
At eight o'clock in the evening, Lu An left some dog food, and after saying goodbye to Lao Lu and the others, the three went out to the Fountain Square.

As soon as I got here, I saw four rows of young men and women standing neatly and counting.

A group of people next to him were extremely envious.

At least there are more than 80 people.

Gu Zhibing stood by the fountain and stared at them.

It's like military training.

Seeing Lu An and the others approaching, his eyes lit up and he waved to them.

"You broke through?"

Lu An came over and looked Gu Zhibing up and down suspiciously, walked over and lowered his voice.

At the first glance, he could feel that Gu Zhibing had changed. Looking carefully, he found that the energy and blood in his body was much stronger than before, and there was still a ball of extremely hot energy hidden in the depths of his body.

"How can you tell?!"

Gu Zhibing had just finished speaking, as if he had thought of something, his eyes widened like a bull's-eye: "You..."

"You are like a ball of fire now, you can't see it, you are a ghost, have you refined the heart of lava?"

Lu An rolled his eyes, and Gu Zhibing finally overcame the shock in his heart, and heaved a sigh of relief: "Well, my eyesight is pretty good, I have indeed made a breakthrough, and not only that, my physique has also changed, and my strength is far beyond before."

Gu Zhibing casually punched the air, and a ball of sparks suddenly ignited.

"Brother Zhi Bing has attained the Lingyuan level, how do you feel about the change in spiritual power?"

Gu Mengmeng poked her head out from behind Lu An's eyes full of curiosity, and Shen Li also looked at him, wanting to hear about the changes at the Lingyuan level.

Although there are not many spiritual masters in the fourth row of the Gu family's children, they also set their sights on him.

Long experience is also good.

"How should I put it? If the quality of my spiritual power before was soft soil, then the spiritual power at the Lingyuan level is all rocks, so it's appropriate to say that."

Gu Zhibing glanced at the surrounding environment, and found an easy-to-understand analogy.

"And not only that, the sublimated spiritual power can also feed back the body and strengthen it at the same time. I don't know the specifics, but you will understand when you arrive."

After Gu Zhibing finished speaking, he looked at a group of young people: "Listen, I asked you to come here today, and some of you must have guessed it."

"That's right, I took you to kill the evil spirits. We found a lair, and there are many evil spirits in it. As long as you have the ability, you can kill them at will. You don't need to turn them in at home."

"We are not the only ones going this time, there are also people from other forces. I only have one request. Don't embarrass me. That's all for now. Now everyone checks themselves. If there is nothing wrong, leave immediately!"

Gu Zhibing's voice covered the square, and after he finished speaking, he jumped down, turned around and signaled Lu An and the others to surround him.

"Leave now? It's only eight o'clock."

Only then did Lu An know the reason why Gu Zhibing called them out so early, squinting in wonder.

"It wasn't Yang Yang and Xiao Jin who said they were going to prepare in advance. The four groups went to Gujiang Mountain with great fanfare, and they were inevitably discovered by others."

Gu Zhibing sighed speechlessly.

He doesn't understand what these people are so eager to do. Going to Gujiang Mountain in advance can give you a change in advance?

"I see."

Lu An shrugged, he was not surprised by this, the combination of the four families, it would be strange not to attract the attention of others.

As long as it doesn't affect him.

"All ready? Let's go now!"

Someone trotted over to inform Gu Zhibing, he shouted, and immediately took the lead and walked towards the gate.

Four rows of young people followed behind him in an orderly manner, like a long dragon, swarming out after saying goodbye to their friends.

"be careful."

There was a sound transmission, Lu An turned his head to look, and saw Gu Ren and his wife standing by the window in the main house watching him, and saw him looking over and nodding slightly at him.

After gesturing ok, Lu An and the others quickly caught up with Gu Zhibing who was in the front.

Outside Gu Zhuang, Gu Zhibing gave an order, he took the lead, Lingsuo appeared at the front, and then luxury cars Lingsuo appeared one by one behind.

A group of four or five people got into the car and went.

When everyone got into the car, Gu Zhibing stepped on the gas pedal to the end, Lingsuo rushed out immediately, and a car roared behind him, chasing him closely.

Looking out the back window, Lu An curled her lips inwardly, it's hard not to draw attention to this battle.

With a spirit shuttle as the locomotive, this luxurious dragon appears on the road, which is very eye-catching.

Speeding all the way, everyone slowly approached the scenic spot.

Arriving at the destination, the parking lot near the scenic area is already full of various expensive vehicles, and some of them are parked directly on the side of the road.

Gu Zhibing and the others put away the spirit shuttle, and walked quickly into it against the eyes of the onlookers.

"There's another group, what's going on today? They're all here."

"What else could be going on? There must be something in Gu Jiangshan to attract them. Otherwise, why do you think these famous families and various forces gathered here?"

"They were at the restaurant we went to yesterday."

Gu Zhibing whispered to Lu An and the others, and led a group of people towards the restaurant without stopping.

Outside the resplendent restaurant, the boss and a group of waiters stood cautiously by the door with a smile on their faces, and they would shout welcome every time someone came in.

"Huh, what's going on today?"

The boss welcomed the group of people in again and wiped off his sweat.

Although the business of his restaurant is good on weekdays, it is not ordinary today.

In this scenic area, he can be regarded as an old fritter, and he has never seen anyone.

The people who came to his restaurant today were all well-dressed without exception, and they were in groups. At first glance, they looked like all kinds of young masters and ladies, rich and noble families.

What can he do, he can only serve carefully, these people spend a lot of money, and any tip is in spirit crystal.

"Hello, welcome, are you here to find someone or to eat?"

Looking at the group of people led by Gu Zhibing and the others, the boss rushed to meet them.

Hey, aren't these the ones who insisted on staying in my store yesterday?

Seeing their appearance clearly, the boss's eyes froze for a moment, and he immediately remembered.

"We're looking for someone, someone named Wang Xu." Gu Zhibing stopped walking and spoke in a friendly tone.

"Oh, Prince, they are on the second floor, you can just go up."

The boss said quickly, and stretched out his hand to welcome them in.

Stepping into the restaurant, the first floor is already overcrowded, every table is full of people.

At a glance, there are people everywhere, all of them are gorgeously dressed.

The voice is lively and noisy, but the atmosphere is full of gunpowder.

"You guys stay outside, there is probably no place on the second floor."

Gu Zhibing turned his head and smiled helplessly at a group of Gu family children.

"Brother Zhi Bing, go, we're good outside, if something calls us, we'll come right away."

Someone made a sound, and their eyes aimed at some people with malicious intent.

"Warning you, don't cause trouble. The Xiao family doesn't take the initiative to provoke others."

Gu Zhibing gave a warning, and the others went up to the second floor.

On the second floor, Lu An and the others found that it was much quieter than the first floor as soon as they arrived, with invisible gunpowder smoke spreading in the air.

Lu An took a closer look, and there were roughly three legs on the field, with Wang Xu occupying the left side, three men and women sitting on the right side, and a familiar figure of Lu An in the middle.

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