The impetuous mind woke up when he made a mistake during meditation, and was secretly shocked when he saw that Lu An was able to close his eyes and explain that his movements were still very smooth, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

As expected of the boss of Luan Hammer's sophomore, he was really awesome and had to be convinced.

Immediately afterwards, he followed him to practice exercise boxing again.

"The instructor just taught the easiest way to get started with Exercise Boxing, not that it can only be practiced in that way, try to analyze and comprehend according to your own understanding."

Lu An's voice is not loud, but it can be heard by more than 200 people around. The voice seems to have some kind of magic power, which can make them calm down and follow the prompts of the voice.

As Lu An gradually explained, talented people such as Shen Li had already immersed themselves in the perception of Tai Chi exercise.

The rough boxing skills became more and more proficient.

Compared with Gao Xue and the others who were forced to practice before, the movements were stiff like zombies, but now it can be said to be very smooth, with no gaps between movements.

Those with less talent only wake up from time to time, and continue to devote themselves to it with a calm face in the next second.

It's like entering the realm of harmony between man and nature, without sadness or joy.

Gradually, no one can keep up with the rhythm.

There are more than 6,000 people in the entire training ground, and 200 people are a fraction of them, but their movements are uniform and silently doing exercise boxing collectively, and the scene is very eye-catching.

An inexplicable strange rhythm emanated from them.

In addition to the two free training teams, nearby students and instructors also noticed this strange anomaly, and immediately turned their heads or turned to look at the source of the anomaly, their expressions full of astonishment.

Whose team (students) have learned all the exercises? !

It hasn't been five hours since the instructor taught Exercise Boxing, but can you practice so smoothly?

And not far from them, Gao Xue and Gao Xue, who were inspecting a few students who were about to go to the execution ground to exercise their fists, turned their backs suddenly, their eyes fixed, showing a faint look of disbelief.

"what happened?"

Confused, she exchanged glances with the instructor of Gu Mengmeng's team.

Why did he seem to be a different person all of a sudden?

The proficiency of exercise boxing is no less than that of those who practice regularly.

And where does this sense of strangeness come from?

Because in order to ensure that everyone can see him, Lu An asked them to stand apart and staggered to surround him, so that people outside could not see him at all.

At the same time, the students who were close to them, and some instructors, all spread their spiritual consciousness to cover them, wanting to see what was going on.


Suddenly, a student exuding spiritual consciousness suddenly coughed a few times, covered his chest and half knelt down, looking at the crowd with horrified eyes!

It's like a chain reaction, everyone around is counted as one, but anyone who dares to use their spiritual sense to explore the past will receive an inexplicable blow and be beaten back to their original form!

"Cough cough cough cough! My spiritual consciousness has been shaken away!"

A thin girl's face was as pale as paper, her throat was slightly sweet, and her blood was surging.

"You too? I thought I was the only one who was beaten back."

"I don't know, as long as you get close, you will be dismissed by some inexplicable force!"

"That's right, me too. Who has a strong spiritual sense and knows what's going on inside? I can't even get close to the outermost edge!"

"Cough—fortunately, that power just forced our spiritual consciousness back, it's not considered a backlash."

A group of students who were beaten back calmed down their turbulent breath and talked with each other, trying to find out who knew the insider.

But Wu Lang's face was very ugly at this time, standing in the distance, his mood was extremely complicated.

Gao Xue's spiritual consciousness stretched high, stretched to the sky and swept down, and it took a long time before she retracted her spiritual consciousness.

"Is that student in the center yours?" She asked the instructor next to her.

"No." Gu Mengmeng and their instructor shook his head, confused.

Hearing Gao Xue's words, she is not from her team, so where did this student come from?

Looking at the entire training ground, only the two teams practiced freely.

Why did a new face suddenly appear.

"I know that student. Not long ago, he slipped in with a husky through the side door and sat at the foot of the wall."

An elderly instructor came over: "I think he has been paying attention to you all the time, and he thought it was your subordinates, so he didn't care that much."

"Side door?"

Gao Xue's eyes flickered, which is interesting, this student is not from their training ground.

Did it sneak out?

No, it's impossible for this kind of body-training boxing, which is so pure and smooth, to be sneaked out by oneself.

Who released it? Want to show off to them how well you teach? Who is so nasty.

I don't know the impact they caused, and everyone's mood has been drawn by Lu An.

He is like a vortex, pulling the exercise rhythm of more than two hundred people, following him!

As their boxing practice reached the middle, there seemed to be some kind of strange rhythm flowing in the sky!


Lu An seems to have become a master of a generation, his movements are smooth and flowing, very ornamental, and his body is surrounded by heavy air currents.

With him as the center, a Tai Chi diagram drawn by fallen leaves and dust appeared on the ground within four meters below his feet!

On the hands wrapped in the air like water balls, two air balls faintly turned into gold and white, swaying in the air.

He exudes a rhythm, so that all the students who followed him into meditation and involuntarily punched the body, the same happened!

Looking down from the sky, more than 200 people followed Lu An like machines, and their movements were completely synchronized.

Four hundred black and white air clusters condensed in the hands, dancing around with their punches, palms and legs, it was extremely shocking!

Even the nearby dogs squatted on the ground and stared at Lu An in a trance!

Gao Xue's eyes became more and more solemn, and they looked at them speechlessly one after another.


It was the epiphany of more than two hundred people!

And a dog!

How outrageous.

But anyone could see that it was the meticulous and serious man in the center who led them into a state of epiphany.

At this time, Lu An had already entered into a realm similar to the unity of man and nature, and he didn't realize that the Tai Chi exercise boxing on the panel was flashing at a high speed.


Forging body boxing entered the second half stage, suddenly, a gust of breeze blew past.


"what is this!"

"I'm stupid, exercise boxing made such a movement? We are not practicing the same as them."

"Don't think about it, they are genuine, we are pirated."

Under everyone's astonished gazes, with Lu An's head as the center, a faint Tai Chi figure suddenly appeared in the midair!

The Tai Chi diagram covered more than two hundred people, and the yin and yang Pisces slowly rotated.

A solemn and solemn atmosphere emanated from them.

As soon as the Tai Chi Diagram appeared, like a millstone, the spiritual consciousness of individual students who approached was bounced away abruptly, and all the dust and blown leaves were wiped away by it.

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