This shit!

Looking at the quiet surroundings, and then at the map, Xiang Yuan pursed his lips and rolled his throat.

No way, didn't you say it was sent to a safe place?

This is to kill him.

Slightly bent the spread legs, wrapped around him to calm down, sat on the rock as if on pins and needles, not daring to move rashly.

I was afraid that a bloodthirsty beast would emerge somewhere in the next second and eat it for him.

At this moment, the chat group has exploded.

After confirming their location, they returned to the public screen to swipe the screen.

Qu Qu: "Brothers, I am in the green area, where are you?"

Wang Yuchen: "I'm okay, in the light yellow area, it's not very dangerous. (??w??)??"

Liu Jun: "I'm in the blue area, and I'm being chased by a group of muscular wolves on the way out. (Screenshot)"

One of the screenshots from someone's first-person perspective was uploaded.

A group of gray wolves whose blood vessels were exposed and the muscles under the fur were undoubtedly exposed, their wolf eyes showed a cruel and fierce light, and sticky saliva flowed down the corners of their mouths.

At least there are about thirty of them.

Li Jin: "Hammer them, isn't this thing a punch? Give them a dog's brain!"

Liu Jun: "Don't dare. Just now, I saw a bird the size of a gunship flying by. Fighting with them might attract the attention of these high-level beasts."

Something is wrong, very wrong!

Clicking on the map and reconfirming that he was in the red area, Xiang Yuan took a deep breath and glanced at the notes next to the map.

[Note: The danger level of each area is from low to high, respectively marked by: colorless, white, green, yellow, blue, cyan/red, and black. 】

[There are fierce beasts under the overlord in blue-level areas, and there must be overlords in blue-red and black areas. Please be careful if you enter by accident. 】

[Note: The cyan area represents the lord, the red represents the overlord, and the black area belongs to the king of fierce beast kings. 】

There must be an overlord...

Xiang Yuan was numb, and scolded Gao Yan bloody in his heart.

Tm, from the time he landed to now, at most, he didn't run much distance to catch a Bazhen chicken, and then he looked at his position.

Almost almost to the center, co-author This is what you said is not dangerous.

Trembling and typing with his mind.

Xiang Yuan: "(Screenshot) What to do, I don't dare to move at all now."

Lu An, who was walking through the forest with difficulty, interrupted a large tree, took the opportunity to glance at the chat group, and was slightly taken aback.

Huo, there are still people who are so unlucky and go to the red area.

The blue, red and black areas he divided were all the territories of the overlords and overlords marked by the Suppression Army, why did Xiang Yuan go there?

Gu Xiaorou: "?"

Immediately afterwards, a lot of question marks swiped the screen.

Xiang Yuan: "Stop swiping, whoever can figure out a way for me, I dare not move now."

Lu An: "Run away, I'm just waiting to die."

Lu An rubbed his chin, compared with Xiang Yuan, he felt that his start was pretty good.

Although the environment is a bit harsh and gloomy.

But at least it's an ordinary area, no life-threatening.

But Xiang Yuan is in a miserable situation, almost in the center, and if he is not careful, he will encounter the overlord of the beast, and he will die without life.

"Xiaofu, turn the radar to Xiang Yuan's perspective." Lu An said silently.

If no one helps him, Yi Xiangyuan, who can only go on a rampage, will never get out of his brain.

In the central area, Blind Jill may run into an overlord above the Xuanling level at any time.

He had to save his dog's life by himself.

After the words fell, the radar in his mind immediately became centered on Xiang Yuan.

And a crimson light spot was quietly fixed not far from him, as if silently watching him.

Shit, right next to you.

Lu An: "Attention Xiang Yuan, the overlord is in the swamp not far from you! Run along this line!"

Quickly copied his screenshot, drew a safe route and sent it to him.

Xiang Yuan's pupils shrank, and when he saw the small map sent by Lu An, he took out a crescent jade and crushed it!

Efforts like gravel-like energy immediately enveloped him.

call out.

In an instant, he turned into a stream of light and rushed hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.


Before he could run for three seconds, the sound of mud bursting suddenly came from behind, as well as a strange roar that pierced the eardrums!

He hurriedly turned his head and glanced intently, only to see a large muddy puddle near the rock where he was sitting just now, and suddenly a huge monster that blocked the sky and blocked the sun emerged.

The gray-brown scales all over the body protrude one by one, and each piece is like a sharp triangular sharp blade soaring into the sky. There are white sharp teeth all over the long and narrow mouth, and each sharp tooth is as tall as three people!

The limbs are thick and powerful, and a huge tail at the end sweeps up the mud that soars into the sky. The end of the tail is oval, like a meteor hammer!

The head looks like a dragon or a crocodile, and the edges of the eye sockets protrude like dragon horns.

It was like a giant crocodile at least 100 meters long!

This giant crocodile emerged from the mire, the mud on its body slowly flowing down its body, its cold and brutal blood-red eyes stared straight at the direction of Xiang Yuan's escape, roaring and throwing off its limbs and flying towards him run over.

Regardless of his huge size, his speed is not much slower than Xiang Yuan, and he can cover tens of meters with each step.

Wherever it went, the earth shattered, and the stones exploded and dust flew up.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Yuan's heart skipped a beat. He hurriedly took a screenshot and turned his head to look forward and run away.

No wonder he said there wasn't a single tree in this place.

Given the size of this guy, if a tree can survive near it, it must not be easy.

slipped away.

It's so exciting right away.

The two chased and fled, and the movement they created shook the sky.

The giant crocodile behind roared from time to time, and the crushed rocks and mud stirred up by it circled and condensed in the air, forming hundreds of five-meter-large stone balls in an instant, shooting towards Xiang Yuan like a heavy rain.

thump thump——

The stone balls were like cannonballs, exploding faster than Xiang Yuan, exploding on him and around him.

Fortunately, the layer of energy covering his whole body was thick enough to wear away the impact and strength of the stone ball.

There was still some distance left, and he distractedly glanced at the map to confirm that he was on the right track, Xiang Yuan gritted his teeth and sped up again.

At the same time, in the obelisk, Gao Xue and others also noticed the abnormality here.

"Report! There is a change in the Zhuo Shui Emperor Crocodile!"

An instructor hurriedly adjusted the satellite's viewing angle and zoomed in dozens of times. From the perspective of God, he clearly saw the giant crocodile chasing a small light and shadow!


Mr. Heng frowned and gave an order, and the surveillance was magnified several times again.

"Xiang Yuan?!"

Seeing the slightly blurred face in the light and shadow, Gao Yanteng stood up in shock.

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