Isn't that island in the lake its turtle shell?

Damn it, Feng Qing and the others picked all the spirit fruits on their backs?

Lu An gasped.

This courage is bigger than him.

Giant tortoise, he reckons that size is at least above the existence of Shenzang.

"Well, are they all right?"

He couldn't help inquiring about what had happened, wondering if he had disturbed the tortoise.

"Something? It's a little bit. I heard that some of them can't digest it, and they are still trying to suppress the energy in their bodies."

Xiang Yuan pursed his lips enviously.

To be honest, when he heard the news just now, he ran over to Gu Yunsheng to see what the spirit fruit looked like.

It's a pity that the baby is so tight that he doesn't show him life and death, his eyes are like guarding against thieves.

"Why are you asking that all of a sudden?"

After thinking about it, Xiang Yuan felt that Lu An's words were a bit inexplicable.

Suddenly asked people if there is something to do.


It seems that the giant tortoise was not disturbed, good luck.

It seems that not only they have opportunities, but others also have their own opportunities.

Xiang Yuan glanced at Lu An strangely, feeling that there was something in his words.

This guy definitely knows something, but won't tell me.

"Is there something wrong with that island?"

He turned his mind very quickly, thinking that there might be something wrong with the island.

Because he just mentioned the place where Feng Qing and others went, there was something wrong in Lu An's eyes.

"Ang, that's just a giant tortoise, but it's sleeping. Fortunately, I didn't wake it up. I noticed it before, and I wanted to go and have a look, who knows that I don't have enough time." Slowly tidied up the small quilt in the basket and said calmly.


Xiang Yuan gasped.

He finally knew why Lu An had weird eyes.

Climb the back of a giant tortoise to pick the spirit fruit, and came back uninjured. This luck...

It is not an exaggeration to say that the ancestral graves are smoking.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the crowd, a group of instructors showed their talents and entered the training ground from various places.

The enlarged four-winged crow slowly descended with Gao Yan on it.

The bustling voice also slowly decreased and disappeared with his arrival.

Gao Yan glanced across the crowd and was silent for a long time.

The roar resounded, and it was the dark heavy trucks that looked like steel giants driving outside the training ground.

"I have nothing to say. Your performance has exceeded my expectations during this period. It is very good. After you go back, you will practice hard and make contributions to the country in the future."

"When you graduate, if you want to join the Suppression Army, you can come to me."

"Senior Instructor..."

The parting is about to happen, and the air is full of sadness.

This farewell, I don't know when we can see each other again.

"Sad words don't need to be said. I don't want to eat this. Just remember what I said and I will be satisfied. Practice hard and don't be complacent because of your current achievements."

Gaze over everyone with hands behind their backs.

"There are all of them, follow me."

Turning his footsteps, he walked towards the outside of the training ground, followed by a large number of people behind him.

"Isn't this much better than the big truck that sent us here before?"

Xiang Yuan looked up at the tall, cold and dark heavy truck in front of him. The body was inlaid with thick transportation tubes flowing with light blue energy, and the row of wheels was faster than others.

This is not at the same level as the big truck before.

"My concern is that there is no teleportation array, so it has to be transported by truck."

"Everyone get in the car!"

Gao Yan stood beside the heavy truck, and when he touched the carriage with his palm, the cold heavy door spewed out white air, and slowly opened it up.

"Goodbye, Senior Instructor!"


They lined up one by one to climb onto the heavy truck, and said their final farewell to Gao Yan.

"Lu An, here, your Yuanjing, Minister Heng has no time to come, let me pass it to you on his behalf, and thank you for him by the way."

When Lu An approached, he took out a small black cube and handed it to Lu An.

"This is what I should do, as long as I can help the Suppression Army."

"Stinky boy, don't think I can't see your hesitant expression just now!"

"The Space Cube sent you off, hurry up and get out of here, I'm upset just looking at you!"

Gao Yan cursed with a smile, and pushed him onto the heavy truck.


After they all climbed onto the heavy truck, Gao Yan slapped the carriage again and closed the door.

Nodding slightly to the people in the cab, the driver immediately understood, started the heavy truck and drove slowly towards the distance.

Standing at the same spot and watching them leave silently, recalling the scenes of their military training in my mind, after a long silence, I smiled and turned to leave.

It feels good to train this group of students.

"Don't even give me a seat, what a waste of money."

Xiang Yuan sat down against the car door with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

The appearance is domineering, but the inside is still a show.

"It would be nice to have a special car to pick you up, pick this one and that one."

Lugging the dog, putting the big basket aside, squinting and falling asleep.


In front of the majestic and majestic school gate of All Souls Academy, a large number of parents gathered here, looking forward to the return of their children.

Lu Mingzhou, Lin Fei'an, and Gu Ren and Gu Ye's parents stood together, hoping to see the end of their vision.

"What do you think about Xiao An and the others? Will something happen?"

"What happened, and we haven't been notified, how can something happen."

Lu Mingzhou looked at the gloomy parents around him, feeling a little certain in his heart.

If they can come and pick someone up, it must be fine.

"Yes, if the child has an accident during the military training, the school will notify the parents in advance. If there is no notification, then nothing will happen."

Gu Renwen smiled.

Wan Ling is still very humane. If the child has an accident, the family will be notified in advance and a pension will be given. If there is a child who wants to apply for a university in the future, the standard line will be lowered.

If the name of the houses and shops bought in Mystery of All Souls is the student's own, it will be transferred to the name of the immediate family members, and all the things left in the school will be returned.

It is also a consolation. It has done everything that the university can do, which shows the spirit of All Souls Academy.

"I'm coming!"

At the end of the field of vision, a solemn and cold heavy-black truck drove straight ahead, followed by a fleet of heavy-duty trucks that looked like steel black dragons.

The parents who were chatting and bragging suddenly became agitated, causing a headache for the security team who organized the order.

Within a minute, the leading heavy truck made a beautiful drift and stopped firmly on the driveway.

It looks like an old driver.

The heavily pressed door opened with a "click", and a group of students came out in a single file.

When he saw so many parents at the school gate, he was stunned for a moment, and then there was a parent in Tianhai who was in Myriad Souls Mystery Realm, and his eyes scanned back and forth, looking for his parents.

Orphans or those with no relatives in Tianhai directly entered the school gate.

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