"Oh? Tianhai? Then I must go."

Lu An cheered up, he didn't forget the two cubs.

"The game starts in 20 minutes. You can take a break and eat something. Would you like me to go out and buy something for you?" Director Zhang said, looking at his watch.

They came out early today, and neither he nor the old headmaster had any food in their space rings.

"I don't need it, Director Zhang, you can ask Shen Li and the others."

Lu An took out his phone and opened a website without looking up.

Aha, five thousand spirit crystals!

Looking at Lu An, the spirit crystal who had already scored into his Black Card of the Cultivation Association, he grinned secretly.

I caught up with the closing in time yesterday and made a small profit.


On the player's bench, Lu An and his group sat here watching the scene displayed on the light curtain.

The map is a hot lava field, where two teams are fighting together.

Jincheng's night tour machine poked out from the void to harass Wei Xiaoran from time to time, but they didn't succeed.

Although Wei Xiaoran uses a bow, his melee skills are not weak. The sides of the bow are like daggers, every time it is just right to block the sneak attack of the night tour machine, and even fight back.

On Cai Qi's side, the four fought with Jincheng.

They have the power of formation, and Jincheng also has a powerful monk.

The two sides fought inextricably, but after a long time, Ye Youji couldn't find a chance to eliminate Wei Xiaoran, and Wei Xiaoran could not only protect himself, but also find opportunities to shoot a few cold arrows, disrupting the Jincheng four human rhythm.

"Jincheng is at a disadvantage." Shen Li said calmly looking at the light curtain.

"Well, let's talk about it. This Wei Xiaoran is really good. He can shoot archery from far and near. Ye Youji found the wrong person. They thought their weak point was Wei Xiaoran, but they didn't expect to hit the iron plate."

Lu An leaned on the seat and analyzed.

"Jincheng Lin Zitao is eliminated!"

At this time, the referee's loud sentence suddenly sounded.

"Eliminate one? As soon as I shake the Kung Fu Jincheng, there will be one?"

Lu An's attention was immediately focused.

On the light curtain, at some point, a male student was chopped off by Ming Haihaoji, who was holding a dark red Taidao with red eyes, and then sliced ​​horizontally into the waist. If the referee hadn't appeared suddenly, he might have been cut in half.

"Tsk, it's so miserable." Lu An clicked his tongue, and Lin Zitao's lower abdomen and shoulders were bleeding profusely, which could be attributed to the sword.

The referee picked up his severed arm, barely blocked his wound with tyrannical spiritual power to stop the blood loss and took him off the field. The medical team that had already prepared immediately lifted up the stretcher and took away the treatment.

"Lu An, Akkai Koji's state is not right."

Gu Mengmeng pointed at the light curtain and said suddenly.

"I see."

Lu An stared at the light curtain indifferently. After Ming Hai Koji eliminated one person, the color of the sword became more and more bright like blood.

Obviously sucked a lot of blood just now.

Similarly, a cruel smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth, and he stared at the other three with dark eyes.

"The knife is affecting him, and this is the price of using the murder weapon." The old headmaster said.

"Couldn't Tianhai's mentor be replaced, and this hanging hair is not afraid of accidents in this state?"

Zhao Yanjun asked in a very bad tone.

"Come on, I've changed people. I haven't seen them as substitutes? They're all crooked, and the short ones are the taller ones. That's the only way to go."

Just as the old principal was about to speak, Lu An spoke disdainfully: "Now we are facing an outstanding and strong team. How could they win if they didn't let Ming Hai Koji out?"

"Although there are problems, no matter how you say it is strong in combat."

"It seems to be the case." Zhao Yanjun thought about it carefully, and agreed with Lu An's point of view.

With the elimination of Jincheng alone, the three of them were gradually suppressed and fell into a disadvantage. Ye Youji didn't dare to show up easily, otherwise it would definitely be the target of their concentrated firepower.

Not long after, another student whose spiritual power was exhausted was eliminated by Wei Xiaoran with one arrow.

In this situation, everyone here is clear in their hearts that Jincheng's defeat has been decided, and it is only a matter of time before defeat.


Suddenly, something happened suddenly, and the audience inside Fengchao burst into screams.

"not good."

"What the hell?"

Many instructors in the instructor's seat stood up and stared seriously at the bottom.

Lu An and the others also stared at the light curtain without blinking.


The whistle of the referee resounded through the Phoenix Nest, and he carried out a male student whose neck was cut open halfway and covered with small dense knife wounds all over his body. It was Jincheng's spiritual cultivator.

The wide palms tightly covered the wound on the neck where the blood was overflowing, and the spiritual power covered it, but it could only stop part of it, and blood still flowed from the gap between the palms.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining Yeyouji duo followed out, followed by Wei Xiaoran and Cai Qi who looked anxious.

The whistle sounded and the game was over.

When the game is terminated, there is only one possibility, that the players will be injured or injured.

Just now, the male student was careless, and the hollow door was opened wide by Koji Mingkai's knife, and then he was chopped into the neck with a knife. Fortunately, the referee appeared in time and kicked Koji Mingkai, otherwise his head would be cut off .

"Go down and have a look."

Seeing many students jumping down one after another, Lu An followed suit and stepped over the carved wooden fence and fell from the sky.

"Mr. Chu, how is it?" Jincheng's mentor asked quickly.

"It's not optimistic. This injury contains a fierce spirit, which can block the spiritual power that enters to repair his wound. Now I can only stop his wound and save his life."

The woman in green squatted next to the pale-faced male student who had passed out, her fingers twitching on him.

The bloody knife wounds all over his body were stopped, and the neck wound was surrounded by a mass of spiritual power.

Then a spiritual light ribbon was wrapped, and the whole person was wrapped into a rice dumpling.

"Although he can save his life, if he doesn't get rid of this evil spirit, his injuries will not recover after all, and it will cause hidden dangers to his body and cultivation in the future."

She sighed and explained: "I am not a cultivator who focuses on healing. If I lose too much blood, the effect of the elixir will also be consumed by this weird energy in his body."

"If you want to get rid of this kind of energy, you need at least a healing monk at the Lingyuan level to come over."

"Thank you, Instructor Chu!" Instructor Jincheng took a deep breath and clasped his fists to thank him solemnly, and then roared angrily at Instructor Xue who rushed over: "You must give me an explanation for this matter, or you will wait for the senior management of our school to come over and ask for it in person. "statement"!"

"Mr. Jin, please calm down. Calm down." Mr. Xue quickly apologized.

"Calm down? I will truthfully tell the students of your school that they intend to intentionally kill our students, hum!"

After giving Xue a cold look, he took out his mobile phone and called the senior management of his school.

"Hey, what's the situation with this kid?" Instructor Xue was restless, and now the place was surrounded by students from all over the city.

One by one, the probes looked here.

"As for the student in your school, I suggest that you check out the psychological problems."

"If you can't control this kind of murder weapon, why do you have to forcibly recognize the master?"

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