"What's the matter, haven't seen you for so long, can you give me a hug?"


After being dazed for a moment, the little white fox came back to his senses, his eyes were full of vigilance, and he and the ferret hedgehog looked at Xiao Ha who was already sluggish.

The dog stared straight at Lu An, and didn't even notice that the duck leg in his mouth fell on Yun Sheng Beast.


Quickly regaining consciousness, Little Huteng stood up from the cloud body beast, excitedly spread his limbs and flicked his tongue and ran towards Lu An frantically.

Moving with it, there are also branches that are rolling up garbage and throwing it into the trash can.

"Wow! Woah!"

After a few run-ups, Xiao Ha jumped up and rushed towards him, jumping into his arms and licking frantically.

"Hahaha, dead dog."

He reached out to catch the dog and rubbed the dog's head fiercely, letting it lick his face.

The extremely flexible branches continued to extend, entangled his feet, and strong thoughts were conveyed into his mind.

"Huh? He's really huh!"

Seeing Xiao Ha's actions, the little white fox immediately understood that this person was really Lu An!

His eyes were filled with intense surprise, he easily jumped off the sofa, spread his arms and legs with a group of spirit beasts and surrounded Lu An!

Rubbing him frantically with his head and body.

"Haha, don't bite, don't bite."

Climbing along his clothes to the top of his head, the little white fox immediately opened its mouth and gave him a slap.

"Where have you been for so long to come back?"

The little white sable wrapped around his neck, and the little hedgehog stood on his left shoulder and walked around happily.

"Enough dog, stop licking."

Stretching out his hand to pinch the dog's neck, he took a few pendants on his body and walked to the sofa surrounded by all the spirit beasts.

He slapped the little white foxes hard, put the little animals aside one by one, and then wiped his face with a paper towel.

"It seems that you are living a good life, you are all mysterious."

Reaching out to pick up the little panda on his feet, Lu An turned his head and nodded with a smile on the head of the flower spirit hedgehog.

"Where have you been, do you need some water?"

All kinds of shouts came and went, and they all rushed to ask him how he was.

"Okay, don't worry, just listen to me."

After they were a little quieter, Lu An briefly explained his experience.

"Then since you're back, you should take care of what you owe us!"

The little white fox flicked its tail and stretched out its paw to signal Lu An.

"Exotic beast blood chirping." The little hedgehog also echoed beside him.

"Okay, okay, how about I give each of you ten drops later? More is considered compensation, blood essence!"

After pinching the ferret's face and enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by the beasts for a while, Lu An transformed thirty drops of the blood essence of the beasts into Xue Tuanzi.

Following them to the back of the villa, Lu An frowned at the scene in front of him.

"Damn it, you're already this big, little tree?"

I saw the shore of the lake behind his villa. I don’t know who made it. It was forced to expand to the lake on the basis of the shore.

However, the spiritual plants such as the Dimai Lingshu and the Fanyun Youlongzhu are no longer where he originally planted them.

Instead, it was transferred to this expanded grassland.

The size of the small tree at this time is as thick as a city wall in the horizontal direction. The height of the tree is about 600 to 700 meters, and it has grown into a real towering giant tree!

The branches and leaves are luxuriant, and the yellow aura and the silver aura cover the crown of the tree like a gauze, like a protective umbrella covering the lake and the spiritual bamboos such as Fanyun Youlongzhu next to it.

The branches and leaves are layered and staggered, supporting a natural leaf umbrella at high altitude.

The tree body flows liquid energy, giving people a sense of thickness and tolerance.

And Fan Yunyou Longzhu is different from half a year ago, it has changed a lot.

The bamboo body is majestic, with Buddhist scriptures scattered like stars, and an illusory dragon wraps around the bamboo body, majestic yet peaceful.

The place where it is located is a pure land illuminated by Buddha's light.

"Xiaosuke, come out and see if they have evolved." Lu An urgently called Xiaosuke.

[Eight-star mutated spiritual plant · Terrain bearing tree: evolved from the variation of the earth vein spirit tree, because it absorbs the energy of the earth veins all the year round, it has the power to carry things with the same virtue as the earth, and its defense is extraordinary, and it cannot be broken by magical powers , supernatural powers are difficult to destroy violently. 】

[The soil of the place where it is located is fertile, because its own energy feeds back to the earth. At present, a rudimentary spiritual vein has formed deep under the ground under its feet, and the concentration of spiritual energy is no less than that of individual cultivation secrets. 】

"I see."

Lu An has long since discovered that Xiao Shu is unusual.

The lake where it is located is shrouded in white mist. Compared with other places, there are more fish swimming, and all of them are at least dozens of hundreds of catties fat.

The twigs and leaves trembled, and explained briefly to Lu An.

It turned out that their place was expanded and transplanted by the principal of All Souls Academy with a few people.

I also brought them some precious supplements, so they were able to be promoted to the category of eight-star spiritual plants.

While Lu An was communicating with it, the little assistant continued to type subtitles.

[Eight-star mutant spiritual plant Tianlong Diamond Bamboo: Brahma Yunyou Dragon Bamboo is mutated and advanced, surrounded by heavenly dragons, vajra guards, integrated attack and defense, Buddha's voice is mighty, everything listens, and the place where it is is the pure land. 】

[Pure Land has the effects of calming the mind, calming the mind, letting go of distracting thoughts, and improving understanding. Combined with the topographical tree, it is already equivalent to a special high-end cultivation secret realm. 】

[And bamboo leaves can be made into spiritual tea, which can increase a little understanding for a period of time, and can be superimposed with the pure land effect. 】

[This thing and the bamboo leaves are also useful to the host, and those who practice martial arts can get twice the result with half the effort here. 】

"Okay, okay, everything is great."

Lu An smiled crookedly.

There are two eight-star spiritual plants, the only one in the entire forest garden.

Moreover, when the two of them are combined together, the chemical reaction is not the slightest bit.

Lu An also understood why even the headmaster of All Souls College would personally come forward to transplant them together.

When these two guys get together, the effect of one plus one is greater than two.

It means that in Qingxin Linyuan, there is an additional cultivation secret realm that can improve comprehension.

Moreover, the aura contained in the fruit of the small tree was very abundant before, and now it should be comparable to some advanced cultivation pills.

"So, do many people come to practice every day?"

Lu An asked softly, did he believe that the principal of All Souls College would transplant them together for free.

There must be an idea to facilitate students.


Xiaoshu conveyed his ideas again.

The general meaning is the same as what Lu An guessed, students will come to practice every day, but there is no outrageous behavior.

Instead, when they leave, they will leave a few spiritual crystals or pour some special spiritual water as tuition fees.

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