Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 774: Tattoos On The Divine Beast

It's a good thing he endured the torture for so long.

With the help of the power of essence and blood, it breaks through the third body storehouse, improves the meridians in all directions several times, and can withstand more violent and ferocious forces without tearing damage.

Also, his current appearance is caused by absorbing the blood of the white tiger Vermilion Bird, which is exactly the same as the three phases of the sun and the moon.

With a thought, his body glowed with gold and silver light, turning into a more ferocious phase of the sun and the moon.

The ferocious bone spurs on the outside of the arm shone coldly, the forearm was covered with black and white fluff, and the pattern of flames flickered underneath.

Generally speaking, it only adds some changes to the phase of the sun and the moon.

Clenching his fist slightly, Lu An raised his head and looked in front of his eyes.

The right fist slammed straight ahead, and pieces of air were squeezed and burst, forming a circle of black and white air cannons visible to the naked eye that blasted hundreds of meters straight, crushing a twisted trajectory in the void in front of him.

Withdrew from the sun and moon phase, Lu An looked at his current appearance and his mouth twitched slightly.

Nanming Lihuo did not burn his clothes.

But the swollen muscles stretched them into strips of cloth, and they looked like beggars in ragged clothes.

Going back like this is afraid that he will be surrounded to watch his delicate body.

Returning to the cave again, he got into a corner and changed his clothes.

Feeling the current physical condition for a moment, Lu An is very satisfied.

The improvement in strength is too great, and he probably doesn't need Hei Yao to crush Xingyu Century's group of supernatural powers now.

With his current paws, a black tiger can almost directly penetrate the six-star spirit armor and pull out their hearts.

And the most precious thing is the supernatural power of the white tiger Vermilion Bird!

Suppressing the urge to find someone to try to vent his strength, Lu An opened the auxiliary panel.

[Spirit Refining and Forbidden Method (Four Poles): Xigeng Ruijin, Nanming Lihuo, White Tiger Style, Vermilion Bird Style. 】

"Xigeng Ruijin, Nanming Lihuo..."

The left and right hands were opened upwards, and suddenly, the fear and trembling feeling of being pointed at the heart by a sharp weapon emerged in the right hand along with strands of gold.

And in the palm of the left hand, there is a mass of pure white flames that distort the space, dancing in the palm very calmly.


Lu An smiled, very happily.

Look at what magical powers he has in his hand!

Xigeng is sharp gold, respects the white tiger, Shaoyin dominates autumn, and Naisu has a murderous aura.

Nanming Lihuo respects Vermilion Bird, Lao Yang rules Xia, and burns everything.

Both are the natal powers of the white tiger Vermilion Bird!

The fire of gossip that burns everything, the chilling power of the Lord's killing.

It's like a tiger with wings added to him!

Nanming Lihuo is not weaker than the afterglow of the setting sun and the power of the sun attached to Panhu, or even stronger.

And this fire was not born out of thin air, but evolved from the five element fire elements he controlled.

In the same way, Xigeng Ruijin was also evolved from the gold element under his control.

The power of Lihuo has been seen before, it can burn through the void.

Needless to say, sharp gold is sharp, but unfortunately there is no suitable experimental product here.

But Lu An must be sharper than Hei Yao.

Baihu's housekeeping skills cannot be weak.

When he becomes stronger in the future, the names of these two supernatural powers will truly be worthy of their names!

Taking them back into the body, Lu An looked at the remaining two, and he had already realized something in his heart.

White Tiger Form and Vermilion Bird Form are the accompanying martial arts.

And it's not perfect yet.

As soon as he thought about it, he saw golden and white lines appear on Lu An's chest and right shoulder like brush strokes.

They were intertwined with each other, quickly forming a tattoo of a mighty white tiger.

The white tiger roared across the shoulders of the mountains and forests, staring at the tiger's eyes, as if piercing through clothing, staring at the things in front of it!

Lu An only felt that his body became much lighter all of a sudden!

The golden light in the pupils of the eyes is full, and the whole person suddenly reveals the cold light, and the sharpness is soaring to the sky!


Suddenly, a vivid phantom of a white tiger appeared behind him, opening its mouth and roaring into the void! Raise a gust of wind!

Then the phantom slowly dissipated.

White tiger style, its speed is like the wind!

The white tiger tattoo appeared, his speed increased sharply in all directions, and his attacks were as swift as a storm, just like the ferocious posture of the white tiger when hunting.

Such as attack speed reaction movement, etc., are all supported by the white tiger style.

"Good skill!"

Lu An tried to wave his hand, and the speed was very fast. His hand seemed to have stopped in place, but in fact it had already circled around.

There was no afterimage left, because the speed of his waving was so fast that even an afterimage could not be formed, only the moment of waving was blurred for an instant.

After experimenting, he was satisfied with the White Tiger Form, so Lu An withdrew from the form and turned to Vermilion Bird Form.

The golden-white white tiger tattoo faded away, and a few lines of flames suddenly appeared behind him, forming a picture of Vermilion Bird on his back.

Vermilion Bird is handsome and graceful, as if soaring through the nine heavens and flying in the air, coming and going freely in the burning clouds!

The whole tattoo seemed to be burning, and Lu An's eyes also changed, and there seemed to be flames burning deep in the pupils.

Accompanied by birdsong resounding through the sky, the phantom of the scarlet Vermilion Bird spread its wings behind him, and sporadically scattered with its wings!

Suddenly! He waved his hand and fanned the air in front of him, a handful of blazing flames suddenly appeared, and then quickly dissipated.

Vermilion Bird style, aggressive like fire!

It enhances its strength in all directions, and attaches blazing flames to every move. The offensive is as fierce as a raging fire, and it is as hot as Vermilion Bird, which makes people dare not face it directly.

Continue to follow until the enemy is burned out. If the enemy is not dead, the fierce fire attack will never stop.

"Okay! Two superb auxiliary martial arts!"

Lu An's face is full of happiness, and he can't wait to find someone to practice.

Refining blood essence and giving it two top-grade martial arts, how could it make him unhappy.

And it's not perfect yet!

His current realm of spiritual refining and forbidden law is called "four poles".

What is quadrupole? Four directions and four poles!

The white tiger Vermilion Bird represents the southwestern poles.

If he finds the Azure Dragon Xuanwu blood and refines it, and the four poles return to their positions, he will be considered complete in the level of refining spirits and forbidden techniques!

Moreover, the two styles of martial arts can be used together, and when his skills are perfect, all four styles can be used together to be the real perfect body!

"Martial arts are good, but this tattoo..."

Lu An touched his right shoulder helplessly.

Looking at the situation of these two styles, when the remaining two poles are put back in place, wouldn't he have tattoos all over his body?

Tiger on the right, dragon on the left, basalt on the belly and Vermilion Bird on the back?

It looks a little silly.

Isn't that exactly the same as a social bastard?

Thinking about the scene where his body was tattooed with divine beasts, he didn't dare to think how Shen Li and the others would look at him.

I dare not even think about that strange look.

"Go back and study whether it can be hidden, otherwise it will be a social death to be seen by those big speakers."

Lu An couldn't help but think of the scene of Gu Xiaorou going all over the street to publicize that he was a street sneak in order to get revenge on him, and he felt uncomfortable.

Can't let them find out.

Fortunately, only the white tiger style is a bit obvious now, pay attention to the shoulders and hide it!

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