"Mr. Yan, how does this camera compress objects into photos?"

A young man in the front row was staring at the camera with excitement on his face. If the camera wasn't in Yan Bin's hands, he would have used it to study everything he said.

Similar to three-dimensional compression into two-dimensional, it is still similar to space equipment, but replaced with a photo.

"Its principle is very simple. It uses a special ability to absorb the shooting of the object, and then temporarily uses the photo as a carrier to create a fragile temporary space to put the object in."

In order to prove what he said, Yan Bin gently tore the photo with both hands, only tore a corner, and the photo seemed to have collapsed and turned into dust.

"Absorbing objects?"

"I don't know if people can."

"The maximum size of an object that can be absorbed can be absorbed whether it can be completely photographed or not."

A group of students who were very interested in the camera chattered and discussed, wishing to go up and play by themselves.

"Quiet." Shouting loudly to stop them, Yan Bin continued:

"The object that can be carried by a photo cannot exceed a volume of ten cubic meters, any more will cause the photo to collapse."

"As for whether it can absorb people, we have already tried this question on fierce beasts and evil spirits. It can indeed compress living things, but because the photo space is too weak, it cannot last for too long. At most two minutes, even the most ordinary small Rats can break free by themselves."

"So you can regard it as a portable space device."

A trace of pity appeared on Yan Bin's face.

If the space of the camera is not so fragile, its usefulness will at least be multiplied several times, and it will enter the category of secondary dangerous monsters.

It's a pity that what was sent was only a corpse. If it was a living creature, it might really be able to preserve its abilities completely.

After explaining the camera to them, Yan Bin carefully packed it, took out a small safe, quickly pressed the password to unlock it, and took out the contents.

It's an old and rusty boning knife. The only thing that people care about is that on the blade of the knife, there is a human eye that undulates slightly as if it is breathing. Surroundings.

"This boning knife is also made of quasi-species. Compared with the camera, it is more dangerous because it is made of living ghosts and various materials."

Holding the boning knife, Yan Bin took a few steps to a large box covered by a black cloth, and lifted the black cloth to reveal the contents inside.

In the transparent cube, there is a strip-shaped monster with sarcoma all over its body, and it can be vaguely seen that it was a snake when it was alive.

I don't know if it was anesthetized or something, but when I saw the sun and so many fresh living things, I didn't have the slightest interest in it, and I was paralyzed inside without moving.

"Damn it, you're a living monster!"

"One thing to say, is it true that Yaoxie is like this, and people who don't look disgusting are a bit embarrassed to come out?"

"I'm the only one who cares about how many rewards it can exchange for in the evil game."

A group of people at the bottom gathered around like watching a monkey in a zoo. In the last row, Lu An moved his eyes to the two boxes next to it, and roughly guessed in his mind.

Could it be that they are all demons?

"As you can see, this is a healer-level monster. The reason why it looks lifeless is because this cage suppresses them."

After Yan Bin's brief introduction, his eyes froze suddenly, and he swiped in the direction of it out of thin air with the boning knife in his hand.

The rusty blade sliced ​​through the air in a nonchalant way.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the evil spirit in the cage trembled, a circle of thick and smelly blood erupted at the tail, and the whole tail suddenly broke!


At the same time, Yan Bin's right hand holding the boning knife also had a shocking big gash.

Unsurprisingly, he calmly took out a bottle of spray, shook it twice, and sprayed it on the three-centimeter-deep wound on his foot, allowing it to heal slowly.

"Huh, everyone has seen that this boning knife is a secondary danger. It has a very simple characteristic ability. It has only one ability. It can directly affect all creatures in Linghai and below within a range of ten meters, regardless of defense."

"The price is to injure the enemy one thousand and self-injury eight hundred, and a knife wound randomly appears on the body. After researching its side effects, it is ineffective for monks who are above the third level of Xuanling. Unfortunately, I am a second level, so I am not within the scope of immunity."

Ignore defense? !

Hearing this, a group of students were excited, and immediately wanted to go up and try.

After getting Yan Bin's consent, everyone eagerly waited in line for Yan Bin's roll call, using the snake-shaped monster as a guinea pig.

Or let Yan Bin cut himself by unfolding Yuan Ji himself.

It has to be said that the evil spirit Yan Bin chose had a very strong vitality, and the broken body gradually healed in less than ten seconds.

Looking at the back of Xiang Yuan running down, Lu An's eyes flickered and he fell into thought.

Is it possible that all the living and dead evil spirits in the inventory have been refined into tools in the evil situation?

From the perspective of the camera and boning knife alone, their abilities are weird and powerful, but they also have side effects.

Director Lin is not doing this kind of thing these days, is he?

Looking at the podium where the dragon elephant armor was removed, Xiang Yuan, who was also cut with a bloodstain on his chest, was slightly speechless.

It is said that the defense is ignored, and if you don't believe in evil, you have to take the initiative to go up and get stabbed.

"Hey, don't you go up and try?"

Seeing Lu An propping his chin indifferently, Gu Xiaorou nudged him with his elbow and encouraged him with ill intentions.

With a squinting glance at Luan, he knew that this guy had no good intentions, so he said indifferently:

"Don't think of me as the fool down there. I'm not interested in being stabbed. If you want to go, go by yourself."

"whispering sound."

After no one wanted to continue to "lead by example", Yan Bin began to introduce other objects.

Breed armor, coins, a bottle of water, and more.

There are high and low appearances, different abilities, and different side effects. The most terrifying is the breeding armor. Every time you wear it, you have to absorb 30% of your blood, and you can't wear it for more than an hour, otherwise your flesh and blood will be swallowed. risks of.

Lu An also knew that the Evil Bureau divides such items into four levels, the second level, and the third to level one dangerous evil items.

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