The eagle stared directly at the book, and the eagle demon's eyes flickered slightly. He spread his wings and gently opened them with the claws on the wings, turning to the page he had read before.

"The Analects of Confucius"

A collection of quotations from the famous Confucian Confucius and his disciples in the ancient Tianxuan era.

A whole page of classical Chinese is filled with neat and beautiful translation notes, so that anyone who can read can understand easily, and there is no need to worry about obscure and difficult ancient Chinese.

At this time, the eagle demon put the language book against the tree trunk next to it, and studied all the knowledge in it without saying a word.

Especially when seeing the words "Three of us are walking together, there must be my teacher", blood red vertical pupils flashed brightly.

"Human intelligence does have merit."

"Pride and self-importance will eventually reap the consequences."

It muttered to itself, and then continued to read down, digesting the meaning of the ancient text and translation notes, and transforming it into its own knowledge.

This book was stolen from a human cub's room when it passed a certain residential building yesterday after it had transformed its body.

At that time, it was just thinking about where to start to develop, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a human bedroom with the windows open.

Looking inside, there was a pile of books on the desk, and a human girl was lying there writing and drawing.

It didn't know what it was doing, but it happened to remind it when its eyes swept over the pile of books.

I have developed my intelligence, and it is time to learn the knowledge of human beings.

Humans have a saying that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Learn about their history, habits, thoughts, and enrich your own knowledge.

When encountering humans in the future, you can also think about problems from their perspective, so as to achieve the purpose of knowing yourself, knowing the enemy, and seeing through your opponent.

If you can learn this, it will be much easier for you to deal with organizations like the Scamming Bureau in the future.

Even those human beings know that it has high spiritual intelligence, but they will only think that it is a demon that can think and avoid disadvantages.

In the final analysis, it will still follow the evil instinct.

It is absolutely impossible to know that it has been able to think like a human mind.

With this in mind, it crouched on a telegraph pole not far away and looked at it for a long time.

When the human girl was called out for dinner, he took the opportunity to fly into her room and snatched all the books on the desk.

Then swaggered out of the window and continued on the road.

"Still too little."

After looking at this language document, Eagle Demon's eyes were slightly dissatisfied.

This is the only book that is useful for it, and most of the other books are not very useful for it to understand human beings.

With its current wisdom, this book can be read in less than two days.

The eagle demon's eyes were pensive, and it wondered whether to steal a few more copies after reading it.

For example, steal a few maps and see where you are now.

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly, a male voice came out from the bottom of its heart, frightening the contemplative eagle demon, and its feathers stood on end.

"it's me."

Seeing the frightened eagle demon flying into the air, and the evil spirit spreading wantonly throughout the deadwood forest, Lu An immediately added.

"Lord, master?"

There was a voice again from the bottom of my heart, and its eagle face was quite humane, and then it took back the evil spirit with a sigh of relief, and flew back to the branch again.

The moment the claws just grasped the branch, the eagle's face showed a flattering expression in an instant: "Master, why are you here?"

"It's just voice transmission, what are you doing with a Chinese book?"

Hearing these words, Ying Yao's heart suddenly froze.

This has been said, and now Lu An is watching it!

Otherwise, how would he know that he was reading a book!

The side confirmed what he said before leaving!

He really has the means to observe himself!

"Master, the little eagle is learning about human beings." The eagle demon smiled obsequiously, looking like a dog.

"How about what you were asked to do?"

Lu An didn't intend to stop the eagle demon from reading Chinese documents.

It's a good thing that people want to be a cultural monster, so why stop it.

Learning more knowledge will do no harm to help him do things in the future.

"The little eagle has not forgotten the mission of the master! Not long ago, the little eagle found six demons, and now they are all under the control of the little eagle to search for the same kind!"

"I believe it will be able to form a certain scale in the near future!"

The eagle demon was extremely obsequious and actively reported to work, with a ferocious eagle face and a flattering smile, faintly inviting credit:

"By the way, Master, Kitty Eagle has one more thing to report!"


"The place where Xiaoying is now is in the southwest of Tianhai City. According to the Yaoxie under Xiaoying's hands, there used to be a big Yaoxie with high spiritual intelligence who led them here."

"However, some time ago, the evil spirit seemed to have provoked the evil situation, and was caught back. It is not known whether he is alive or dead."

"The rest of these low-level monsters are also desperately fleeing, but there are still many hidden in this mountain area! As long as there is enough time, Xiaoying can take over all of its property!"

The eagle demon was a little bit stunned when he said this.

The reason why it came here was because it sensed that there was still a hint of that evil spirit left here. Who knew there was such a big gift package.

The demon is gone, and there is a lot left in the family, so it's all cheap now!

I don't know what that idiot thought, the site was chosen so close to Tianhai.

Whenever he thinks of this, Eagle Demon has a sense of IQ superiority spontaneously.

"Good job, keep up the good work!"

Lu An's expression was slightly surprised, and he didn't expect the eagle demon to be so lucky, and he discovered the territory of a captured big demon within a day.

Now the dove has occupied the magpie's nest.

"Master, thank you! The little eagle will definitely live up to the high expectations!" The eagle demon grinned flatteringly, flapping its wings again and again.

"Yeah." Satisfied with the nasal sound, Lu An remembered that he still had something to explain.

"By the way, I have a new mission for you."

"Master, please tell me, the little eagle will try its best to complete it!" The eagle demon agreed directly without thinking about what the new task was.

"You dress up a little these days, let me go into Tianhai City, go to the outside of Myriad Souls and Gu Zhuang to keep an eye on them, keep an eye on these four people for me."

Lu An immediately passed the appearance of old Lu Linfei'an and Gu Renrenzhi into the eagle demon's brain.

"Inform me immediately if there is any change, just call in your heart."

"Xiaoying understands! Xiaoying will create a clone to follow Gu Zhuang!"

Seeing the clear appearance of the four people in his mind, the eagle demon immediately squinted his eyes and patted his chest to reassure.

The main reason why the clone was sent to Gu Zhuang was because it saw that Lu Mingzhou and Lu An were somewhat similar in appearance, and they were probably blood relatives of their master.

That being the case, isn't the primary and secondary relationship clear!

It must be focused on the blood relatives of the master before taking care of others.

Its ability to sense words and colors is not covered.

And this sudden task...

The eagle demon's eyes were almost narrowed into a slit, and a strange bloody light flashed through the slit.

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