Strange and mysterious skills, bone devouring corpse explosion, skin covering, granulation parasitism, and corrosive miasma are all useless to him.

After unlocking a divine lock, his physical body has evolved to a new level, and these things can't do anything to him at all.

The only one who can fight him now is this humanoid monster with increasingly cold eyes.

Otherwise, even if the evil spirit at the peak of the spiritual master came, he would only be able to gnaw at his skin!

This weirdo didn't come to disturb him, and he was happy to do so.

Kill this group of guys first, and then we will be singled out!

The demons and evil spirits in the Ancient General Mountain and the Biyun Mountain Range moved together, making everyone confused. Even the special officers who had already started a large-scale cleanup couldn't find the reason.

In order to find out, some smart people have deliberately let go of one or two monsters and followed them, wanting to see why.

In the mountain, Lu An had two horns on his head and a sun seal on his forehead. He was burning with flames and quietly stared at a group of black-robed believers who had been terrified and hid behind the strange man.

Around him, there were densely packed dead demons, and the black blood flowed into a river, submerging his ankles.

"Not bad, not bad, I want to eat you more and more!" The bald demon stared at Lu An with piercing eyes, with crystal liquid overflowing from the corner of his mouth, as if looking at the fresh ingredients, not knowing where to start his mouth.

"Why don't you let me kill those behind you first and then eat me?"

Lu An tilted his head and stared at him.

He could feel that this bald demon should be stronger than him.

Thinking about it is also true, after all, eating so many evil spirits, it is impossible not to be strong.

But when did someone Lu ever counsel him? It's all done, and it's a big deal to touch it again.

If you can't die, just recklessly grind him to death slowly.

Let's see who dies first.

"What a strong physique, your blood, flesh and blood have greatly increased my appetite."

He stretched out his scarlet tongue ten centimeters long to lick his lips, stepped forward and disappeared in place.


Lu An, who turned into a sun phase, once again improved his overall strength. Even though the speed of this bald demon was very fast, he also responded in time.

Sensing a gust of wind blowing behind him, he twisted his waist and brought his fist to hit it.

Crack, Peng.

He reacted quickly, and the monster's speed was also extremely fast. He pushed away Lu An's fist in a flash and hit him on the chin.


bang bang bang

Being lifted up by a punch, Lu An's body flew into the air like a cannonball and smashed into the hard rock on the top, half of his body sank into it.


I saw Lu An suddenly fall, his right fist wrapped in the fire of the sun and hammered with the momentum of falling.

The monster's eyes were fixed, and he saw that the flame was unusual, but his dignity as a teacher did not allow him to retreat. The vent hole on his arm sprayed out viscous viscous energy to wrap his arm, and his arm suddenly swelled three times, and he also fought back.



Fist and fist, evil energy collided with the fire of the sun, and there was a stalemate for a while.

Lu An's muscles bulged again, and with a roar, he pushed away the monster's fist, and his upside-down body flipped lightly and landed on the ground.

Swish Swish Swish.

As soon as he landed, the ground suddenly softened and turned into a bloody mouth. Lu An suddenly turned his head and looked at the group of men in black robes who were greedy for him. past.

While throwing it over, he also received a heavy punch full of small thorns in the abdomen.


"My lord, save us!"

"It's hot, it's hot!"

A group of believers tried their best to dodge it, thinking that nothing would happen, but the fireball fell on the bloody water and burned instantly, spreading and contaminating a few unlucky ones, burning like a gangrene.

Let them reveal their disgusting bodies, and they will not stop until their clothes are burned and their bones are reduced to ashes.

"If you kill my disciples, you will surely die! After you die, I will take your bones and refine them into puppets, so that you will never be reborn!"

Without any help, the monster's right arm muscles squirmed after watching coldly, and a disgusting change occurred, turning into a huge meat hammer and colliding with Lu An.

Lu An was blown away by the heavy hammer, and took advantage of the momentum to rush up the tunnel. At the same time, a halberd appeared in his hand, and he threw it down forcefully.

And the demon looked at the sun's fire attached to his hand, and the evil spirit reappeared. After killing it, he looked at his scorched hand.


The scorched black skin fell off one after another, and new skin was regenerated, and it took only two seconds to look brand new.

"You can't escape."

Flicking the halberd, he stared at the figure standing above him full of murderous intent. The corner of his mouth was cracked to the root of his ear, revealing a mouth full of blood-stained fangs.

Evil energy spewed out from his shoulders again, condensing into black clouds under his feet, and flew up on the clouds and fog.

"Receive. With a thought, Lu An took Hei Yao back.


When they were fighting, a group of surviving monsters also came to the top of the ancient general mountain, just like a group of monsters rushing into the general temple, followed by a group of people not far behind them.

Gu Zhibing and the others were also in the crowd, and they were halfway through killing the evil spirits, when these evil spirits suddenly ran away, feeling that something was wrong, they followed them to have a look.

On the way, they met Wang Xu and the others, and they got together like this.

"General Temple? Wang Xu, can you see anything through your broken glasses?"

Xiao Jin stood next to his elder brother, his fan was also stained with blood, and he didn't dislike fanning it.


Wang Xu's glasses emitted a faint light and operated at an extremely high speed, and the temperature gradually increased until a tiny over-temperature warning came from his ear. He stared at it for a while before turning off the detection.

"How about it?"

Wang Xu looked at a group of heavily armed special officers who sealed off the General Temple with serious eyes.

"It's detected." He pressed the glasses, and a small 3D projection appeared in front of the lens.

Seeing this, everyone immediately surrounded him.

"There is a vertical tunnel leading directly to the interior of the mountain in the General Temple, and these evil spirits probably came from it."

Speaking of this, he clicked again, and saw the projection freeze, and in the virtual module composed of horizontal and vertical thin lines, two red dots gathered together: "I probably know why these demons gathered here at the same time."

"As you can see, there are two powerful high-energy reactions inside the mountain. These evil spirits must have been summoned, just like the wolf king among the wolves, responding to every call."

"There are still two big monsters? Isn't it very dangerous for us to be here? Maybe it's at the Lingyuan level, why don't we tell the special management?" When Gu Xiaorou heard this, he looked at the Temple of the General as if he was looking at a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair.

"No, I just noticed the equipment they brought. The levitating ball also has the survey function, which is no worse than mine. They should have discovered it before letting us approach it. We'll just wait and see what happens."

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