In the eyes of outsiders, he was suspended in the air for a long time with a blank expression on his face, and the aftermath of Lin Wuxiao and the others' violent fight couldn't get close to him at all.

No matter how strong the aftermath is, it will be offset by the endless murderous aura that surrounds him at this moment, which can be called an ocean.

Just now, he made two shots and instantly killed the two gods, and no one dared to stay in his murderous domain.

Even the comatose special manager was dragged away in time by the colleagues who rushed to the rescue.

Let alone Christians.

Although Yaoxie is ignorant, he also has a survival instinct. Knowing the horror of this murderous domain, he will never get close to it.

But there is one exception.

Ming, who was watching the fierce battle between Gu Mengmeng and others in mid-air, frowned, and instantly discovered a huge killing intent locked on to her with her powerful perception.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared beside her.

"Be safe, Elder Ming."

Lu An said hello, and sighed slightly when he saw Elder Ming's outfit.

It's only been a while since I've seen him. Elder Ming has fully integrated into the modern society. His outfit and sunglasses are quite trendy.

"It's very good. This era is really good, and there are many new things." Ming nodded slightly, watching Lu An shrouded in murderous aura:

"Boy Lu, your current state is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be backlashed by this murderous aura."

Ming could tell from Lu An's blood-red eyes that he was now full of murderous intent, and his tone was a solemn warning.

With a flip of the wrist, a piece of white jade full of fairy spirit appeared in the palm.

In an instant, Lu An's mind became much clearer, and the killing intent that was rising in his heart instantly faded away.

"Pure Spirit Immortal Jade can protect your Lingtai from being disturbed."

"Thank you, Elder Ming, but I know it in my heart, this killing intent can't disturb me, and I can use them to some extent." Thanking Elder Ming, Lu An shook his head and declined politely.

Maintaining this killing intent will help him concentrate his killing skills.

"Elder Ming, it's not too late. I'll help Mengmeng and the others while the killing intent is high."


Seeing that the killing intent in Lu An's eyes was getting stronger and stronger, as if a volcano was about to erupt, Ming didn't stop him, put away the Qingling Xianyu and let him leave.

In his current state, he urgently needs to vent the murderous thoughts in his heart, otherwise he may backfire on himself.

Lu An nodded, and his figure disappeared instantly.

He used the Murderous Domain to jump to Ming and this was just a transit, but the real purpose was Gu Mengmeng's side.

Killing intent lock teleportation is easy to use, but the only disadvantage is that there are living creatures in the field.

Shen Li's side is far away from here, almost far away from the main battlefield, and needs to borrow people or evil spirits to jump.

But it is also the last place where the Holy Spirit Cult struggled.



Lin Xinwei exhaled a sharp and cold light from the tip of his spear, and swept away the eight besieging envoys with one shot, turned back and hit the carbine in the middle of his chest, piercing the demon's chest that was bulging with white robes.

The venomous claws just barely brushed her cheek.



With the tip of the gun drawn out, the bishop was shocked to find that the blood hole in his chest could not heal!

Instead, it sizzles and emits white smoke!

This bitch is weird!

With one snap of the five claws, the muscles around the blood hole were scratched to fill the hole, and the blood was forcibly blocked.

"You guys, tear her up for me!"

Knowing that Lin Xinwei was not easy to mess with, he immediately summoned several envoys to besiege him, while he shifted his target and found Wei Xiaoran who was fighting fiercely.

A group of envoys crazily attacked the special tube formation, and the energy fluctuations destroyed all surrounding objects, leaving only messy ruins.


The giant bishop who looked like a hairless giant ape opened its black blood mouth and roared wildly, and the air around it condensed into ice.

The icy cold crazily eroded its flesh and blood, freezing its limbs and blood.

A fuzzy figure was hiding in the snowstorm, watching it indifferently, keeping a distance at all times, and not fighting it head-on.


At this moment, a wave of heat swept across, and a bishop with numerous wounds on his arms and a pitch-black will-o'-the-wisp descended from the sky, and the flames immediately evaporated a biting chill.

"call out--"

A huge penetrating rainbow energy impacted, overturning the broken ground and solid ice.

I saw Wei Xiaoran holding a flaming miniature star, and that beam of energy light was erupted by the star.

"Hahaha, I can't hold on any longer. Soon, it's your time of death. I will eat your delicate bodies bit by bit! Taste your blood!"

Dodging this beam of energy light, seeing the giant dharma around him gradually dimming, Bishop Heiyan laughed wildly.

With his smile, several other bishops also grinned, staring at them bloodthirstyly and greedily, as if they were looking at something on the plate.

"Only by you?"

Zhao Yaoyao's disdainful voice came from the mist, and then lightly dodged the bloody mouth protruding from the ground.

"You can speak as hard as you want, and when your spiritual power is exhausted, I will love you very much."


The blond werewolf bishop was hit by the purple black sword light, and his arms were almost cut off, but with his powerful healing ability, granulation began to grow and spread.

He taunted in broken Tianxuan language, and looked at Gu Mengmeng with murderous eyes.

"If you want to eat Lao Tzu, you also deserve it?"

Endless afterimages flashed around Xiang Yuan's body, and every time he appeared, a bloodstain would be drawn on his body, but then the bloodstain quickly healed and was covered with a layer of dragon scales.

The last dragon scale of Huanglong on his arm lit up, and the corner of Xiang Yuan's mouth curled up into a smirk.

With a thought, he deliberately sold a loophole, pretending to be unable to prevent flashes, and opened his chest wide open.


"Die, your heart is accepted by the bishop!"

A three-headed bishop who looked like a giant strange bird appeared instantly to seize the opportunity, and immediately grabbed his heart with blood-stained claws.

"caught you!"

However, Xiang Yuan grinned.

"Open the sky!!"

not good!

Seeing the yellow dragon swimming on Xiang Yuan's arms, the bishop immediately sensed that something was wrong, and his figure turned into an afterimage again.

It's a pity that it's too late.

The right fist is blasted out, the power is like hell, and the two dragons are intertwined and come out together!

The dazzling white light instantly occupied the entire field of vision, and the sky and the earth seemed to be a piece of white light.

A shocking earthquake that was so harsh that it was deaf exploded in the ears. Even if they were far away, many special eardrums ruptured.

When sight was restored, the white awns dissipated, and the three bishops were dead, leaving only a piece of left-wing film quietly lying in the dry river of blood.

"Ha, another one died, you guys are left to survive in the Holy Spirit Church."

Killing the bishop with one punch, Xiang Yuan couldn't hold on any longer, and the dharma disappeared and recovered his body.

Immediately, the master who was waiting for an opportunity around him moved.

Go straight to Xiang Yuan!

But before they took a few steps, they found that the sky was full of blood coming from the sky, arriving in an instant with the speed of thunder.

In an instant, the kilometer range became a sea of ​​blood.

The intense murderous aura filled the audience in an instant!

"Bang bang bang—!"

Below the white-robed bishop, all the disciples, without exception, were violently poured into the Tianling Gai with brutal and murderous intent, destroying their sanity.

The fragile brain exploded in an instant, turning into headless corpses!

Wherever the murderous intent comes, there will be no mercy for the slaughter!


A figure suddenly appeared beside Bishop Heiyan, and the cold killing intent locked him together with the cold air.

The moment she saw the figure, Shen Li paused slightly with her raised hand, blinked her eyes, and a rare look of confusion appeared on her face.

"You! Poof!"

Flesh was shattered, and a red hand pierced through his chest cavity, grabbing a heart full of sarcoma and sticking out from behind.

With a slight force, the heart suddenly burst!

Infinite murderous intent followed, wrapping Bishop Heiyan's body into red rice dumplings and tearing him into pieces!


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