"The two must be the parents of Lu An and Shen Li. My family, Mengmeng, has been taken care of by you in Sufeng City." Gu Zhenshan said with a smile.

"Where is it, we didn't do anything." Old Lu waved his hands again and again.

He is still not used to the patriarch in front of him, and it is a bit different from what he imagined.

"Hahaha, don't say that. I heard that Mengmeng doesn't have many friends in Sufeng City. During this period of time, I often visit your place and have been taken care of by you. When I come to me today, I treat it as my own home. I want to Stay as long as you want, don't be restricted, it's your first time to Tianhai, ask Ah Ren to take you around at night."

Gu Zhenshan took Steward He's tea and put the teacup in front of them himself, without any majestic demeanor of a patriarch.

After thanking Lu Linfian, he took a sip from the teacup.

good tea!

The aftertaste is mellow, full of charm, and there is a trace of aura hovering in the body, which is better than what he has drunk before.

"Come back this time, won't you go back?"

Gu Zhenshan turned his gaze to Gu Ren and asked a question.

"Mengmeng is going to Wanling, of course she won't go." Gu Ren shook his head and said.

"From what you mean, you want to go to Wanling with Mengmeng?"

Gu Ren thought for a while, then nodded in a subtle way.

"The old man is so unpopular with you? Why don't you want to stay with me?"

Seeing Gu Ren nodding his head, Gu Zhenshan's face suddenly darkened, and his tone was not kind.

"It's not dad, that's not what I mean, I'm afraid that Mengmeng will be alone in Wanling." Gu Ren saw Gu Zhenshan's face was not good-looking, and hurriedly explained.

Ren Zhi didn't say a word, acting like an air.

"After staying in Su Feng for a few years, I have learned to fool the old man! Mengmeng is not young now, and how can she be lonely with Shen Li and the others? Can you accompany her to the school and follow her every step of the way?"

Gu Zhenshan blew his beard, saw through Gu Ren's rhetoric at a glance, gave him a sideways glance and said calmly.

"I...I." In front of Gu Zhenshan, Gu Ren was like a child, hesitating and hawing, unable to explain why.

Gu Wu who was sitting on the sofa next to him couldn't help showing a smile. It's been a long time since I saw this scene.

Ever since Gu Ren left, the two brothers had been scolded in turn. Now seeing Gu Ren being scolded, he felt much better.

Suddenly, he felt the spiritual consciousness swept by Gu Zhenshan, and immediately became expressionless.

If he laughed at this time, he would be scolded by his father over the past.

Lao Lu and the others looked at this scene and laughed faintly in their hearts.

"Okay, come back and live in peace, don't worry about those messy things. If you really want to see Wanling, it's not like there is no teleportation array at home. If you want to go directly to the door of their secret realm, just a few seconds."

"Here, the key to your house is cleaned for you every day, and the furniture hasn't been moved by you."

"I'm laughing, the father of this child has been very stubborn since he was a child."

Gu Zhenshan tossed him a bunch of keys, looked at Lao Lu and the others again, and chatted about homework.

Gu Ren put away the keys on his lap with a wry smile, and exchanged a glance with Ren Zhi.

It seems that Wan Ling won't be able to go for the time being, and Dad is determined to let them stay.

Resting their minds, the two joined their chat, and the host and guest enjoyed themselves for a while.



In the garden by the lake of the manor, Lu An sat in a small pavilion stretching his muscles.

After coming out of the Gu family's main house, Gu Ren and Ren Zhi took Lao Lu and they went out, saying they were going to the downtown area.

Gu Mengmeng also took Shen Li to nowhere, and Gu Zhibing also wanted to follow, but Gu Mengmeng resolutely refused.

In his resentful eyes, Lu An also rejected Gu Mengmeng's invitation to go with him, and took Xiaoha around, wandering around here.

Because the dog was so energetic, he slipped away for a while and put a monitoring coordinate on it, letting it run around.

"There are a lot of fish in the lake."

Lu An lay on the guardrail and stared at the fish in the lake.

There are all kinds of fish with small horns on their heads, ice blue fish all over their bodies, fat puffer fish and so on, and they can be seen surfacing from time to time.

Looking through the luxuriant flower branches, there are still many Gu family members fishing on the other side of the lake.

"Oh, it's so comfortable."

Lying in the pavilion, I wanted to go fishing, but I didn't have a fishing rod or bait in my hand. Lu An watched for a while and then closed his eyes to practice for a while.

However, where Lu An didn't notice, there were a pair of eyes staring at him in the void, looking at him as if he was sleeping, quietly leaking a trace of breath.


Lu An, who was refining his blood, suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up, frowned and drank.

Just a moment ago, he felt that someone was watching him near him, but he couldn't find it.

"Could it be the fourth master Mengmeng's school?"

He secretly thought in his heart, he was spying on him, but he didn't take any action, just came to test and investigate?


Suddenly, Lu An's eyes froze, and he felt that the surrounding air seemed to be thicker, and some branches and leaves that were gently swaying with the breeze also stopped for a moment, as if the space was frozen.

At this moment, his body was also pressed against a huge boulder, trying to overwhelm him to the ground.

Someone is coercing him!

Lu An's legs were slightly bent, supporting his body, and this idea immediately appeared in his mind.

The eyes of the people in the void were very surprised. It's fine that his coercion didn't deter Lu An's spiritual consciousness, but it still couldn't overwhelm him?

Then, he increased his strength again.

Feeling that the gravity increased again, Lu An glanced around. This place is located in a garden, and he deliberately found a remote pavilion, so that there were no people nearby.

If I can't find him, he must be much stronger than me. Is it because Mr. Gu is afraid to do anything? Just give me a blow?

Lu An grinned, no matter if anyone listened, and cursed: "That's all I can do? Didn't eat? I'll give your father twice as much. Do you dare to come out and confront your father? I'll give you my brains." If this old miscellaneous hair is shot out, your horse will be gone!"

Suddenly, the great pressure on the body disappeared instantly, and the surrounding air flowed again, as if nothing had happened.

That's it?

Can you just scold me?

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