"No. 31, Lanyu Road Medicinal Materials Wholesale Center."

"The one introduced by Uncle Gu?"

Lu An raised his eyebrows slightly.

I went to the side of the road and hired a taxi: "Master, go to Lanyu Medicinal Materials Wholesale Center."

"Okay! Little brother, sit still."

The driver responded and immediately started the vehicle and drove towards the destination.

I chatted with the driver all the way, and soon stopped by the gate of an open-air market.

After paying the money and getting out of the car, the fragrance of spiritual materials and the smell of soil blow over my face.

A pile of large trucks loaded with spiritual materials came in and out.

Glancing left and right at the warehouses on both sides, spiritual materials packed in special boxes were transported from the truck.

A bunch of different spiritual materials are placed at the door of his house to attract customers, and all the others are sent to the warehouse inside.

Stack them together.

"Number 31."

There are ten storefronts on the left and right sides of a row, some of which are connected to be used as spare warehouses and freezers.

Lu An searched row after row, and finally found shop No. 31 in the seventh row.

There is still a lot of people, and the samples at the entrance of the store are full of people who come to buy goods.

"Brother, what do you need? Our spiritual materials are the best and cheapest in this market."

Seeing Lu An standing beside her, an idle female employee came out of the store and said with a smile, introducing him to spiritual materials.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up the spiritual material, here is my receipt."

Lu An scratched his head to interrupt her eloquent introduction and handed her the receipt.

"That's it, just hand over the receipt to me, I'll go to the boss, brother, wait a moment."

The female employee took it and glanced at it, then turned and entered the store.

Watching her go in, Lu An looked down at the spiritual material samples.

From the color and the wet soil on the roots, it is not difficult to see that these are freshly dug out. Compared with the previous merchants who only use special medicine boxes to keep them active, they do have an advantage.

No wonder there are so many people.

Just at this moment, he saw a van driving by, and some employees used their spiritual power or directly carried the boxes and put them in the trunk.

"Hey, that boy, you are Lu An, Lu Mingzhou's son."

Lu An turned his head and looked into the shop, only to see a bright, dark-skinned, bald man looking at him.

"I am, hello boss."

"Haha, just call me Uncle Zhou, come in, I'll take you to pick up the goods, everything is ready for you!"

The bald man grinned at him with a mouthful of white teeth, and stretched out his hand to wave at him.

After taking a few steps around the sample box on the ground and entering the store, the bald man patted him on the shoulder and praised him: "Sure enough, he is a good-looking talent. He is worthy of being the league champion. He has a strong body."

"Uncle Zhou praised it." Lu An was a little uncomfortable, and said modestly with a dry smile.


Boss Zhou put his arms around his shoulders, pulled him into the store, and went up to the second floor.

"These more than twenty boxes are all ordered by you, take them."

Boss Zhou pointed to the two stacks of boxes against the wall and patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay, thank you Uncle Zhou."

Lu An reached out and put all these boxes into the ring.

"Uncle Zhou, I'll go first, my dad is in a hurry."

After putting away the things, Lu An turned his head and bid farewell to Boss Zhou.

"Don't worry, Xiao Lu, let me tell you something."

He called Lu An to stop, his dark face turned solemn and he whispered: "Did you offend the Huang family?"

"The Huang family?" Lu An heard the words, his thoughts changed, and he remembered the yellow hair yesterday morning: "It seems to be there, but he provoked us, what's wrong, Uncle Zhou?"

"It's not a big deal. Two people came to me early this morning to ask me to terminate my cooperation with you. I asked them the reason and they didn't say anything, just asked me if I agreed."

Boss Zhou shrugged his shoulders, showing a hint of sarcasm: "These are two young people who don't know the heights of heaven and earth. Although they have made a fortune in the pharmaceutical industry and have a wide network of people in the pharmaceutical industry, not everyone will buy their account, but I don't think so. Buy it, but other generic pharmacies may agree to curry favor with them."

"Anyway, pay more attention. I guess most merchants in this market have blacklisted you."

"I don't know about this yet, thank you Uncle Zhou for telling me this!"

Lu An frowned and thanked him sincerely. He didn't expect that the Huang family would do this secretly. If they couldn't beat the school, they used this trick to block off his pharmacy. If Boss Zhou didn't mention it, they might still be kept in the dark.

"We're all friends, and Lu Mingzhou and I get along quite well, it's no big deal, anyway, if I don't agree, they can't do anything about me."

"But you have to be careful. The Huang family used to use a lot of business methods to suppress their opponents, such as reporting that their spiritual materials are unclean and poisonous, using their own special spiritual materials at a low price to grab customers, etc. It is inevitable that they will target you. do this at home."

Boss Zhou touched his bald head and raised his mouth.

"I see, thank you Uncle Zhou for reminding me."

"Well, go back and discuss with Lu Mingzhou, don't be caught off guard." Boss Zhou took him downstairs and gave him some advice.


Leaving the wholesale center, I hired a taxi at will, and closed my eyes for a rest.

He wasn't very worried about Boss Zhou's previous words. If it was a conventional business method, at worst he would plant a circle of spiritual materials around the small trees.

For Lingzhi, the energy of the earth veins is the best nutrient and catalyst. In the war of attrition, no one is his opponent holding the earth veins spirit tree.

But I have to go back and set an eye on my father and the others.

There is a saying that the most high-end business methods often use the simplest methods.

For example, rushing directly into the store and smashing it.

If he dares to make trouble, he will know immediately.

However, there is a security guard standing guard opposite his shop all day long, so there is no need to worry about them daring to do such a thing openly.

After thinking about this, Lu An opened his eyes and glanced casually out of the window, his eyes suddenly changed.

His destination was the Mystery of All Souls in the city center, but outside the window was not a bustling street building, but a cool and quiet street.

"Master, where is this?"


The driver sitting in the driver's seat responded, but his voice was sluggish and dull. Seeing this, Lu An immediately reached out and shook him.


Seeing that he hadn't responded yet, Lu An felt bad, and leaned over from the back seat, seeing his serious eyes.

He quickly lifted him to the co-pilot and got into the driver's seat by himself.

This action caused the taxi to lose control immediately, swinging from side to side and advancing obliquely.


With one foot on the brake, the taxi came to a sudden stop, and the driver's head hit the window directly, with blood dripping from his forehead, and there was no reaction at all.

Lu An glanced at him from the corner of his eye.

The driver's eyes were dull, and his pupils were dull. No matter how he looked, he didn't look like a normal person. Instead, he looked like a marionette with saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

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