Ammus was happy, but Hu Haizhou was numb.

His eyes were fixed on the increasingly fierce battle in the center of the open space, and his brain was spinning rapidly, analyzing Lu An's actions frame by frame in his mind, and then predicted his next move in advance based on his own experience.

It is a pity that only a small part of his prediction can coincide with Lu An.

Most of them were dodging at strange angles that he didn't expect.

He has no choice but to change his thinking, predict in advance and then quickly compare with Lu An's actual actions to see which is the best option.

With such a wealth of combat experience, is there anyone in the team who can compete with him?

Regardless of the crazy recording of Coach Sun and others behind him, Hu Haizhou became more and more frightened as he watched. He frowned and thought hard, then slowly shook his head.

As far as close combat is concerned, Tianming may be able to do it, but the others should not be able to go through thirty rounds.

After Hu Haizhou made a little calculation in his heart, the conclusion he came to made his heart sink slightly.

He came to this conclusion based on the extraordinary performance of other people's explosive seeds.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be worse.

"Is this the way of martial arts that really uses martial arts to become a Taoist? It's really a lot of experience."

Coach Sun quickly recorded in his notebook Lu An's skills and experiences worth learning, and then he couldn't help but sigh.

I wanted to see what makes Wu Xiu stand out for a long time, but today I saw that he was really extraordinary.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Lu An was giving Samisha a trick, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

Otherwise, Samisha would have lost her ability to fight five minutes earlier.

"The technique is a bit mysterious, and there is very little to learn. It seems that there are many places that require the unique power of martial arts to perform."

Coach Yang narrowed his eyes and stared at Lu An's movements closely, dissecting them and comparing them with others.

The final conclusion is the same as that of Hu Haizhou, except Tianming and others may not be able to do it.

As for Xiang Yuan, he didn't count on it, he was too bulky to be hung and beaten.

"Don't play anymore! Exploding clouds and meteors!"

Being teased to pieces, Samisha kicked on Lu An's arm with a blushing face, and leaped into the air with a backflip, her spiritual power erupted like a tornado, and the surging pressure swept all directions!

Within 100 meters, the gravity increased by at least 20 times, which made Gu Mengmeng, who was watching with gusto not far away, run away quickly to avoid being hurt by the fish in the pond.

With her as the point, the ground around 100 meters sank, like a shallow pit with a width of 100 meters!

A lot of gravel was directly crushed into powder by gravity and spread on the cracked ground.

The sudden increase in gravity caused everything within the range to be slightly distorted, the air, the aura, and even Samisha's own aura.

"I won't be in a hurry."

Lu An muttered to himself, and looked at Samisha quietly, noticing that the nearby gravity was still increasing, and felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

It seems that he was really anxious.

The xinxing still needs to be polished.

"I'll see how you hide!!"

Samisha clasped her hands, and her spiritual power and gravity distorted the space together.

Visible to the naked eye, basketball-sized gravitational vortices condensed in the void behind her, spinning and twisting wildly until they formed translucent balls of gravitational energy!

The gravitational energy balls are like densely packed missiles all over the sky, aiming at Lu An below!

"Haha, hide if you have the ability!"

Samisha waved her hands, and the gravity ball pierced Chang Ye like a swarm of meteors, falling like a rainstorm!

"Is this going to hurt for a long time?"

Looking at the gravitational meteors covering his field of vision, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he clicked his tongue and finally became serious.

Throwing all the meteors down, Samisha's eyes flashed with relief, but she didn't wait for a long time before she found someone in the center of the meteors moved.

The qi and blood all over his body were rising and showing, and a bloody light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he suddenly turned into a streamer and faced the meteors in the sky with the terrifying gravity!

The ball of meteors poured down like rain, and the vast and heavy pressure was completely released, making the air turbid. Wherever it passed, the gravity was distorted and chaotic, forming a chaotic gravity field!


As the first gravitational meteor landed, a heavy explosion that shook the sky and the earth resounded through the sky!

The huge land was directly torn and overturned, and the sky was filled with dust and dust before it was forcibly suppressed by gravity!

The mighty meteors fell to the ground one after another, and the continuous sky-shattering explosions could be heard endlessly, shaking people's eardrums with painful noises!

But Samisha, the instigator of all this, didn't pay attention to these things, but stared closely at the flash of blood flickering in the meteor shower!

Bloody butterflies are flying in the gust of wind and rain, what can meteors in the sky do to him!


The body tossed and moved among the meteor clusters, and I saw Lu An circling five times in mid-air, kicking all the gravity meteors falling towards him with his legs wide open and wide!

In an instant, more than a dozen meteors were kicked away by him, falling to the ground in a dive, or shooting towards the top barrier to explode!

Explosions continued under his feet, and he stood on top of the smoke and dust, his hands evolved into black and white, and turned into a Tai Chi picture between twisting and flipping!

The yin and yang Pisces are entangled, and the hands are like a spring breeze blowing and stroking the continuous silk, gently brushing the gravity meteor, forcibly changing their target landing point, and pulling them to pass by the side!

And he is in the storm, and the rain will not touch him!

There are still meteors everywhere, and they can't hurt him at all!

Face the shooting stars in the sky with the momentum of ten thousand men!

Samisha, who was standing high in the sky, stared blankly at Lu An who saw her attack as nothing, her eyes were full of splendor.

He is really strong!

"Back to you!"

Suddenly, a light smile like a spring breeze came to her ears mixed with the roar, and she saw that the Yin-Yang fish evolved by Lu An had pulled more than ten gravity meteors into her arms at some point.

What made Samisha's eyes wide open was that these gravity meteors didn't explode under his constant rubbing, but mixed into a large gravity ball!

Flipping the wrist, covering the gravity ball with the palm, he turned around suddenly and threw it at Samisha in the sky like a cannonball!

"Don't try to hit me with my attack!"

Seeing that the gravity ball was heading straight towards her, Samisha clenched her right fist tightly, and used her qi and blood to maximize her strength. Her blue eyes flashed through the shaking light and she punched directly through the gravity ball!

With a "buzz", a terrifying gravity storm formed beside her, but within a second, Samisha tore the storm and flew out.

"Look where?"

Just as she was frantically looking left and right to find the trace of Lu An, she trembled in fright at the light voice behind her, and subconsciously turned around and punched her with her elbow.

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