Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 498: Deciphering The Combination Of Stars

Mental power is relatively weak.

At the moment, study around the stone statues on their side.

So far, I haven't researched why.

Zhao Yaoyao and the others couldn't recognize him, but the people in the gymnasium who had developed the bad habit of asking Lu An indecisively were mad at him.

Lu An: "Thank you for the invitation, people are climbing the mountain, let's talk when we go up."

Lu An: "By the way, I'm afraid you didn't know to tell you that this place is forbidden, you can try it if you don't believe me."

After telling them about the hidden power here, Lu An continued to focus on his career in rock climbing.

If there are living beings here, if you look up, you can see a figure climbing around one of the peaks with a several-month-old dog on its back.

For Lu An, the mountain is high, but there are so many gravels wandering around it, it is only a matter of time before he wants to climb it.


Grasping the gravel with his left hand and using his legs for strength, his body swayed lightly, and the whistling wind came from his ears. Lu An stretched out his right hand and grabbed the huge iron chain that was close at hand.



Lu An's eyes were wide open, and he felt a surge of coldness passing down his arms and spreading all over his body in an instant the moment he touched the iron chain.

Caught off guard, both he and Gouzi were hit!

His body was eroded and stiff by the coldness, and Xiao Ha's two front legs let go of his neck.


In the blink of an eye, Lu An dislocated his right arm and turned over his body, grabbing Xiaoha who was about to fall with lightning speed.

Although his right arm was dislocated, it was still firmly attached to the iron chain by relying on the tyrannical energy and blood to penetrate it.

"You go up first."

Feeling cold all the time, Lu An grabbed the nape of its neck and threw it upwards vigorously, even with invisible pressure, it was enough for Xiaoha to fall onto the chain.


Xiao Ha let out a howl, and the power of the sun erupted, clearing away the coldness in his body, and his figure quickly grew in size in the air, climbing up the iron chain.

Immediately turned around and leaned over, two of the three light bands on his forehead stretched out, wrapped around Lu An's body and pulled him up.

"Damn it, it almost hit its path, it's really hurtful."

After connecting the right arm, Lu An grinned and cursed.

The owner of this iron chain is really tm insidious, playing tricks on the iron chain.

As strong as him, he felt stiff for a moment.

Fortunately, he held onto the iron chain, otherwise he would have fallen like this. Although he wouldn't die, he would definitely be injured, and most importantly, it would be a waste of time.

There was invisible pressure in the air, and falling at this height was equivalent to adding a propeller behind him. He estimated that he would have to smash the ground out of a big hole in less than two seconds.

Those who are not physically strong will be smashed to pieces on the spot and turned into meatloaf!

None of the bodies were complete.

[Deep Sea Xuanyin Iron Chain: A special iron ore formed through deep sea extreme cold quenching, which contains Xuanyin Qi and has a strong penetrating power. 】

"It really is the old Yinbi."

Lu An took a breath, who would believe it if it wasn't intentional.

The only thing that can continue to climb the entire mountain is the iron chain. It is made of this kind of insidious thing.

"Yin Laozi, I will also search for the iron chain after this is over."

Lu An stared at the Deep Sea Xuanyin Chain and muttered to himself viciously.

Such a large iron chain must be worth a lot of money.

He doesn't need it, he can take it back for collection and enrich his small treasury.

Feel good and sell a little.

After all, there are so many spirit beasts waiting to be fed at home.

The cost is not a small number.

Anyway, what can't be left behind.

Wherever you go, you will receive nothing.

"Get smaller and go."

Patting the dog's head, Lu An led Xiaoha carefully up the iron chain, being extremely vigilant in his heart, for fear of being tricked again.

The iron chain was huge, at least seven or eight meters wide. Lu An and Xiaoha walked on it, as small as an ant.

"Let's go around that rune."

Looking at the huge rune carved with red paint on the iron chain, Lu An led the dog around it and climbed up.

Looking down, you will be at the top of the mountain, and you can see all the small mountains.

His current position has penetrated into a high place, and there are misty white clouds and howling winds everywhere around him.

After an unknown amount of time, at the top of the mountain, a hand suddenly stretched out from the edge of the cliff.

A husky jumped up.

"Finally at the top."

Lu An climbed up quickly and saw the beautiful scenery around him clearly.

The top of the mountain is not big, at most dozens of meters wide, with lush vegetation, tufts of green grass fluttering in the wind, and a jade ash tree takes root on the edge of the cliff.

But Lu An's gaze was fixed on the center.

In the center is a small pond surrounded by green grass, about ten meters wide, dotted with lotus leaves and gray lotus flowers.

The most special thing is that there is a thin beam of light rising in the center of the pond, mixed with some incomprehensible runes and dissipating with the rising of the beam of light.

On the edge of the pond, there are three dragon head stone carvings facing the beam of light, as if they are worshiping.

Lu An thought about it, and immediately decided to go over to have a look.

It's all here, so I can't take a picture and go down the mountain.


The depth of the pond was only up to his calf, so Lu An asked the dog to wait on the bank, and Lu An waded to the side of the beam of light.

It wasn't until then that he realized that the bottom of the beam of light was an upside-down bowl-shaped stone plate, engraved with densely incomprehensible symbols.

"How to make this thing?"

Lu An touched his head and tried to order some stone plates.


His finger touches the stone plate, and the vision changes suddenly.

"Shua ding—"

The orderly rising runes of the beam of light began to collide with each other, and the sound of jingling sounded as they collided.

The pale beam of light also changed.


Xiao Hu suddenly called out, and Lu An felt something in his heart and looked up.

The surroundings of the mountain peak changed, and a night sky dotted with stars quickly covered the surrounding area, enveloping the entire mountain peak.

Then, endless dots of stars floated and drifted in the night sky, beautiful and brilliant.

Fragmentary runes floated out from the beam of light, forming a string of characters in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the stone plate rose from the bottom of the water, floating on the water surface, and the beam of light spread out in a fan shape.

A star map slowly unfolded.

The words appeared on the top of the star chart and remained there for a long time.

"What does it mean?"

[The text means, please move the stars to form a picture of Yuyin's residual brilliance. 】

The little assistant answered very thoughtfully.

What the hell?

Lu An frowned, he knew every word the little assistant said, but why were they so strange when combined together.

"How about playing decryption here?"

He has never heard of ghost pictures.

From the looks of it, it's still a decryption thing.

"Fu, can you solve it?"

[Yes, five points of energy. 】

"Understand it for me. If you don't get something after solving it, I will smash it for you."

With a wave of his hand, the five points of energy disappeared, and immediately a picture appeared in his mind, and he thoughtfully marked the sequence number for him.

"Isn't this the toad lying on the moon!"

The picture given to Lu An by the assistant looks like a crescent moon made of stars.

"It's so tall, I thought it was some kind of rare thing."

Dissatisfied, he moved the stars according to the marks, and the stars in the sky moved with his fingers.


The last one returned to its place, and the map of the toad lying on the moon suddenly glowed, and moved to the upper left corner of the star map, and the row of runes on it slowly squirmed and changed again.

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