
Seeing a white light suddenly appear in the thunder ball, the white sword in Ming's hand screamed.

boom--! !

A flash of sword light was fleeting between the sky and the earth, and the huge thunder ball exploded in an instant!

The majestic thunder energy spread instantly, with the center of the island as the point, a circle of 100-meter shock waves spread rapidly in all directions like a huge wave and tsunami!

The speed was so fast that it directly tore the air and created a sonic boom cloud at the front!

The shock wave swept across the land, even if it exploded at a high altitude, it was enough to overturn mountains and rivers!

The Broken Mountain was smashed into slag, and the entire island was almost razed to the ground.

Just when the shock wave reached the periphery of the island, dozens of small black flags were seen soaring into the sky, forming a dark formation that enveloped the temporary camp, and almost blocked the powerful shock wave.

bang bang!

But the sea behind is not so lucky.

Forcibly being swept up by the turbulent waves, following the shock waves rushing to the distance, the sea surface around the entire island was pushed down a bit! A harsh environment similar to that of the storm period was formed!

Even though the formation blocked the impact, the strong wind blowing wildly in the ears kept blowing everyone's robes and cheeks.


Inside the formation, a thick ice wall stood in place, firmly protecting the people behind and resisting the aftermath and wind and waves.

When the wind and waves dissipated, Shen Li wiped her hand, and the ice wall in front of her exploded into ice crystals.

"Is the leader dead?"

Shocked by the impact of this blow, Chen Mo immediately looked up and stared at the past.

"Not dead." Lu An let go of Gu Mengmeng and whispered.

"Is this not dead?"

Seeing the small black dot in the distance, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

I saw that Louis was scorched all over and stabbed into the void with the sword to support his body, breathing very heavily.

The land below him has long since disappeared, there is only a large pit with a diameter of 10,000 meters, and the sea water at the bottom is churning.

Obviously, it has been annihilated by Ming's blow just now and turned into nothingness.

So much so that a ring of craters was formed on all sides in the distance.

Louis's originally holy and handsome body was battered to pieces by the thunderbolt, and the wound was covered with lightning, contending with the holy light, preventing him from healing the wound.

"Untouchable, you offended me!"

He turned his wrist suddenly, and as his body turned, three sword lights and chains that were like ribbons hundreds of meters long smashed away in anger!

Throwing out the chain, he himself also burst into bright light, and followed closely behind to kill Xiang Ming.

"Angel true body!"

On the way to kill, the holy light in his body bloomed like a volcanic eruption, enveloping his entire body, forming a holy light ball that occupied the entire field of vision.

The next moment, the ball of light exploded, and a hundred-foot-tall seraph rushed out with a cold face.

"Extraordinary energy, tenacious vitality."

Ming stared at the holy light on his body, and nodded slightly in approval.

This kind of energy does have merit.

Both offensive and defensive, strong healing ability.

Moreover, this form has the same effect as the Dharma, but it is not the same.

"No Phase Heaven."

"Four Turns·Shenweitian."

Chaos appeared behind her, and her body instantly merged into the chaos. Immediately afterwards, a Valkyrie with dragon scales and golden armor appeared, and without a word, she swung the giant sword of Kaitian and drew a strange arc in the air, colliding with Louis' holy sword!


The swords collided with ear-piercing sounds, Pengming suppressed the Holy Light and Divine Flame, Ming pressed down on the white sword with his right hand, blocking the retreat of the holy sword, and at the same time turned his left hand into a palm, slapping his chest and abdomen with yellow light.

"hold head high!"

A golden dragon flew out from the palm of Louis's palm. In a hurry, the wings on the back of Louis expanded suddenly, and the white sword swung open to wrap around his body.


Huanglong hit a huge dent, and the feathers scattered all over the sky. His feet splashed a thousand meters of waves on the water before stopping the inertia of retreating.


The wings curled slightly, the holy sword in his hand turned into endless holy light, the white lines of light on his body soared, and two jagged light wheels were pulled out from the holy light with both hands, the six wings moved together, and instantly fanned the void and appeared on Ming's body forward.

Dense balls of light condensed around the wings, and then bombarded out like a rain of light!

"Cleansing style."

Waving the sword light overflowed, and the sword intent to cleanse everything burst out instantly, and the sky filled with light balls exploded into balls of fire in mid-air!


While she was cleaning up the ball of light, Louis also took the opportunity to get close to her, with a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of his mouth, five fingers bent into claws, and five balls of manic light filled his fingertips, going straight to her throat, intending to crush her neck .


Both hands caught the attacking claws left and right, and his right hand slid down his arm into his chest, and when it touched his chest, Louis was shocked back a few steps.

He quickly stabilized his figure, and actually abandoned the sword directly, and fought with Ming in close quarters.

bang bang bang...

The two sides struck fiercely, moving towards the fatal point, and every collision could shake out fluctuations that could reach kilometers.

The entire island was also torn apart from the middle because of the force they erupted.

"The sky of nothingness!"

The two sides fought for 20 rounds. In terms of combat experience, how could Louis be Ming's opponent? He was completely at a disadvantage and couldn't hold back.

"It's time to end."

I saw the empty door on his chest was wide open, his right arm was wrapped around a dragon, and he slammed out the dragon fist that roared and tore the void!


The Dragon Fist was unparalleled in ferocity, locked on Louis, tore through the void and pierced through his chest in his horrified gaze, leaving a big hole! Countless holy light particles were scattered!

Min would not let go of the momentary stiffness.

"Non-Phase One Turn · Empty Sky!"

"Return to the Ruins!"

Ming's figure reappeared, and behind him a nothingness spread, covering Louis in an instant.


Covered by nothingness, the archangel disintegrated in an instant, and even the holy light was swallowed by nothingness. Louis wanted to use the angel's holy power, but suddenly found that there was no spiritual power in the area he was in!

"Ugh! How is it possible!"

Sudden! He felt a pain in his left shoulder, and was shocked to find that his left half of his body had been erased inexplicably!

It was as if an eraser had erased part of his body!

If you continue like this, you will die!

A strong sense of death crisis hit the whole body!

Thinking about the countermeasures in his mind, suddenly, he took a deep breath, his eyes were full of gloom, and he said with murderous intent: "Tianxuan miscellaneous, since this is the case, it is indeed time to end."

Is there a backup?

Ming frowned slightly, then looked at the phantom of the heaven behind him.

"Heaven descends!"

Louis clutched the severe wound, and tried his best to explode spiritual power into the phantom of heaven behind him.

In an instant, the phantom of heaven, which was originally only half the size of a residential building, suddenly expanded and spread under his roar.

Like a rapidly expanding black hole, covering everything around it! Covered all the creatures on the island!

Everyone was caught off guard by this shocking change!

By the time they realized it, they had already arrived at a piece of heaven built on white clouds!


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