"I can't stop it anymore, the shield is about to shatter." Lao Hua smiled wryly.

"Oh, go ahead, don't break your shield, or you won't be able to repair it." The brush man said dejectedly.

"Old Hua, open an opening for me, I have a hole card."

Chen Ziming said unwillingly, he didn't want to surrender so easily, and if he lost, he would lose with dignity.


"Believe me."

Seeing that Chen Ziming couldn't be persuaded, Lao Hua sighed and opened the door for him.

"Oh, I can't hold it anymore." The last secret lingered on the blade of the axe, Lu An leaned on Obsidian and looked at Chen Ziming who came out.

The current Chen Ziming, in the snowflake-flying environment, was full of raging black flames all over his body. Every time he took a step, the black flames became more intense, his black hair turned into pitch-black electric flames, and his pupils were pitch-black.

"Secret technique, fire spirit body."

The voice full of pain that only he could hear echoed in his ears, and his footsteps became faster and faster until he started to run towards Lu An.

Every step left a long-lasting black fire burning on the ground.

Lu An frowned, the power of the ninth ax was partially weakened, and then swung towards Chen Ziming.


The phantom of the black-red demon head spit out an ax light and swept across at a very fast speed with monstrous power. The power contained in it could easily blow any house here into dust.

Chen Ziming didn't hide or dodge, he ignored the blood glow as if he didn't see it, his eyes seemed to see Lu An behind him through it.


"Zi Ming!"

"Chen Ziming!"

The six people behind him screamed, Chen Ziming actually wanted to resist this menacing attack!

The referee had appeared on one side at some point, as long as Chen Ziming couldn't resist, he would stop it.

But now as long as Chen Ziming hasn't conceded defeat and lost consciousness, he won't intervene.

Under the gaze of the public, Chen Ziming brazenly collided with Jiumi Molin.

No loud bangs, no vibrations.

The moment Chen Ziming's body came into contact with the blood light, it turned into a sky full of sparks.


Not only the six people in the back, even the instructors in the auditorium can't help but stand up and open their eyes wide.

"This is, dead?"

"This time the league is dead again?"

Thinking that there would be a mentor who wanted to stop him, but when he saw that Jiang Cheng's mentor was unmoved, he suppressed his thoughts and continued to look down.

Their mentor is not in a hurry, which means that it should not be death.


Lu An snorted slightly, and the scarlet color in his eyes became more and more serious.

The Ninth Secret has already been fired, and the demon blood accumulated in his body can already transform into a blood demon, but he is still suppressing it.

The battle is coming to an end, it's somewhat worthless to become a blood demon.

But although he doesn't want to completely become a blood demon, some changes are still possible.

Shen Li also came behind him at this time, seeing the ferocious look and depression in his eyes, her jade hand pressed against his back to spread the cold air.


"Well, it's better, some side effects of Yuan Ji."

Lu An smiled, and looked back at the dots of black fire that had been lingering in the air for a long time.


Suddenly, the small black flames all over the sky converged towards a slightly larger flame, turning into a mass of black flames flickering with electric arcs, and then gradually turned into a Pyroman composed purely of flames.

so close.

This was Chen Ziming's first thought.

His mysterious fire spirit body can resist a fatal injury and transform into a body formed of flames for a period of time.

This secret method was specially handed over to him by the principal after he obtained the black electric fire.

It fits him perfectly.

Originally thought that this move would only have a chance to appear in the finals, but I didn't expect to encounter such a powerful obstacle in the middle.

Chen Ziming shook his fiery fist. Now he is immune to all physical attacks, and only spiritual skills or some elements can affect him.

But Lu An and the others obviously don't have this ability.

Shen Hanbing is now fearless!


Without saying a word, it turned into a ball of fire and rushed towards Lu An.


Seeing him coming, Lu An punched out first.

The strong wind blasted Chen Ziming out of the big hole, and then the hole was quickly repaired.

In a blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Lu An, and the fire ball opened up and wrapped him inside.

Fire poison and electric arc began to burn his body.

However, a scene that horrified everyone appeared.

Lu An's tall body began to have dry and cracked wounds, and the skin was completely burned to expose the underlying tendons, but it recovered in an instant, and so on.

"This this."

Lu An had dispersed the smoke of the wolf long ago, without the envelope of the smoke of the wolf, everyone could easily see this scene.

The director also deliberately zoomed in on the camera, giving a close-up of Lu An in flames.


Lin Xinwei stood up and stared at this moving scene.

"This healing speed." She muttered to herself.

"What kind of physique is it that can have such a healing ability that is different from ordinary people?"

"It's the first time I've seen this kind of physique."

Chen Lixiao frowned, and quickly recalled those memories about various physiques, none of them could match Lu An's instant recovery.

"Do you think it might be a kind of blood talent?" Teacher Lei thought about it.

"It's possible, but...is there no limit?" The green-clothed woman wondered.

"So far, this recovery speed has not slowed down. It has to be said that having this ability is indeed a natural material for physical training."

Seeing Lu An's non-stop recovery speed at that moment, Teacher Wang scolded himself again in his heart.


Chen Ziming's current mood cannot be described in words. Now he finally knows what Huang Jiajia is talking about.

After being burned by him for so long, Lu An froze and refused to scream, just letting him burn.

"Monster! Not human!" He cursed inwardly.

"Are you finished? I'm going to start when I'm done."

Lu An's voice interrupted his thinking, and Lu An found out a suona out of nowhere and smiled at him.

"Sister, Mengmeng, Chen Mo, cover your ears."

Lu An turned around and said something, after they covered their ears with their hands, they put the suona to their mouths.


The sharp voice resounded throughout the arena, and the soul of Chen Ziming who was closest to him was suddenly stirred up. His brain went blank and he froze immediately.

Peng, who was dressed in rags, fell to the ground unconscious.

Sent away on the spot.

His teammates are alright, they have some treasures to protect them, and they can resist for a while, but without the protection of spiritual power, they also have a splitting headache and howl.

"Stop blowing!"

Shen Li came over quickly, slapped the suona crookedly and said angrily.

"It's awful."

Even though I covered my ears, I still felt like I was going to faint.

"Hey, he doesn't like to use ordinary attacks, so he can only make a bad move."

Knowing that he didn't play well, Lu An apologized with a smile.

"Hurry up and eliminate those people." Shen Li said firmly.

Lu An's suona made her sleepy.

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