At the thought of being preempted, Sima's face suddenly collapsed.

And this one holding the husky, looking at that novel look, is definitely a freshman.

tm is another cash dog!

Come to school and bring your own girlfriend, disgusting people!

After saying this, he was no longer in the mood to continue chatting, and retreated, a crack appeared in his good mood.

It's time to be on the phone at twelve o'clock tonight.

Gu Zhibing said hello to them, and stepped across the landscape stone.

A few people behind him stepped in, and the blurred scene before took on a new look.

On the wide boulevard, the leaves are layered like a canopy, and the sun shines through the gaps between the overlapping green leaves.

Standing here is refreshing.

"Hey, what kind of spirit tree is this, I haven't seen it before."

"Looking at the tree pattern, it looks like a mutant of the Huabai tree. It should be a benign mutation. It's really rich and powerful. This kind of spiritual plant is placed at the door to purify the air. This leaf can be used for medicine."

The boulevard at the moment is not quiet. Although the road is wide, there are a lot of freshmen who stop here. Because it is the first time they come, they are full of curiosity about the school. They almost take one step and stop three steps, pointing at the colorful Lingzhi.

Since Lu An had seen some of Gu Zhuang's spiritual trees of the same style, he was not too shocked by this, and urged Gu Zhibing to leave quickly.

Apart from the lively human voices, there are also many beautiful exotic birds standing on the treetops, tilting their heads and staring at the people discussing them below.


A blue spirit bird flapped its wings and flew into the air, exhaling a blue breeze from its beak, hitting Xiao Ha's face which had been staring at it for a long time.

The breeze didn't have the slightest destructive power, and it collapsed immediately when it hit its face.

"Aww, woof!"

Xiaoha jumped up on his front legs and barked at the spirit bird. The spirit bird spit out a breeze again and hit it on the face, chirping happily twice and flapping its wings and flew back to the nest.

"It's worthless, and you can still be bullied by a bird. It's useless to blind your bloodline."

Lu An kicked Xiaoha contemptuously, and led him to catch up with the large troops in front.

Walking out of the forest road, the scene in front of him was completely new again, even Lu An was slightly shocked at this moment.

The area inside the school is much larger than it looks from the outside, it stretches as far as the eye can see, with no end in sight.

There is a large rockery fountain pool on the wide Xuefu Square, which is not a big deal, after all, there are also teleportation squares in Guzhuang and the secret realm.

What's special is that the water flowing down from the rockery is full of aura, and the pool is covered with a thin layer of aura tulle.

From time to time, birds such as egrets fly by in the sky and land on the edge of the pool to take a sip of spring water.

There are rows of teaching buildings in the distance.

Opposite the teaching building, there are three senior teacher office buildings.

There are many strange buildings near the teaching building, and Lu An can only recognize a cafeteria for the time being.

Don't know much about other buildings.

On the east side of the square, there are large playgrounds and basketball courts passing through the dotted green plants, and a little further away is a lush forest.

There seems to be a large forest garden behind the west teaching building, and there are some buildings in it.

To the north, in front of Lu An and the others, the most eye-catching thing is facing their cloud-shrouded mountains.

There are also several rows of high-rise buildings surrounded by green trees and lawns in the distance on their side. Looking at the figures moving among them, it is not difficult to see that this area is a dormitory building.

They are always placed together, but they don't feel crowded at all. The intervals between the buildings and the decorations of various spiritual plants are very good.

It is modernized without losing the meaning of natural beauty, and there are some spiritual beasts living in it.

Humans and spirit beasts live together without any sense of disobedience.

Just like what Lu An saw now, a white crane with a black bag in its mouth flew to the ninth floor of the dormitory building. Someone took the bag off and gave it a few spirit crystals. Woods behind.

At this time, there were more people in the square than in the boulevard, and there were machines of various shapes surrounding them, and they didn't know what they were doing.

There are many spiritual masters, many spiritual essences, and even a small number of spiritual seas.

In the nearest dormitory building, many people were also looking down.

"Tsk tsk, there are so many new students this year, much more than ours."

"Yeah, there are all cute juniors and juniors underneath."

"Hey, new year, please bless me to get out of singles..."

"I'm not talking about you. If you have time to pray, why don't you go down and look for them yourself. There must be many things they don't understand when they are newcomers. You can go over and help, chat, add a contact information, won't it be enough if you come and go? You pray that there is an egg, and they can still deliver it to your door? Isn’t it all divided up by others?”

"Hey, Xiao Xiao, there are so many high-quality juniors this year, do you want to pick one?"

"Di, navigation machine No. 2204 is at your service."

While they were watching around, a chubby cylindrical robot slowly moved over beside Shen Li.

The upper half of its body rotated in a circle, and its two big blue eyes flashed a few times: "Hello! I'm Fatty, do you need my help?"

The voice is dubbed by Nuo Nuo's female voice, which is extremely nice.

"Hmm..." Shen Li didn't know what to do, and looked at Lu An and the others.

"Xiao Mi, get a student ID card for them." Gu Zhibing walked over and patted its head very skillfully, its big blue eyes narrowed in a humane way, as if it was very comfortable.

"Okay, please put the pass on Fatty's receptacle."

A dent collector that is consistent with the pass card popped out from the chest of the machine and said cheerfully.

"It's so cute, is this also made by the Academy of Science and Technology?"

Gu Mengmeng took out the pass card, put it on its collector, and scratched it at the same time.

"Drip, confirming with the terminal..."

"The confirmation is successful, the pass is correct, please ask Fatty to scan the eye mask on the face to confirm that the holder is the same."

A thin beam of light shot out from the robot's forehead, scanning Gu Mengmeng up and down.

"Confirmation is successful, the card is being generated, please wait..."

Fatty played a piece of brisk music and circled around Gu Mengmeng.

"That's all right?" Lu An thought that he had to go to the tutor to apply for the student ID card, but he didn't expect it to be here?

"Well, that's enough. These robots were developed by the Academy of Science and Technology. After testing to ensure their safety, the academy connected them to the Wanling terminal. After some modifications, the task of applying for student ID cards falls on them, and no manual processing is required."

Gu Zhibing explained briefly, pointing to the same robot running all over the place.


Lu An smacked his tongue secretly, hi-tech, is it possible that there are a group of iron men in the Academy of Science and Technology?

"Drip, the process is complete! Student Gu Mengmeng, here is your pass, student ID card and terminal wristband, please put them away!"

Fatty spat out her pass and a plain white wristband with a small square wafer, also with a small square indent on the wristband.

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