"Last week, you practiced freely. Xiaorou and I went to see it once. It's about that big!"

Gu Mengmeng opened her hands and drew a big circle for Lu An, and then continued: "I think that place has a lot of energy, it should meet your requirements."

As she spoke, the scene of Lu An destroying the Xingyu Building and the experience he said about absorbing Lei Hai came to mind, and she nodded her head affirmatively.

"That place is definitely suitable for you. If it doesn't work, we can ask Coach Hu, they must know!"

Thinking that Lu An's inhalation of Thunder Sea would make him thunder, Gu Mengmeng immediately became determined.

"It's right, it's definitely right for me."

Smiling and rubbing her pretty face, Lu An sighed slightly in his heart.

Lei Hu, don't say anything, this thing is destined for him.

It is definitely the most suitable place for him to practice, bar none.

Of course, the premise is that Lei Hai is excluded.

With experience in absorbing Lei Hai, isn't it easy to absorb a Thunder Lake?

"As expected of the cutest Mengmeng, I was right to ask you." Thinking of this, he couldn't help but praise.

"Hey hey."

After being praised suddenly by Lu An, Gu Mengmeng stroked her hair in embarrassment, with an undisguised smile on her face, not to mention how happy she was.

"By the way, because Thunder Lake's energy is too violent, the teleportation array can't be built next to it, so it can only be set up nearby, and you need to take a small path to go there."

"And that mountain is quite big, it's easy to get lost when you go there for the first time."

"So you need a guide!"

At the end, Gu Mengmeng managed to reveal her real purpose.

"So?" Lu An asked knowingly, pretending not to understand.

Hearing this, Gu Mengmeng's expression was straightened, and she took it for granted:

"So I'll take you there! The path leading to Thunder Lake is very hidden, you can't find it by yourself!"

"Oh, of course it's no problem. It's best to have Mengmeng lead the way. I wish for it."

Hearing his words, Gu Mengmeng was extremely satisfied.

On the other hand, Hu Haizhou and the rest of Tianxuan's coaches were shocked when they learned that Samisha was able to practice spiritual martial arts, and then gradually relieved.

No wonder you can practice martial arts, co-authoring is considered half a martial art.

On the contrary, Ammus and the others didn't react too much.

"Your Highness, martial arts training is good, but training is equally important, especially training with Prince Adar and the others."

Ammus tried to dissuade Samisha with a distressed expression.

"Yes, what Mr. Ammus said is right. It is also important to improve the team's tacit understanding and cooperate with each other in training. This is related to the overall level of team competition."

"The effect of collaborating with different teammates is also different. These all need to be trained systematically, which is the most important thing."

Hu Haizhou also agreed with what Ammus said, and glanced at Lu An not far away from his corner of the eye.

That's an exception. They haven't figured out how to train Wuxiu until now.

It is to step into their blind zone of knowledge.

"Then what do you say?"

Ammus and the others were at a loss for words when Samisha said a word.

During this period, Her Royal Highness and Lu An's improvement in martial arts are obvious to all.

In terms of melee combat alone, he has been able to go back and forth with Hezaben, and he has fought four or six times.

Samisha four, Hezaben six.

You must know that it is not more than half a month before she learns martial arts.

The improvement in such a short period of time is huge and jaw-dropping.

It is indeed not advisable to shorten the training time.

Moreover, this opportunity is something that no one else could wish for, it is an opportunity that belongs to her alone.

In the whole world, the princess is probably the only one who can teach martial arts techniques to Lu An, a great martial artist.

Other little Wuxiu can only cross the river by feeling the stones by themselves.

Seeing them fall into silence, Hu Haizhou did not speak, quietly waiting for Ammus to make up his mind.

After all, it was a matter of his team, and his EQ was not low enough to dictate.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that only some of the martial arts techniques can be used, and the others need the power of blood to exert their real effects, he would have wanted to call Lu An over as a coach.

Moreover, the techniques that can be used still require physical fitness, and the threshold directly keeps most people out.

This is quite a pity.

"How about this, Your Royal Highness." Ammus thought for a moment before making up his mind.

"Daily training is indeed not as helpful to Her Royal Highness as martial arts training. You don't need to participate in this kind of training."

"But team training such as coordinated operations still needs to be participated in, which is related to the level of the team's performance."

He thought of a compromise idea, freeing up unnecessary training time to practice martial arts.

In this way, the time for Samisha to practice martial arts will be greatly increased, and the team training will not be delayed.

Martial arts training is correct, and the effect can be maximized.

"Okay, I'm fine!"

Samisha readily accepted, she is not a messy person, this method is indeed the best method.

She never thought of skipping such important training as team training.

"Since Her Royal Highness agrees, then follow this method."

Seeing that she agreed, Ammus heaved a sigh of relief, and the bitterness on his face turned into a smile again: "However, Your Royal Highness can't neglect martial arts training."

"Huh? Impossible! Your worries are unnecessary, but I can't relax about practicing martial arts with Lu An!"

Samisha frowned delicately, and seemed a little dissatisfied with Ammus' words, but she immediately put the thought behind her.

"If my problem is solved, I will go there first. You can talk slowly. If you have any questions, just call me."

From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Gu Mengmeng who was full of joy, her eyes narrowed slightly and an inexplicable expression flashed across her face, she greeted all the coaches and then rushed away without looking back.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Samisha's character is really cheerful and forthright, really unique."

Watching her fly over, Hu Haizhou had an inexplicable smile in his eyes, and coach Sun and others looked at each other inadvertently, and they all saw each other's weird eyes.

I don't know if Ammus is aware of this situation, anyway, he can see that something is wrong.

"His Royal Highness has always been like this, it is indeed a bit special."

Ammus smiled wryly, Samisha's personality is indeed quite different among Saudi women.

"Hahahaha, there is nothing wrong with Her Royal Highness's personality. Come on, let's continue discussing the teaching plan. Where did the discussion just go? Teacher Ammus, your opinions are very valuable."

Hu Haizhou laughed loudly when he heard the words, and happily pulled Ammus and others to continue the topic just now...

"Hey, the coach has agreed! You don't need to participate in daily training in the future, but you still have to participate in the training camp."

"In this way, I will have a lot of time to practice martial arts with you!"

Samisha rushed over to announce the good news, and gave Gu Mengmeng a look of satisfaction in her eyes, which made her teeth itch with anger.

Stinky bastard, wait until I sharpen the little pagoda tonight and I'll kill you tomorrow!

Take my dozens of spiritual blades with me too!

Gu Mengmeng secretly made up her mind to find a chance to kill Samisha tomorrow!

"That's right, that should be enough time."

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