Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 398 First-Person Experience

Remnant soul?

Hearing this word, Lu An frowned slightly, but this expression was quite puzzling to the talented men and women who focused their eyes on him.

Are you still not happy to get the inheritance?

If you change yourself, you have to wake up with a smile.

Staring at it for a while, the brows slowly relaxed.

There is no spirit and remnant soul, that is to say, the wisdom has long been obliterated, so there is no need to worry that there will be grandparents or big devils jumping out to snatch him.

Feeling the heavy weight on his hands, a small sense of anticipation rose in Lu An's heart.

There is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

It was a surprise, he was going to wait for Shen Li to finish and let the little assistant choose a good one, but he didn't expect that he would come to his door.

Avoid being slaughtered by a small assistant.

His lowered eyes swept across the six cocoons of light around him, thinking secretly in his heart.

Xiang Yuan and the others are still awake, it might be wrong for him to activate the hammer at this moment.

But the gourd baby said that other people should not come close, which means that he has been staring at this place, and there is no point in sitting by himself.

After weighing for a moment, Lu An made a decision in his heart.

The murderous aura that erupted just now appeared again, and the people around immediately took a step back, fearing that this guy would suddenly explode.

However, Lu An just maintained a murderous look, and he didn't take the next step.

Instead, it was the iron chain ball that he was dragging with his right hand, and the intertwined gaps suddenly lit up dimly.


The ball burst into the sky with a bang, and the dark purple light shot straight into the nebula, shaking the inherited star points in the sky, and flying around like headless chickens.

The gloomy light crazily vented from the chain ball, and the darkness gave them the feeling, as if it came from the endless ghost!

It's like Pandora's box, which has been sealed for a long time!

The strong sense of oppression immediately caused the surrounding students and Xiang Mingyu to back away and stand watching from a distance. Even Teacher Ming, who was dozing off, was awakened by the sudden movement.

"What's the situation! There are two more paragraphs!"

"Is this the movement that the incomplete inheritance can make? Why do I feel more terrifying than those inheritance star points in the sky!"

"This kind of light gives me a very bad feeling, like some kind of ominous thing. I'm from the Taoist Academy, and I've seen similar things!"

Quietly listening to the chattering discussions of a bunch of people beside her ears, Fei Weiwei's beautiful eyes flickered slightly.

It is not difficult to see that Lu An is responsible for the abnormal movement of the chain ball.

Just now when he exploded with murderous aura, nine out of ten he was instilling and activating it.

The distant light gradually dissipated after erupting to its peak.

After the dim light dissipated, they saw that there was only a fist-sized purple-black light cocoon left where Lu An stood before, and Lu An had disappeared.


"Where is this?"

Lu An opened his eyes again, and he was already standing in a dark space, very similar to when he broke through the magic lock.

After bouncing around for a while, seeing that his actions were not restricted, he calmed down and thought carefully about what happened just now.

The iron ball was activated, and then the dark light burst out, and then the iron ball completely disintegrated, revealing a small ball of pitch-black light.

Then he was sucked in.


Suddenly, there seemed to be a breeze whizzing by in the pitch-black space, followed by a white light suddenly shining in front of Lu An's eyes, covering the entire space in an instant.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already on a battlefield where corpses were strewn across the field and blood flowed like rivers.

The sky was dim, the battlefield was filled with flames and gunpowder smoke, and the air was filled with a strong and pungent smell of blood.

The strong smell of blood was disgusting, even Lu An couldn't help frowning.

There are soldiers and generals in strange clothes all around, fighting each other.

The rain of arrows blanketed the sky.

The bloody brutality of the picture is chilling.

But the strange thing is that even though the eyes of the soldiers next to him were bloodshot, their swords were pierced with arrows, their bodies were torn apart, they opened their mouths to roar and explode, he couldn't hear the slightest sound.

It's like watching a mime and suddenly becoming deaf.

Except for no sound, everything else is very real.

He glanced around again and couldn't help but take a breath.

The cruelty of the battlefield was beyond his imagination.

What they stepped on was not the ground, but cold corpses!

Corpses are spread all over the vast battlefield, one can imagine how many people have died!

These people are stepping on the corpses of their comrades and enemies to fight hard!

The front fell, and the ones behind rushed up one after another.

All kinds of stumps and broken arms flew randomly on the battlefield, and soldiers blew themselves up from time to time, which was extremely tragic.

Even if he couldn't hear the sound, Lu An could still feel their roar and roaring explosion!

What a hatred.

These people are obviously red-eyed, and their eyes want to eat their flesh and drink their blood.

Lu An also found that he seemed to be in a soul body at this time, and some soldiers and generals bumped into him, and passed through without hindrance.

call out--

Before he could look at it for a long time, he seemed to be pulled by some kind of gravitational force, and his eyes suddenly went black.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already on the high-end battlefield.

The 100-meter magician and the giant beast fought each other, all kinds of people shuttled through the air at high speed, and the earth-shattering spells were thrown out of their hands as if they were playing.

Fierce warships and strange flying objects floated in the sky, each casting huge light clusters downward.

Each light cluster can explode into the sky, and mushroom clouds rise in all directions.


Lu An was watching with relish, when he suddenly found himself moving involuntarily.

Flying towards a scarred bald head at extreme speed, he appeared beside him in a blink of an eye, a black shadow flashed by, the bald head soared into the sky, blood gushed from the smooth neck, and he died instantly!

The headless body lost control and immediately fell from the sky.

"No, this is the first perspective!"

Lu An had a flash of inspiration and immediately understood that what he was looking at now was probably someone's first perspective, most likely the owner of the inheritance.

While he was thinking, the inheritance master killed many people.

The method is so sharp that every time there is a flash of black shadow, a head soars into the sky.


Suddenly, the Inheritance Master was accidentally attacked in the back, and his perspective trembled violently.

At the same time, Lu An also suddenly cursed.

My heart sank a little bit.

Without him, even if the Inheritance Master was injured, he would feel the same way!

This is the test?

When he turned his head back, Lu An saw his appearance clearly from the attacker's water mirror.

A solemn man who is not angry and majestic, his resolute face is full of dry blood, he looks about thirty or forty years old, wearing a set of pitch-black hideous armor, slightly long black hair fluttering in the air, and a strange sword slowly Slowly dripping blood.

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