Seeing that Lie Xin was happy, Lin Wuxiao immediately had the idea of ​​recruiting Lu An into the evil situation, and then thought of Lin Xinwei's words before, and dismissed this idea.

If Lu An wanted to join, he must already be under Lin Xinwei's command, and if he asked again, it would most likely end in the same way.

"All listen to the order, go to the General Temple to cooperate with detaining the cultists and return to the prison. Remember to seal them with the body seal, and don't let them commit suicide!"

Lin Wuxiao commanded loudly, and the special officers of the two teams immediately stood at attention, and were about to activate their equipment and fly into the sky, heading for the Temple of the General.

"You guys, send Inspector Zheng back to see a doctor."

Seeing Dui Zheng lying on the ground, Lin Wuxiao almost forgot about him, and asked several special supervisors to help him leave.


He sighed silently in his heart. It is well known in the Bureau that Inspector Zheng doesn't listen to others and likes to interrupt others' speeches. It is also a lesson to meet Lu An, a thorn in the side who doesn't care about his special status. .

It would be best to make him change.

But he didn't expect that this Lu An would even dare to hit the special manager.

There are no taboos.

Logically speaking, this would definitely have to go in and squat for a few days, but he has made great contributions, and Lin Xinwei also protected him, so it is impossible to punish him due to emotion and reason.

"Director Lin, what are the cultists you keep talking about?"

Because Shen Li was not familiar with Lin Wuxiao, she was curious about the identity of the man in black, so she asked Lin Xinwei about it.

"It's not a secret, it's just that a group of lunatics who believe in evil spirits since the evil spirits came, most of them are ordinary monks."

"I don't know what method they used to drive away the evil spirits. This time, they will devour the evil spirits to strengthen themselves. Anyway, everyone can punish them."

Lin Xinwei gave a brief introduction to let them have an idea about it.

"By the way, Lu An, where is the gray-robed cultist you killed?"

Lin Xinwei looked around and came to the edge of the pit, but didn't find any corpses.

"It's gone, it was lifted by me, no, there is no ashes left."

Lu An shrugged, facing a group of strange eyes: "Don't look at me like that, that guy can turn into a monster, and his recovery is very strong, I can only kill him forcibly, otherwise I will have to fight for 300 rounds."

Gu Xiaorou's eyes moved.

With Lu An's appearance just now, he was ashamed to call him a monster.

She even suspects that Lu An is not human!

It is a mutant of a ferocious beast and a spirit beast!

"Is there no body left? It's a pity."

Lin Xinwei was about to collect some blood and flesh to go back to study, but was slightly disappointed to hear Lu An's words.

This is the first cult member they have heard of who devours a demon and can turn into a demon. It is a pity that it just disappeared.

I can only hope that some useful information can be pried out of the mouths of the five believers.

This group of cultists lurks in the dark, like an unstable time bomb, the time in Su Fengshi is the best example.

"Don't be sorry, Lu An, can you tell me about his appearance."

Lin Wuxiao smiled slightly, and a paintbrush appeared with a flip of his hand. The barrel of the brush was black and shiny, and the tip of the pen revealed aura.

"This is......"

Lu An narrowed his eyes. Could it be that Lin Wuxiao wanted to draw the appearance of the gray-robed man?

Isn't this the skill of a sketcher?

Lu An's mind turned around, and he walked quickly to describe it to him: "No problem, he has two forms, the first one is bald, with a strong body..."

"This hand is a bit small, his is like a gorilla's, the claws are like this..."

After more than ten minutes, Gu Zhibing and the others stood behind Lin Wuxiao, watching him complete the gray-robed man in the air bit by bit.

"Yes, it looks like this! These are his two forms."

After Lin Wuxiao modified the arm of a pale monster, Lu An gestured for a while before nodding in satisfaction.

The man in gray robe painted by Lin Wuxiao is so vivid, as if the demon is reborn.

It completely draws its ferocity and rage.

Lu An would like to call it a unique skill.

"So that's the case. It is indeed different from ordinary believers. They must have a different status in the cult. Is it a guardian or a sacrifice?"

Lin Wuxiao's eyes flashed as he looked at the two paintings, and his heart spun rapidly.

The cultists they wiped out before also had gray robes like this, but none of them could turn into the second painting.

Apart from the variation of limbs, there is nothing extraordinary.

This is a new discovery.

With a gesture of the hand, the space where the two paintings were located was frozen, and Lin Wuxiao's fingers were slightly bent.

The eyes of Lu An and the others were dazzled, and they saw that the two paintings seemed to have escaped from the void and slowly solidified, and the two cubes were just pulled out of the void.

The person in the painting stares at a figurine, with flesh and blood, and is no different from what Lu An saw except that it cannot move.

This is the boss?

"It's just a simple use of space. You can do the same when you have enough strength to understand a little bit of space."

Lin Wuxiao saw that they were shocked by his means, smiled and explained with five fingers, the two cubes were just sucked into his palm and disappeared.

"Thank you for the information you provided. This information is of great help to the Sang Evil Bureau in combating cult organizations."

Next, he asked Lu An some details again, and exchanged a glance with Lin Xinwei: "You guys, I've delayed you too much time, it's not too early now, why don't I give you a ride?"

There are many people outside, if they are allowed to go out like this, it may cause unnecessary troubles and conflicts.

He is not worried about Lu An and them.

Instead worry about others.

This Lu An, the first time he met, had already left a deep impression on him. Just like what Lin Xinwei said, he was a thorn in the side, even daring to hit a special officer.

There are people he dare not hit?

The point is that the destructive power is also extremely strong. If there is another attack like this, he will not have much confidence in those young people.

Even though a lot of time has passed, the inside of the deep pit over there is still exuding extremely high temperature.

It's hard to imagine what flames caused this.

Driven away?

Lu An understood Lin Wuxiao's kindness, discussed with Shen Li and the others, and gave Lin Wuxiao an apologetic smile: "Then I will trouble Director Lin, but this?"

Lu An looked down at his feet, feeling a little embarrassed, this won't be on his shoulders, will it?

Lin Xinwei saw his embarrassed face, smiled and said: "It's okay, just let the colleagues from the Fifth Division come over to repair it, you don't have to worry, you won't be compensated."

"By the way, you give me the card number, and after the evil spirits are cleaned up, put the amount on your card."

Lu An told Lin Xinwei the card number, and Lin Wuxiao waited for them to finish before stretching out his hand and swipe forward, drawing a two-meter-high spatial crack.

The scene opposite the space crack is Gu Zhuang!

"You guys go from here." Lin Wuxiao looked at Gu Zhibing: "Say hello to Patriarch Gu for me, we have to return to the evil scene as soon as possible, so let's stay here."

"Thank you, Director Lin." Gu Zhibing sent a text message to the group of Gu family children, thanked him, and walked into the crack.

"Both Chiefs Lin, goodbye."

Lu An and the others bid farewell, and they didn't stay for long, and got in one by one.

After they all went in, Lin Wuxiao tapped his hand, and the space crack was slowly repaired.

"Heroes are born in youth."

"Uncle, let's go back to the bureau first, interrogating the cultists is the business."

Before Lin Wuxiao sighed for a long time, he was interrupted, and his eyes shifted to the serious Lin Xinwei, he smiled helplessly, and his eyes gradually became cold: "That's right, interrogating them is the most important thing!"

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