Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 464 Competing For The Five-Element Order

Wang Yuchen: "This way, Commander, please."

This is only the second day of tm, strictly speaking, it can only be counted as the first day, so you want to make big news? !

Those laws and decrees in the sky just now cost at least tens of thousands. Do they want to pick them up?

Zhao Yaoyao: "(Screenshot) I don't think it is possible to be alive, it should belong to the recording."

Zhao Yaoyao looked at the strange five-color characters floating around the skin of her wrist.

She was very lucky, as soon as those introductory decrees came out, she won the lottery. One of the decrees happened to fall next to her, and when she picked it up, it was automatically wrapped around her hand.

Lu An: "That's right, it's impossible for someone to survive, not as long as a monk's life."

After Lu An finished typing these words, he felt a little bit unsure, and his confidence was very low.

After all, he has seen those old antiques of the Demon Race. They can live for so long. It should be reasonable for their humans to have big bosses survive.

But for such a long time, the energy in the secret realm should not be enough to support their survival, unlike the demons, the possibility should be very small.

But it's only small.

Now that the secret realm has not arrived, the little assistant can't detect the specific situation.

The probability can only be said to be 82%.

Xiang Yuan: "I said, can you guys stop thinking so much? Why don't you just go and grab the entry laws when you have time, and you'll know when you go in and take a look. The name of this sect is a great sect. Opportunities should not be missed in vain.”

That's right, don't be in vain.

The voice just said that there is a Dharma image in it.

Can a high-end thing like Faxiang also be cultivated?

They never heard of it.

By the way, there is also the Five Elephant Order!

Lu An looked left and right, and quickly ran to a big tree. After a few jumps, he stood firmly on the top of the tree, squinted his eyes and looked around, his face darkened.

A slender beam of light that was much smaller than the beam of light appeared in the sky, also shooting directly into the sky.

Gu Mengmeng: "I have bad news for everyone. The token in my hand seems to be the Five Elephant Token. (Screenshot)"

In the picture, Gu Mengmeng is holding a beam of light in her hand, and a token can be seen faintly at the bottom.

Xiang Yuan: "!"

Liu Jun: "Wuxiang Order?! Then you now..."

Zhao Yaoyao: "Mengmeng, can the beam of light block it?"

Shen Li: "Mengmeng, where are you?"

Gu Xiaorou: "Sister, is there anyone nearby, run to us quickly!"

Wei Xiaoran: "We are already rushing in the direction of Mengmeng."

Everyone was shocked, and then felt a little heavy.

The five-element order erupted with divine light, which undoubtedly reminded others that the five-element order was in Gu Mengmeng's hands.

Open the Temple of Ten Thousand Laws and choose one Dharma without restriction. What kind of concept is this? It's a great opportunity.

As long as you can think of it with your brain, the Faxiang must be divided into different grades.

There are more than 100,000 people in the primitive area, and there must be countless people who want the Wuxiang Order!

As long as she doesn't throw it away, it will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism.

Always remind others of her location.

Gu Mengmeng: "I can't hide it."

With a bitter face, she tried everything possible to block the beam of light from shooting into the sky, but she couldn't hide it at all.

Lu An: "@Everyone, now everyone is rushing in the direction of Gu Mengmeng. Be sure to keep the Wuxiang Token for me. We have the initiative to grasp it. Mengmeng, be careful yourself, and hurry up when you meet someone you don't know. Run and wait for us to come."

The Wuxiang Order can not only choose the Dharma, but also the key to open the double door, which cannot be left in the hands of others.

Xiang Yuan: "We have already set off, but the distance is a bit far. Whoever is close, hurry up and help."




The rest responded one after another, and they also knew the pros and cons.

The function of opening the portal and opening the temple of heaven cannot be left in the hands of others.


"All dharmas are like heaven, caves, heaven and earth... Can all living beings participate?"

Coming out of the cave, all the beast kings looked at each other, and they could all see the eagerness in each other's eyes.

The ancient ruins, anyone will be tempted.

However, only those with a bone age below twenty-two, none of them can meet the standard.

But the geniuses in their territory can do it.

Without any communication, they all scattered and left.

"Hurry up, your other shit shoveler is in trouble."

I glanced at the radar and patted Gouzi, and the group was already arguing.

There is no other reason, Gu Mengmeng has already met someone.

Without further ado, the other party stared at the token in her hand and snatched it away, and then Gu Mengmeng punched out the life-saving token.

Knowing that he can't beat him, he is now keeping a safe distance behind Gu Mengmeng, as if reporting a message.

Gu Xiaorou: "Wait until I go over and hack him to death!!"

Xiang Yuan: "Hurry up, are they all cold legs?"

Li Jin: "It's not our fault. Our speed was not good. Now it's raining heavily, the terrain is worse, and there are landslides and mudslides everywhere."

Zhang Shuntian: "Already moving at full speed."


Xiaoha let out a howl, and the figure and the light band in front of his forehead increased a little again, and a crescent pattern appeared on its forehead.

Strands of golden streaks climbed along the limbs, dyeing part of the hair golden.


Suddenly, its limbs ran and pulled the phantom, and the speed suddenly doubled, turning into an afterimage.


In the Zhenhuang base, Mr. Heng recounted the incident, and everyone's faces were extremely heavy.

After extensive analysis by the think tank, the possibility of Mr. Heng's guess was minimized.

Without enough aura and Sealed Artifacts, there would be no surviving Brother Gu.

The secret realms and ruins that are frequently opened at this stage, at most, only remnant souls appear.

The current concentration of aura in the world is not enough to allow those high-quality secret realms to appear. Relatively speaking, the possibility of surviving Gu Xiu is also very small.

But the possibility of this situation will gradually increase after the spiritual power reaches the standard.

This theory was put forward in the early days of Reiki recovery.

"What are you panicking? If you don't say it, you won't have it. There is a high probability that this voice is just a photo or recording. It's not like we haven't seen it before. The most urgent thing now is, who knows about the Vientiane Fa Tianzong."

A projection of a young man sat on one side, crossed his legs, and leisurely blew a smoke ring.

"It's called out! There is a record in our terminal secret library!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they quickly looked at the documents on the big screen.

"The Tianzong of Vientiane Fa, the specific power level is unknown, and the sect is famous for its Dharma appearance."



The corner of Heng Lao's mouth twitched slightly: "That's all."

It's useless.

Gao Xue had no choice but to smile bitterly: "This is only recorded on an incomplete slate in a certain secret realm, and it took several months to decipher it. Other places are seriously missing, so I can't see it at all."


The young man curled his lips, and looked at the zoomed-in monitor: "This little beam of light should be the Wuxiang Order, hehe, the little girl should be the culprit of this mutation."


The author has something to say:

sorry for the lateness

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