Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 804 Professional Technician

The boy played with the cards and smiled confidently, confident about this task.

"Don't be careless, we must make a quick decision. If we can't solve them in a short time, we will evacuate as planned, otherwise we won't be able to leave when the Tianhai official reacts!"

"Also, the task requires living people, remember."

The calm Tianxuan language came from the headset, which made the boy's confident expression restrained.



As soon as the voice fell, crisp and clear responses continued to come from the headset.


At this time, Lu, who didn't know that someone was planning to target him, was still chatting with Shen Li happily.

"Are you going to keep your hair?"

"hold head high."

Reaching out to grab a handful of his hair, Shen Li said leisurely: "It's up to you, but I hope you will be prepared."

"Ah? What are you preparing for?"

Lu An was taken aback when he heard the words, his face full of confusion.

What is he going to prepare?

"During dinner last night, Mengmeng told me to braid your hair, and Yaoyao and the others overheard it, and asked her to take a picture of you and send it to Moments."

Speaking of this, she added softly with a smile on her face: "She said she would give you the same hairstyle as hers."

"Ah this..."

He looked slightly embarrassed, and took a breath in his heart.

Shen Li didn't say that he didn't know yet, those guys were actually thinking about his hair.

"It doesn't exist, I can't tie a ponytail."

Lu An spoke decisively and righteously, no one could play with his hair, not even Gu Mengmeng.

"Ha ha......"

The two chatted all the way, and as they walked into an empty block, they also noticed that the surrounding pedestrians were gradually decreasing, but they didn't care too much.

Today happened to be a working day. Except for a few places with a lot of traffic, the sun was shining brightly at noon. The sun was so harsh that not many people were willing to come out to expose themselves to the sun. It is normal for there to be fewer people.


On the rooftop of a nearby residential building, half of the head of a sniper rifle protruded vaguely, and the expressionless young man was watching their every move through the scope.

"The target is about to enter the range, please get ready!"

"It's ready. If it doesn't work, Blood Hunter will transfer you as soon as possible. According to the data, he is an ancient martial artist different from physical cultivation, and his speed is extremely fast."


The young man opened his mouth lightly, and as the two of them were about to enter the range of action, he began to hold his breath, aiming the scope steadily at Lu An's abdomen.

The task required a living person, so he couldn't kill him with a single shot, so he decided to shatter Lu An's lower body and restrict his movements!

"Blood hunting!"


Seeing that Lu An and the two had already entered the target location, a loud shout came from the headset!



As soon as he took a step with his right leg, Lu An's cheerful smile suddenly froze, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes!

Killing intent!


"Miss, be careful!"

As soon as the killing intent was revealed, Lu An heard a sonic boom tearing the air from far away!

The sonic boom was so fast that it appeared in his sight in the blink of an eye!

A bowl-sized spiral of extreme red light!

The red light mixed with the color of paint gray swayed and swayed in a long and narrow orbit, hitting him directly like a meteor. The air in front of it exploded layer by layer, and clusters of small sonic boom clouds burst out and let it pass through!

Time seemed to slow down for a moment, and the pupils of Lu An's naked eyes shrank like a camera, and he could clearly see what was inside.

It was a strange sharp bullet, wrapped in gray-red destructive energy.

It's half the length of a chopstick, but as it approaches, its tail structure keeps separating!

Lu An clearly saw that it was simplified again like a rocket separating!

Part of the separated parts light up a miniature formation, and the speed of the bullet suddenly doubles at the moment the formation is lit up!

The bullets continued to separate and speed up like this, until the distance between the two was less than ten meters, it had become the size of a finger, but the destructive energy engulfed in it was like a violent storm, and the scorching breath swept the audience!

In an instant, Lu An analyzed its trajectory.

It was my own abdomen!

Can hide!

The brain sent him such a message.

However, the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, and his right hand was suddenly raised at an unbelievably terrifying speed, blocking the bullet's only path!

You can hide, but you don't have to.

The young man on the rooftop in the distance only saw Lu An's hand raised out of thin air, as if he wanted to block his bullet!

"court death."

A disdainful smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

The shot he fired at his maximum power could easily pierce through the supernatural powers that were not physically cultivated in the middle stage, and this guy actually wanted to catch it with his hands? !



The berserk energy exploded in his hand in an instant, and the gray-red energy went forward one after another, and the bullet tore Lu An's palm apart! Climb along his arm and tear it up!

Visible to the naked eye, almost the entire muscle of Lu An's right arm was torn and shredded into cloth strips, and then annihilated by the energy into blood mist!

Seeing that his right arm was about to blow up, and it was about to affect his neck and even his head, a terrifying scene happened that made the boy's pupils shrink into dots!

Seeing that his most powerful special armor-piercing bullet was stuck firmly in the palm of Lu An's exposed hand bone! No more deposits!

The right arm that exploded into a blood mist exposed the inner skeleton.

It was a smooth bone like suet white jade, unlike human beings, which gave people an indestructible and oppressive feeling.

The fact is exactly the same, the terrifying bullet that could tear the muscles of his right arm was actually stuck to death by his palm bone!

What's even more shocking is that there are only tiny cracks in the bone where the bullet is stuck!

"Hey, it's been a long time since I've had such a good time."

Feeling the pain from his right arm, Lu An squinted his eyes in comfort.

God is sorry, it has been a long time since he was injured like this.

This is the trouble with his too strong physique.

The time of sucking the blood of the holy beast does not count.

Just after his words fell, the scene that shook the young man's mind happened again! It directly stunned his still thinking brain.

I saw that Lu An's right arm, which was only left with bones, suddenly returned to its original state!

If it wasn't for the fact that the sleeve of his right arm didn't recover, and the jingling bullets could prove the truth of the matter, otherwise the boy might think that everything just now was an illusion!

"Rail Mirror! Blood Hunt quickly move location!"

The sudden loud drinking from the headset woke up the young man, and without a word he shivered, put away the sniper rifle and pressed the palm of his hand on the rune carved on the ground, and his figure instantly shifted to another place.

"Professional, the killing intent is hidden so well." Lu An shook hands and smiled.

The killing intent was revealed at the moment of the attack, so that he didn't realize that anyone wanted to intercept him.

This technology is not professional who believes.

"Be careful Lu An, it might be a professional killer coming at me."

Shen Li's expression was solemn, her sharp eyes flicked around, and she felt a little irritable in her heart.

A swarm of flies that can't be chased away!

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