a crimson jar that was incomplete.

The incantations on it have been burnt and washed by wind and snow, and they have long been obscured, and most of them have been erased, as if they have lost the functions they should have.

"Boots are broken..."

Hiernarius picked up the cuboid can and checked it over and over again, lowering her head with a desolate expression.

Even the built-in launcher was blown out, and the Singer basically cannot be repaired and reused.

This shattered their inner hopes.

Without the Singer, how would they return to the sanctuary!

"Miss... I remember that there is an alarm device on the Singer. If there is an irreparable danger, it will automatically report to the Singer Group."

"Maybe they have received the news and are coming here to save us!"

"It won't be so fast, Lauren, think about how long it took us to come here, and in this environment, can the two of us really be safe and wait until they come to rescue us?"

Hiernarius shook her head, she was not as optimistic as Lauren.

The most optimistic situation now is that the singer group has launched rescue measures, but can they wait.

This Icy Planet Is Not Some Desolate Death Star

, but an extreme planet full of dangers.

The life-saving props prepared before departure have long been exhausted in rounds of disasters. Now they are empty-handed, but any special situation encountered is a test of life and death.

"Then what should I do, I want to go back to Sanctuary."

Lauren lowered her head in despair, if she could do it all over again, she wouldn't let the lady go on this trip to the Singer.

Now not only the life-saving props are gone, even the Singer is completely destroyed, let alone return to the Sanctuary.

It would be nice not to be regarded as a food reserve!

"Hahaha, you two don't need to worry, since your spirit boat is damaged, you might as well return to this sect with us."

Mo Tian picked up a fragment to observe for a while, then shook his head regretfully: "The aura is lost."

Damaged like this, at least the spirit boat is useless, and it has to be rebuilt if it wants to be repaired.

It's a pity that they don't understand elf creation, and the parts of this spirit boat are flying all over the sky, even if Elder Xiong Xishan came here, he would be powerless.

At most, it can be refurbished on the basis of the original, and a spirit boat can be re-refined, but it definitely has nothing to do with elf creation.

"Eldest brother is right! It just so happens that our target is also the ancestral star. Why don't the two elf ladies follow us back to the ancestral star and use the interstellar gate there to return to the elven sanctuary?"

As the number one dog under the Sky Zodiac, Luo Sheng put on a spring-like smile and stood up: "I will return to the sect in less than three days, and even if you stay and wait for rescue, you will not be able to survive on this dead star." It’s inevitable that something will happen.”

"Besides, the two companions are not out of danger yet, and need to be recuperated and treated. If they are left alone, they will inevitably die."

What Luo Sheng said was true, just relying on the three-legged cat kung fu of these two elves, if they dared to survive in the wilderness in this place, the result was the same as not long ago, being chased by ice worms all over the sky.

And it is impossible for them to delay their stay because of a few elves, so the only right way is to go back with them.

It's just a few elves, and it's not like they haven't seen it before, and they don't want to have such bad thoughts.

At most, bring it to the elders and consult in detail about the current situation in the elf sanctuary.

Hiernarius bit her lip lightly, hesitating in her heart.

She didn't know whether to trust these humans.

Although these human beings in front helped them out of trouble very kindly, and even offered to help rescue compatriots in distress.

It looks very kind, but she always feels that these human beings are mysterious and not like the orthodox blue star people.

Words and deeds, no place alike.

"The little elf always puts his guard in places that shouldn't be used. If you think we have evil intentions, don't worry, the two of you are of no value."

"The reason why we are helping is simply because we are old acquaintances with you elves, so we have a good relationship, that's all."

Su Jiuqing woke them up unceremoniously, with the attitude of a high-ranking elder sister.

It's just an elf. It's not that I haven't seen it before, and it's not that noble. It's just a natural humanoid race.

Nothing unusual, as for the unique magic of the elves, they are not unusual either.

Is it because the technique is not good or the supernatural powers are not working? What kind of magic is done well.

"It's you who are too mysterious!"

Lauren couldn't help but refute that since they met, this group of humans was completely different from what they knew.

There is no place to get along with Blue Star, and you can even travel in the interstellar sea in a group!

Based on this alone, it is quite different from the Blue Star they know.

As far as they know, that galaxy is so closed that it is extremely difficult to get in, and the blue star people inside have just acquired the ancient heritage, civilization has not yet developed, and they cannot freely explore the star sea. Biqu library

It is a real difficulty in getting in and out, and it is not easy to get in and out.

But what about this group of human beings, they can travel the universe in groups!

I don't know how far it is from Blue Star, it's a puzzle!

After hesitating for a moment, Hiernarius still decided to believe them. After all, she and Lauren had nowhere to go, and no matter whether it was for their companions or for themselves, they could only gamble again.

"This is your Singer spaceship?"

After they finished chatting, Lu An led them to the wreckage of the Singer, and looked up at the dark green spaceship that was shaped like a quail egg.

The two sides of the spacecraft are like string pendants, and the whole body is engraved with magical patterns.

It's a pity that due to the strong impact, it was destroyed beyond recognition.

Asking the two elves to mourn their spaceship, Lu An looked left and right for a long time, and his eyes suddenly locked on the ice cliffs around the mountains not far away.

According to the auxiliary radar, there are not only the wreckage of the Singer in this place, but also a high concentration of energy reaction.

Standing on the majestic ice cliff and looking down, the vast white mist surrounds the world in your eyes

, as if you are in the magnificent sea of ​​clouds, it is a soul-stirring heroic ambition.

"There's something down there."

With a casual mention of his mouth, Lu An couldn't wait to jump and jump off the high cliff.

The biting cold wind whizzed by, continuously piercing through the thick white mist until the mist dissipated, revealing the mysterious veil under the ice cliff. Biqu library

This is a waterfall of ice and snow!

The ice blue is like a dreamy and beautiful ice and snow waterfall, flying straight down, and the gorgeous water flows into a river, converging into a winding and bright glacier!

A large number of ice and snowflakes rose and fell in the air, and the tributaries flowed from the main vein, forming pools of ice and snow lakes nearby.

The colorful scene catches the eye, this place is not a hell of ice, but a paradise of ice and snow that has never been opened up by anyone!

Where ice-snow streams flow, exotic crystal-clear blue flowers spread out nearby, swaying with the cold wind, and the gravel-like stamens spit out light particles, which is a beautiful scene.

This place is a real treasure, the pure and clean energy of ice and snow is enough for him to suck it up!

However, Lu An didn't start searching right away. He pierced the main pool of the waterfall like a sharp arrow. After a while, the calm ice and snow lake began to boil and bubble.


In an instant, a high-pitched chirp made of raging flames resounded through the sky, and the vast snow-falling main pool of ice and snow exploded, and a ferocious monster covered in ice armor sprang out from it.

With four claws and six legs, it looks like a multi-legged Tyrannosaurus rex, with a body size of at least 80 meters.

But such a ferocious and ferocious monster was forced out of its lair by a firebird.

The blazing will of martial arts directly incinerated its ice armor, and the whole monster had no room to resist, and directly turned into gorgeous fireworks in mid-air. The ice-blue blood dripped like raindrops on the strange flowers in the cold pool, and the ice-blue color became even more intense. bright.

The whole process was simple and neat, and no one else needed to do anything at all.

"Don't get me wrong, this guy has bad intentions for us, so I have no choice but to defend myself and act first."

Seeing that Hiernarius and the others were silent, Lu An raised a thigh bone and smiled heartily at Motian: "Brother, these lakes are formed by the condensed energy of ice and snow. Let's hurry up and go to other places after searching."

Lu An's heart was full of laughter, and he came out this time because of this.

With so much ice and snow energy, it might be possible to break through to the peak of supernatural powers by refining it!

His current foundation is not good enough, the only thing missing is energy.

As long as he has enough energy, he is only one step away from the shrine!

Isn't this dozing off now to send a pillow?

"It's a good treasure land." Seeing that Lu An was so excited, Mo Tian didn't want to spoil his interest, and observed for a while with a chuckle and nod, signaling them to collect freely.

This made Lu An very happy. While others were not paying attention, he sneaked to the corner, reached into the lake, and used the source energy to bribe the little assistant to unlock an auxiliary space, which was specially used to store these ice and snow energies.

With the help of small assistants, the ice and snow lake in front of Lu An immediately dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and dried up in just a few minutes, leaving only a big deep pit.

It made Shen Li very speechless, silently watching the ice and snow lakes pouring into Lu An's arms and disappearing.

"Let's say 3 million tons of lake water, you just sucked it up?"

Her eyes made Lu An very uncomfortable, and she smiled awkwardly: "No, I will store it temporarily."

Too lazy to talk to him, Shen Li rolled her eyes and turned around to leave, deciding to find a remote place to collect by herself.

Staying with Lu An, she was afraid that she would gain nothing.


Three days passed in a blink of an eye. On this ice and snow planet with no distinction between day and night, the concept of time became very vague. Fortunately, there was a mark of falling stars to remind them.

For three days in a row, Lu An took the title of human treasure hunting mouse completely, and led a group of thousands of people all the way west, trying to learn from the west, and would not let go of blue dots wherever they passed along the way.

No special minerals, energy crystals, wild spirits, natural treasures, etc. have been missed.

Even the well-informed and well-informed brother Motian completely bowed under his dog's nose, willing to become a gold medalist and an old driver.

He just drove, and left it to Lu An to figure out what to do.

All in all, the harvest is quite fruitful. Although there are no treasures that are too eye-catching, they have collected a lot of energy materials needed by the sect, and the biggest harvest is to abduct a group of elves.

As for Lu An, it's even more enjoyable. He walks like a float, and if he goes out to hang out, he can not only accumulate enough energy to break through the peak of supernatural powers, but he can even get a lot of contribution points in exchange.

When he returns to the Zongmen, he can buy some spiritual artifacts and let his little turtle, Guihu, eat and drink.

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