Lu had a carefree expression on his face. If a ferocious beast rioted, Tianxuan would not sit idly by, and would definitely suppress it forcefully.

And even if there were, there would definitely not be many. You must know that ferocious beasts also have spiritual power. At most, they possess a few ordinary things such as rabbits, and then grow slowly.

"Brother Zhi Bing, is that demon just now strong?"

"Brother Zhi Bing, how did you find this moth? You can't tell that there are evil spirits under the stone bricks in this neighborhood."

As soon as they got back to the car, several groups of Gu family children gathered around excitedly.

"Shut up and tell you, that demon just now is a spirit master, put away your contempt for demons! Don't look at how easy we eliminated them, if you encounter it, you won't be able to run away!"

Seeing the excited expressions of the group of people, Gu Zhibing severely stopped them with a serious face.

Seeing Gu Zhibing's slumped face, their voices gradually narrowed, and each of them lowered their heads, with expressions of beating and scolding.

"I said, yesterday someone was just like you, and a leg was bitten off carelessly. I don't want any of you to be the next one. Although the family gave you cards, it's not something you can ignore the evil spirits." capital!"

"That's right, if you continue to do this, you might as well go home, don't get hurt by the evil spirits and go home and lose face!"

Gu Xiaorou went on to say, Lu An couldn't help but glanced at her, noticed Lu An's pointed eyes, remembered the stupid things he did before, and blushed slightly.

"Brother Zhibing, Sister Xiaorou, we know we were wrong, we must be dignified in the future, and treat evil spirits seriously."

Some people lowered their heads and said weakly, while others nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"I'll say it again, it's better for you to be together, don't be brave, do everything within your ability, well, I'll stop here, think about it for yourself."

Gu Zhibing saw passers-by not far away from the corner of his eye, and once again gave him a stern lesson, he turned and opened the car door.

Lu An scratched his head, looked at this group of boys and girls with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, and wanted to talk about his own experience, but after thinking about it, he didn't have anything to do, and smiled awkwardly and got into the soul shuttle.

When Gu Zhibing and the others left, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Zhi Bing is getting stricter, just like Uncle Wu."

"That's right, I almost thought that the young master is coming."

"Don't discuss this. Brother Zhi Bing is right. We should be more serious. I don't want my legs to be bitten off."

A group of people whispered, slowly moved back to their cars, and drove towards the planned destination.


"come on!"

In the depths of the forest park in Huaqing District, Lu An was carrying a big bag of barbecue, sitting on a park bench with his legs crossed and cheering for Shen Li.

Shen Li was able to face the two monsters with ease, and when she heard Lu An's words, she frowned slightly to suppress her anger, and pressed her hand to the void, only to see a square of ice bigger than them suddenly condense on the heads of the two monsters.


The ice fell sharply, pressing them hard to the ground, and the bones creaked.

Two pieces of solid ice like Wuzhishan suppressed the two demons completely, leaving only one head exposed.

bang bang.

The ice crystals turned into ice whips in Shen Li's hands, with a flick of the wrist, the ice whips crackled in the void, a white chain flashed, and two evil heads exploded like watermelons.

Noticing Shen Li's eyes, Lu An gradually closed his open mouth, put the skewers back into the bag and smiled coquettishly: "Sister is amazing, come here, sister must be hungry, come and eat first."

Lu An trotted over, supported Shen Li's shoulder and smiled flatteringly, Shen Li gave him a blank look, and was pushed to sit on the bench by him.

"Aren't you going to find them?" Shen Li picked out a squid's whiskers and asked, eating gracefully.

"No, it's just a few mobs. It's time for them to practice." Lu An said leisurely with the night breeze blowing.

This forest park was their last stop for the day, and there were eight newborn demons in it, according to two per person, it was just enough to distribute.

Under his training, Shen Li and the others became more and more proficient in their killing techniques, the two just now are the best examples.

"Lu An, Sister Shen Li, we are back!"

Gu Mengmeng's voice came from the green path on the left, and then Lu An looked back, and saw Gu Mengmeng and Gu Xiaorou trotting over, Gu Zhibing followed behind, with six struggling monsters tied up with golden ropes, tied They dragged on the ground in a string and came over.

"Huh, I'm exhausted."

Gu Xiaorou ran over and sat down, unceremoniously picked out her favorite duck tongue from the box and ate it.

"Who said you didn't eat it just now?"

Squinting at Gu Xiaorou, Lu An pulled the bag towards her.

"What's wrong with eating your order?" Gu Xiaorou muttered and then remained silent.

"Lu An, you want to live."

Gu Zhibing threw the six demons aside, Lu An glanced at them, they were all corrupted insects, then picked up six wooden sticks, flicked his fingers, and the wooden sticks burning with red gas smashed into their brains .

The power of qi and blood spread and destroyed wantonly in their brains, and within two seconds, the struggling movements of the six monsters gradually froze.

In one night, Gu Zhibing got used to his habit.

He must kill the evil spirits on the spot in front of his eyes.

I don't know where the evil spirits have provoked him, what kind of hatred or resentment, I have to watch them die with my own eyes.

Gu Mengmeng took the water from Lu An: "Including them, we hunted down a total of 26 demons tonight!"

Lu An glanced at the newly earned 106 points of energy on his panel: "Well, the harvest is good."

The places he came to today are very remote, and he deliberately staggered them with others for unnecessary trouble. The reason why there are still evil spirits in this forest park is not that no one comes to look for them, but because they are hidden too deep.

When they first came, they saw two groups of people coming out of it dejectedly.

It's the same as the demon moth sleeping in the ground before.

Digging tree holes, digging into grasslands, pretending to be flowers and pretending to be grass and diving, how come from the underworld.

Gu Zhibing and the three spent most of their time looking for their hiding places.

If it weren't for Lu An's full confidence that there must be evil spirits here, he would have thought that Lu An was fooling him.

Although the process was laborious, the result was gratifying.

26, eight times more than yesterday.

You can wake up with a smile in your dreams.

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