It is worth noting that on each of the ferocious beasts, there is a circle of flowing runes slowly rotating around them.

It is an entry law!


The sound of a helicopter sounded from a distance, and as the buzzing sound got closer, a huge black dragonfly flew from a distance.

Its body is pitch black, its huge compound eyes are extremely blood red, its tentacles are sharp like knives, its tail has a row of spikes, and its four translucent thin wings are as sharp as blades.

Boom, scoff——

Flying at low altitude almost close to the snow, due to the high speed, a big tree and a giant rock bear below were unable to dodge, and they were all chopped off in the middle.

Even the hard rock armor couldn't stop its wings, and hot blood spilled out along the section and internal organs.

What's weird is that the nearby ferocious beast just glanced at its corpse, then turned and continued on its way, miraculously violating the habit of ferocious beasts going mad at the sight of blood.

The giant dragonfly fanned out the hurricane with its four wings, rolled up the entry law on the corpse and put it on its long and narrow body.

At a glance, its body is already covered with eight laws.

The whole team is also moving towards the depths of the mountains.

"Tsk tsk, what a great opportunity." The young man looked at the mount in the picture and sighed.

Hey, the amphibious mount is pretty fast.

"The greater chance is that bamboo forest." Someone responded lightly, and stretched his waist by the way.

The bamboo forest was covered by a natural barrier of white clouds, so they couldn't see what was going on inside, so they had to peek from the outside.

Not long ago, a group of them suddenly went deep into the bamboo forest, which may be related to these strange spirit beasts.

By the way, it also confirmed their idea that between Lu An and others, nine times out of ten they communicate with each other by means similar to spiritual links.

There is no external assistance.

Most of the people were stationed on the periphery, and suddenly their faces were full of excitement, and they rushed to the depths non-stop. After that, all the beasts galloped, and they could clearly see a series of public robbery.

Depending on the situation, they want to collect all the entry laws.

"Old Heng, they went in."

"Don't worry about it, just wait and see."


"What are they doing?"

On the side of the long line of ferocious beasts, Gu Mengmeng looked at the strange scene and was not sure why.

Instead of killing each other, they lined up in an orderly manner along the path into the depths of the mountains.

Was it driven by something?

"Introductory decree for some kind of biological transportation."

Lu An opened the map and checked the movement track of this group of beasts.

A little further ahead is the blue area.

And in that blue area, there is a large area of ​​blue dots concentrated.

"Old Lu, is there an overlord or something?"

Xiang Yuan wondered, if it wasn't the Overlord Lord, who would have the ability to order a group of fierce beasts to deliver laws in this ice and snow world.

It was freezing cold, and they didn't see a few animals all the way here, except for the team below.

"There is no overlord, but there is a small boss."

Lu An squinted his eyes, struggling to see the red dot covered by the blue dot.

"Let's go, kill this group of beasts first."

It's useless to think so, he also grabbed the pile of introductory laws.

Whoever they pay tribute to.

"Let's go first, and the mount will follow behind to assist."

"The moon rises!"

Without further ado, Lu An got off Xiaoha, and a bright moon rose slowly.

The moonlight immediately enveloped everyone, and their figures and auras were gradually hidden by the moonlight.

"Up and up! Dragon and elephant stepping on the mountain!"

"Jump! Give them a hard time!"

"Steel Star Falls!"

"A meteorite descends from the sky!"

All kinds of whispers came from the void, and the endless spiritual energy gathered into an energy burst, which was shrouded in soft white moonlight.


The hillside couldn't bear so much energy, and it exploded, causing some fierce beasts with keen hearing to look back.


A black glow descended from the sky, piercing through the head of an unknown beast in the blink of an eye, and the violent air wave overturned the beasts in front and behind.

"hold head high!"

Immediately afterwards, a phantom of a dragon elephant, a steel meteor, a huge rock burning with flames, and a roaring ice dragon followed closely behind, falling into the densest place in an instant.


In an instant, the wildly roaring and violent energies fused together, even though this mountain range was extremely strong, it was blown up into dust.

Many ferocious beasts were attacked one after another without even seeing a human figure, and there was no bones left in the explosion.

Only the extremely fast beasts and birds escaped the deadly sneak attack.


A two-headed scaled leopard escaped unharmed by chance, and was thrown into a tree by the surf, before it got up, the alarm bell rang in its heart, and the next moment, the scales all over its body seemed to be cut by some invisible object!

Some of the wounds were either frozen or putrefied and burned.


The dense pain from the wound forced it to open its mouth to scream in pain, but a burst of wind suddenly hit it, piercing its head.

On the other side, Gu Xiaorou twirled the dagger, and the nine handleless blades followed her to leave a wound on the beast.

With more wolves and less flesh, the number of beasts in this group was no match for them, not to mention that after a round of surprise attacks, the number had dropped significantly. Almost every surviving beast was at least one against four.

"Be careful."

Wang Tieniu was holding a big ax and a bear in front of him, but suddenly there was a buzzing sound behind him.

Immediately afterwards, I was suddenly pulled away by Lu An, and when I turned around, I saw that bear was cut in half by a huge dragonfly.

"Grass, my prey!"

"Find the next one, this dragonfly is too fast for you."

Patting him on the shoulder, Lu An turned over and jumped up to borrow strength from the tree trunk, and stabbed him suddenly.


The dragonfly circled skillfully, dodged the blow, and leaned down to the sky, setting off a hurricane against Lu An in mid-air, and swooped down.

Impressively, he was going to cut him in two with his wings.


Hey, why did I fall?

In the line of sight of the compound eyes of the dragonfly, Lu An's figure was seen spinning into the sky, and there was a headless corpse not far from him.

With one blow on the owl's head, the chain wrapped around the dragonfly's body and pulled it over, removing all the laws on its tail.

"After killing, go to the dead wood forest ahead, don't forget the law."


"Give me the cow, take it home and cook."

Lu An patted the snow on his body, and walked slowly towards the dead wood forest.

"There is poisonous gas, everyone be careful."

Before entering the dead wood forest, Qingxin frowned and looked at the thin air in the air, stopping everyone who was about to step in.

After testing for a while, she turned around and said, "It's not too strong, it's within the scope of the detoxification pill."

"Okay, let's go in."

After taking the detoxification pill, he walked cautiously towards the center of the dead wood forest.

Toxic fog shrouded, and the snow falling from the sky was decomposed into stagnant water, and the feet were muddy.

Everyone covered their mouths and noses, squinted their eyes slightly, and their skin felt a little uncomfortable.

Although there is Jiedu Dan to detoxify, but in the poisonous mist, I still feel uncomfortable.

"Ahem, do you smell it? It's getting more and more fishy."

"I smell it, I can't tell, it makes me want to vomit."

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