Under Lu An's shocked and dumbfounded gaze, its body gradually grew from the size of a puppy to the size of an adult husky.

It's still growing!

Until it became a giant blue and white wolf with the size of 1.5 horses, elegant and majestic.

The muscular lines of the vigorous limbs are very smooth, and the fluffy blue and white fur is full of luster.

The moonlight covering it was completely absorbed by it, and three long light blue ribbons condensed above the eyes and between the brows, stretched upwards against the forehead, fluttered in the air with the wind, and there were still a few pieces of moonlight floating around the body and limbs. The crystallization of moonlight formed by the condensed flowers, his eyes glowed with azure blue shimmer.

There is a small crescent moon between the foreheads, and the smaller sun is wrapped in the middle of the crescent moons, forming magical forehead lines.

It's like a small collection of moon wolves and panhus!

Or maybe it just absorbed moonlight.

Only the powerful body comes from Panhu, and the others come from Moon Wolf.


Everyone in Lu An is stupid.

This tm is Xiaohu?

"Where is my Xiaoha, where is my little dog?"

Lu An jumped up from the sofa and came to the giant wolf in a few steps: "Who are you?!"

Gu Mengmeng and Shen Li couldn't sit still anymore, they also ran over to look at it curiously and shocked.


Seeing the shocked appearance of the three excrement shovelers, Xiaoha's eyes were full of pride, and he couldn't help sticking out his bright red tongue.

Instant failure.

"It's really you!"

Seeing this stupid dog's appearance, Lu An was determined, and stretched out his hand to stroke the white hair on its neck. The cold and soft feeling bloomed in his hand, which was very good.

After a moment of immersion, Lu An silently scanned its body up and down.

Sure enough, compared to the last time he checked his body, his energy, blood and physique have greatly improved, and he is many times stronger than before.

"The spiritual power in Xiaoha's body has reached the level of a second-level spiritual master!"

Shen Li and Gu Mengmeng also stretched out their hands to touch it, checked its realm, and their eyes showed surprise.

"Before, it seemed that it was only at the level of Naling level."

Gu Mengmeng grabbed Xiaoha's dangling fluffy tail and said with a smile, "Why are you so powerful all of a sudden?"


Shen Li was also thinking about this question.

Every time I go home, I never see it absorbing spiritual energy, either watching TV or eating duck legs, or playing with Shuiling, or going to Xiaoshu to harass it.

Apart from cultivation, he is proficient in everything.

However, it has reached the Healer level in a strange way, if it hadn't been ridiculed by Lu An and showed its hand in a fit of exasperation today, they would not have discovered it.

"Is it because of blood?"

Shen Li glanced at Lu An, the corner of her eye twitched slightly, and blurted out: "What are you doing?"

This guy was actually knocking on the ice blue crystals next to Xiaoha's legs.

"No reason, study it."

Being found doing bad things, Lu An smiled mischievously, and let go of the hand that was holding Xiao Hu's front legs to prevent it from resisting.

"This guy eats and drinks for free all day long, and he contracts all the Huai Shui duck legs he bought, plus the blood of alien beasts, absorbing some sunshine and moonlight, it is reasonable to become like this."

After Lu An finished speaking, he squinted at it. He had stolen a duck leg and gnawed on it before, and Xiao Hu would howl for a long time when he found out.

Blame him, when he just woke up, he checked his body every three days, but he didn't check it again when he saw that his qi, blood and even his body shape had improved.

The impression is still that it is only a few months of puppies.

"The blood of the alien beast is really powerful."

Shen Li sighed, Xiaoha eats, drinks and has fun all day long, and she can become stronger when exposed to the sun and the moon, so she simply doesn't know what to say.

She is a little jealous of this kind of talent that is cultivated even while sleeping.

"What's so amazing, it's been so long since I became a healer, if I work harder, maybe I'll be in the spirit world."

Seeing it sticking out its tongue, Lu An couldn't help but move quickly, grabbed its tongue and stuffed it back into his mouth.

"Wow, woof."

"What are you doing, Mengmeng?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Gu Mengmeng who had quietly climbed onto Xiao Ha's back from the other side, and Lu An carefully supported her.

"Better than those horses raised at home."

Grabbing a bunch of hair on its back, Gu Mengmeng smiled like a flower on her pretty face, and said happily, "Lu An, let's take Xiaoha with us for military training. He is also a healer, and he can relieve boredom when he goes to the Zhenhuang base."

"Awwhhhh." Xiaoha howled twice, and led Gu Mengmeng to take two steps.

Shen Li also nodded in agreement: "Take it with you. During this period of time, we leave early and return late, and it's boring to come home with a dog, so I just take it out to play."

It is also helpful for them to bring it for actual combat training.

"Okay, then take you with me, just to lose weight for you."

Lu An stared at it with flickering eyes, already thinking about how to squeeze it.

This guy, maybe he can ride a horse, just big enough for three people.

It seems that the family doesn't need to buy a car anymore, it's a face to ride it out.

But he seems to have heard a saying that riding a dog rots the crotch. Strictly speaking, this guy has the blood of a wolf, so he doesn't count.

Xiaoha, who is still immersed in being able to hang out with the shit shovel officer, seems to have no idea that some unscrupulous person has planned to squeeze it and make it a substitute for transportation.

When Lu An took Gu Mengmeng off Xiaoha's back, Xiaoha shook his hair, his body gradually shrunk to the size of a puppy, the moonlight ice crystals disappeared, and his hair degenerated into black and white.

"Yo, you can change back, why not make it bigger?"


After a series of action demonstrations, Lu An roughly understood what Gouzi meant.

This guy loves the puppy form, it's convenient and cuddly, and there's always someone to feed him when he's out.

All in all, I like to pretend to be tender.


On Sunday, there is still one day before military training.

Ever since the academy revealed that the Huangzheng Army was coming to pick up the students for military training at the mysterious Zhenhuang base, the atmosphere in the academy has changed significantly in the past few days.

On the way, there were students discussing this matter in twos and threes, and it even made it into the hot searches on wb.

After all, it was the first time in history that the Zhenhuang Army, one of the Tianxuan Shuangfeng, took over the students to the Zhenhuang base for military training.

This time, there is a high probability that it will be a primitive ecological area that few people have entered all year round, so the significance is extraordinary.

For the students who have already signed up, this is the first big opportunity since the beginning of the school year.

The pros and cons are 50-50.



There was a long wolf howl, and then the students who were discussing excitedly in the square saw a miraculous blue-and-white giant wolf rushing towards the square from one end of the square. It was extremely fast and rushed to the center of the square in a short while.

Wherever it passes, there will be dots of blue and white crystal light in the air.

"Fuck! What kind of spirit beast is this?!"

"I've never seen it before! It looks like a wolf! And there's a man riding on it!"

"You're so handsome. This appearance has pulled away most of the spirit beasts in the college. The breed is extraordinary. It must be a descendant of a powerful spirit beast. Is it a senior from the beast academy?"


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