Looking at the feathers and blood on his desk, the slightly older researcher pondered for a moment and nodded:

"Okay, it just so happens that our samples are almost collected, so it's okay to borrow from you."

"But I need to remind you, don't open the cage, otherwise it will definitely escape without the above prohibition."

"Thank you everyone, don't worry, it's just asking something."

Lu An and Shen Li looked at each other, they didn't expect to borrow it so easily.

I thought it would take some effort.

"Come on baby."

A few steps over, he lifted the birdcage, thanked him again and left the research room, found a deserted corner in the research room and put it on the ground.

"Hey, hey! Wake up!"

He squatted down and knocked on the birdcage in a very rude tone.

However, the eagle demon inside just poked out half of its head from the wings to glance at him, and then buried the feathers again.

Just ignore him.


Shen Li next to her saw Lu An's nose turned ashamed, and immediately pursed her lips to suppress a smile.

"Why does it look half dead?"

"I don't know, what inhumane thing did those researchers do to torture him like this?"

Lu An wiped away the false crocodile tears.

"Look, how energetic the eagle demon was before, scolding people all the way without stopping, look now, hey!"

"Warrior, fall into your hands, bad luck, kill or cut, please!"

Unable to stand Lu An's eccentric words, the eagle demon's feathers trembled, opened its blood-red vertical pupils and opened its mouth coldly, and then buried its wings again.

"Hey, you're quite educated, you know how bad your luck is?"

He was becoming more and more interested in the harpies.

His spiritual intelligence is so high, he has never seen many of them in the Demon Race.

Of course, he was talking about the group of low-level demons who were thrown down the passage, not the level of the Demon Man and the Black Gold Skeleton King.

"Come on, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Seeing its weak and hanging appearance, Lu An didn't know how much blood this guy had been drawn, so he simply stated his purpose directly.

"Well, do you want to escape from this devil's lair, and let the birds fly in the sky from now on?"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the Eagle Demon shrank into a ball and moved a little, but he still didn't look up at him.

So he decided to add another fire.

"I can tell you that if you continue to stay here, your final fate is to be dissected."

"Anatomy, you know, disembowel your stomach, take out your internal organs and brain for research, and even prevent you from dying, and use you as an eagle body experiment!"

Seeing Lu An frightening the eagle demon in a serious manner, Shen Li was speechless, holding her forehead and not knowing what to say.

Slicing research has come out, but it's really okay.

"Wu, man, tell me what you want."

Demonic whispers lingered in his ears, and the eagle demon couldn't help shivering when he thought of the scene of it being blood-drawn and hair-plucked by several large needles in the morning.

The fear of death and the desire to live suddenly occupied the brain.

It finally stood out from the crowd of its kind, opened up its intelligence to achieve its current achievements, every step is extremely difficult, the right time and place are indispensable for monsters and monsters.

You can't just die so easily!

So, it admits it's moved.

And judging from what the warrior meant, he wanted to make some kind of deal with it!

"Then I'll just say it straight, you can go out, but the price is to do things for me!"

"I need you to bring all of your kind under my command after you go out, and send a batch to me regularly in the future. What do you think?"

See you in the picture!


The eagle demon's blood-red vertical pupils suddenly shrank, and it screamed angrily in disbelief! A pair of wings beat the cage continuously.

"Warrior, you are delusional!!"

Speaking of this, how can it not know that this hateful warrior in front of him wants it to gather the lower kind to enshrine him! For him to devour and practice!

Exactly what it did before!

Just let it be a dog!

"Think about the fact that the same kind who are worse than you will gradually surpass you in the future, and you can only be dissected into a specimen here, wouldn't you be reconciled?"

"Look at you now, you are not far from death. Even if you have the courage to die, think about how those monsters of the same level as you would feel if they knew what happened to you?"

"Moved because of you? If you think too much, they won't treat other monsters as the same kind, they will only think that you are an idiot, unworthy to be compared with them."

"Maybe I will laugh at your stupidity, then continue to hide in the dark to improve myself, and forget you in a blink of an eye."

"So you think your death made sense?"

"Maybe it is meaningful, but for those researchers, your sample is meaningful."

A sentence of heart-piercing words was like a sharp sword piercing the heart, piercing the heart of the eagle demon.

Every time Lu An said a word, the eagle demon's vertical pupils turned blood red, and his chest was panting rapidly.

Thinking of those same monsters I knew, and thinking of their disdainful faces when they learned that he was dead, the eagle demon became mad with hatred!

The nameless anger went straight to the brain! Tear the picture in your mind to shreds!

The samurai is right, there is indeed not so much sense of honor between them, and they are not even the same at all!

There are only pure interests and tenuous alliances between them.

As long as one party is in trouble, both parties will definitely fall into trouble and devour each other!

This is their real relationship!

Then if this is the case, why should I die in this ghost place, while they are still at large? !

Why! !

Constantly questioning itself made its own body tremble, and its eyes were full of anger towards other evil spirits.

"I was limped by you."

Seeing the eagle demon's trembling posture abnormally, Shen Li couldn't help but secretly transmit a voice to Lu An.

Too ruthless, grasping the eagle demon's sore spot, knowing the evil spirit's habits like the palm of his hand, piercing its heart frantically, breaking its psychological defense line.

"Hey, it won't work if you don't use hard medicine on this thing."

Giving Shen Li a look back, Lu An continued:

"It seems that you have already made up your mind. Since this is the case, there is no need to talk about it. Just wait here to die slowly."

After that, Lu An picked up the bird cage neatly and prepared to take it back to the research room.

The last trick, play hard to get!

You can only wait for it to agree, and then you can handle it as you want in the future.

"Wait, warrior, I promise!"

Sure enough, before he could take two steps, the Eagle Demon finally regained his sanity, opened his beak and yelled again and again, slapped the cage and hurriedly called Lu An to stop.

It can sense that this is an opportunity.

It has to consider whether this is its only chance in this life.

We must seize this opportunity to survive! Never regret it!

As long as it can live, what does the life and death of other evil spirits have to do with it? !

It is so talented, it must not die here!

"That's right, those who know current affairs are heroes, I appreciate you very much."

Shen Li stared inexplicably at Lu An who had put down the birdcage again, feeling how he looks like a big villain now.

Verbal threats, death threats, is this something a good person can do?

Anyway, in her eyes, Lu An has nothing to do with being a good person now.

Not a good bird!

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