Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 160 The Behavior Of Sending Heads


With a long cry, Lu An grabbed the Taidao, raised his thigh, and slammed it hard.


"Wolf Falcon Ball!!!"

Enduring the excruciating pain, Akimi Koji roared miserably, his eyes were extremely red, and he looked at the wolf falcon pill that broke into two pieces and let out a mournful sound.

"Stop howling, it's indeed a murder weapon, even if you cut off the evil spirit, it won't dissipate."

Holding the half-cut Taidao, Lu An turned it over to look, and kicked Ming Haihao's World War II boot, taking advantage of the momentum to kick his severed hand.

"Come on, I don't believe you only have this means."

Lu An couldn't see any emotion in his pitch-black eyes, and swept past the frightened two people beside Wei Xiaoran.

"Referee, we admit defeat!"

Nothing can be done, Wei Xiaoran shouted towards the sky.

"Shut up! I won't admit defeat! Kill, kill..."

Looking down at the broken Wolf Falcon Maru in front of him silently, Ming Haihaoji held the handle of the knife with his left hand, turned his head and stared at Wei Xiaoran viciously, his eyes seemed to choose someone to devour.

"Kill, kill you!"

After drinking Wei Xiaoran, Ming Haihao'er lowered his head, the wolf falcon pill in his hand trembled slightly, and the broken knife suddenly overflowed with fierce energy, rushing from Ming Haihao's seven orifices.

But Ming Hai Koji didn't feel any discomfort, instead his face suddenly calmed down, he closed his eyes and let the fierce flame enter his body.

"The murder weapon resonated?" Lin Xinwei frowned as he looked at the miserable Ming Hai Koji.

The evil weapon like the murder weapon also has spirituality, but most of them are extremely violent. The murder weapon resonates, but the murder weapon truly recognizes the person who masters him.

From then on, the two are indistinguishable from each other, the weapon is an extension of the controller's arm, and the weapon will unreservedly exert 100% or even 200% of its power, and there is no barrier like before when it is used forcibly.

Ming Hai Koji is now in a mysterious state, the world in front of him is only Lang Hayabusa Maru, and the surroundings are pitch black.

He slowly raised his hand, held the Taidao backwards, and aimed the blade at his chest.


He actually stuck a knife into his chest!

"Why did Ming Kai Koji insert a knife into his body?! Is he self-harming?"

Seeing Ming Hai Koji's crazy behavior, everyone was stunned.

But then, a monstrous black air enveloped him.

The bursts of howling fierce air formed a tornado, forcing Wei Xiaoran and others around him to retreat.

"Today, I sacrifice the blood of the enemy to the murderous soldiers."

In the center of the hurricane, Koji Akira, was surrounded by black air at the severed wrist of his right hand, forming a palm made of fierce air.

His voice drifted out from the tornado, and the rustling sound made people shudder.

"Ming Hai Koji seems to have opened up!"

"Just looking at the light curtain, this black tornado also gives me a sense of suffocation, can't it really turn defeat into victory?"

"Hope something happens."

"What about this outfit? Sacrifice soldiers with blood?"

"Does anyone know why the black air from his knife penetrated into his body?"

Just when everyone didn't understand his move, Lu An laughed in his heart.

Hell has no door to cast, I was planning to find an opportunity, and you sent it to my door!

Isn't this a pure gift for opportunities?

What a godsend opportunity!

Watching Ming Hai Koji who was holding back some big moves, Lu An had a thought, and relied on the blood demon connection to detonate the more than forty blood demon powers that blasted into his body just now.

Although Ming Hai Koji is surrounded by vicious tornadoes, under Lu An's gray and white vision, he is already flushed!

Red and black, like a dazzling light suddenly appearing in the dark night.

At the same time, Akimi Koji also completed the integration with Lang Hayabusa.

The broken wolf falcon pill turned into a half-cut knife and half a fierce soldier composed of fierce spirit.

From time to time, wolves howled and eagles chirped on the blade.

On the other hand, six black marks appeared on both sides of Koji Ming Hai's cheeks, his eyes were like wolves, and the canine teeth on the upper jaw protruded.

"Is this the true power of Wolf Falcon Maru..."

"Lang Falcon Maru, now, let's chop Lu An and the others into pieces!"

He spoke in a calm voice, extremely confident, and in his current state, he is unrivaled!

With a bloodthirsty smile on his face, he was about to tear apart the tornado.

Suddenly, his eyes burst open and his body trembled inexplicably.

There was a dull explosion sound in the body.

Bang! ! !

Just when everyone thought that Ming Hai Koji had a backhand, there was a sudden explosion in the fierce tornado, and the fierce aura could no longer be maintained, and it collapsed immediately!

"what happened?"

Wei Xiaoran, Shen Li and the others were stunned, and Lu An also showed a hint of doubt just right.

"Why did it explode suddenly?"

"Who played c4!"

"Damn it, all the water that scared me was spilled."

"Don't worry about it, let them see quickly, is the one inside Ming Hai Koji?!"

Even the mentors in the mentor's seat were confused by the sudden explosion.

Without the support of the main body, the ferocious aura is rootless duckweed, which quickly dissipated in the air, and Ming Hai Koji also reappeared in everyone's sight.

However, he had already fallen into a pool of blood without making a sound.

His body was riddled with holes like rags, with blood holes or tears all over his body.

Especially the chest, almost completely exploded, and pieces of viscera flowed out along with small pieces of broken bones that were almost pulverized.

On the bleeding face from seven orifices, the eyes that were round and about to burst were dim and full of disbelief.

The wolf falcon pellets were completely shattered into slag and scattered around him.

Added some color to his surroundings.

"Ah, dead?!"

Lu An pre-empted the attack, with a look of daring to believe it.

"Ming Hai Koji is dead?" Hearing this, Wei Xiaoran and the others also reacted, looking back at Ming Hai Koji's body in shock.

"Ming Hai Koji?"

Wei Xiaoran ran over first, took out the pill in his hand and was about to throw it into his mouth, but his broken body didn't know where to start.

"Let me see."

Lu An trotted over, and Shen Li and the others also ran over to stare at Ming Hai Koji.

"Really dead?"

Lu An put his finger under Ming Haihao's nose, and took it back after a few seconds.

This sudden accident caused many viewers to stretch their heads and try to look at the light curtain.

"Lu An, back off."

Just when they were at a loss, Lin Xinwei's voice came from behind.

Turning their heads to look, Lin Xinwei and a large group of instructors and medical team were already standing behind them, all frowning and looking at the corpses on the ground.

"Director Lin, Ming Kai Koji suddenly exploded and died for some reason."

Shen Li said to Lin Xinwei.

"Well, I saw it. Now you all stand back and let Tutor Chu and the medical team see what the reason is."

Lin Xinwei motioned for Lu An and others surrounding Ming Hai Koji to retreat to them, and the medical team hurried forward to check.

"This is the first time there have been casualties in the league."

"Well, but what I can't figure out is why Akimi Koji suddenly exploded."

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