Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 241 Looking At Your Horse? Climb

The power of the extreme cold filled the limbs and bones. In terms of pain and blood demon strength, he had to endure every cell in his body being tortured and howling by the cold all the time.

Especially when it is illuminated by moonlight at night, the moon force will fill up the vacancies that have been consumed by itself.

If there is no corresponding removal of the power of the sun, they will have to lie down for at least a year and a half.

There will be many hidden wounds in the body.

It's not easy to die once and for all.

Looking around, the flowers of the cold moon were blooming randomly all around, Lu An smiled coldly at the void.


Suddenly, a burst of explosive energy struck from behind him.

"Be careful!" Gu Mengmeng and the others' pupils constricted, and a black figure appeared behind Lu An, slapping him with a palm.

"Cold moon."

Lu An didn't even look at it, just spit out two words.


Under the moonlight, hoarfrost suddenly grew on the black shadow's back, his eyes were sharp, and his speed suddenly increased with surging spiritual power regardless, and he immediately stamped his palm on Lu An's back.


The sudden burst of spiritual power exploded behind Lu An's back, creating waves of air and energy that surged all around. The black shadow succeeded in one blow, and quickly dodged under the shadow of the tree to avoid being illuminated by the moonlight, trying to force out the moon power behind him.

"Ratchet of the same feather."

The indifferent voice echoed from behind, the young man's eyes tightened, and he was about to flee from here as soon as his legs kicked off the ground.


He paused and looked down slowly, a white palm energy was coming out of his body, dissipating slowly in front of his chest.

Lu An succeeded with a palm, and his left hand, which was filled with red mist, quickly pulled towards his head.


There was a muffled sound, Gu Zhibing and others all saw that the young man's head moved slightly to the right.


The young man suddenly felt that his vision began to dim, his head was muddled, his throat made an unknown sound, his eyes rolled white, and he fell to the ground.

Lu An raised his hands behind his back and kicked him in the stomach. The young man was like a cannonball in an instant, and was kicked to Gu Zhibing's feet, kicking up a cloud of dust.

"do you know it?"

The voice rang in his ears, and Gu Zhibing suddenly realized that Lu An had appeared beside him at some point, suppressing the shock in his heart, Gu Zhibing turned the young man's face with his feet, stared at his face and nodded.

"One of Gu Yukuang's younger brothers, a seventh-level spiritual master, I didn't expect him to be here and sneak attack you."

"If that's the case, then I don't have to hold back."

With a single point of finger, this young man also followed in the footsteps of Gu Zedong and the others.

"Is there no one who can fight it out? No guts, even if you hold a group, you can't change this fact."

He sneered at Kong Kong, seeing no one responded, he clasped five fingers, and used Yue Yin to bring Gu Zedong and the others together.

"It's a pity that they were used as sword envoys, and now none of them dare to show their faces."

In the main house, Gu Zhenshan was speechless. If he hadn't stopped him, Gu Huai's slightly stronger faction would not have been able to hold back, and would have made a move long ago.

"Since you don't intend to do anything, you don't want to look at it!"

Lu An raised his head slowly under the eyes of the crowd who didn't know why, and his pupils with black and silver edges suddenly lit up with white light.

Gu Zhibing and the others couldn't feel it, but Gu Zhenshan and the others in the main house changed their expressions.

Their spiritual consciousness was actually exposed.

They could feel that, surrounded by the bright moon and Lu An's eyes, their spiritual consciousness was fully exposed.

how is this possible! How could he, a spiritual master, see through my spiritual consciousness! Even with the power of Moonlight, it shouldn't be!

Gu Zhenshan's heart was shocked, he didn't know why Lu An's moonlight power was so special that it could penetrate their spiritual consciousness.

You must know that, except for their deliberate appearance, such things as spiritual consciousness are almost invisible and intangible!

But under the moonlight, their spiritual consciousness changed from formless to tangible, fully exposed in Lu An's silver-rimmed pupils.


With a soft shout, Gu Zhenshan immediately saw that apart from them, there were two spiritual consciousnesses on Gu Huai's side that gradually collapsed.

"Tsk, it's still too weak." Lu An sighed softly.

Using all the power of Yuehua, it can only shake off Gu Huai's two spiritual senses. The second strongest spiritual sense among the group should be Gu Huai's. Rock, he has nothing to do.

Forget it, if you can't shake it, you can't shake it.

Disgusting him is fine.


As soon as he thought about it, there was an old cold hum in the void, echoing in the ears of all the young children, making them dizzy, and then, Lu An saw the pile of frozen people on the ground disappear.

"What a powerful method." Lu An raised his brows, without a trace of fluctuation, he transferred the group of people away in the sky, which is worthy of the existence of Shenzang level.

I am afraid that this ability can be considered advanced in Shenzang.

As for the cold snort aimed at him, it was of no use to him.

"It's Gu Huai!" Gu Zhibing whispered, looking at Lu An, the meaning was self-evident.

"It doesn't matter, he doesn't dare to be presumptuous with Patriarch Gu around, as for Gu Zedong and his like, it doesn't matter how many come here!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Lu An's mouth, he didn't even use his own strength, they couldn't handle it with just a little moon strength, which really disappointed him.

If I knew it was so irresistible, I wouldn't need the moon phase.

Just use your fist to hammer it alive.

"Don't be careless, there are at least six or seven of them who are older than me. Although their talents are not very good, they are all old fritters in the academy. You have to be careful with them."

"Come here if you have the guts. It's not about whoever hangs around for a long time and who is the best."

Lu An waved his hand, and the moon behind his back lit up with green light, and wisps of blood were drawn from his body, transforming into vitality to repair the cracked trees around him.

He is the person who cares about the environment the most, so it can be seen that these unusually good trees are alive and dead.

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