The young man is worthy of his Uzi name, and he chattered like a submachine gun as soon as he opened his mouth, sharing his experience with Lu An and his longing for a certain player.

Lu An didn't stop him. Although this guy talked a lot, he was very knowledgeable, and he had never heard of many things.

Even the other people in the coffee shop pricked up their ears to eavesdrop, and the girl in red was no exception.

They are all listening to his eloquent introduction of the scenic spots, strange places and various specialties of the Sunset Islands.

"Hi, finally found you, come with me."

Suddenly, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and Xiang Yuan strode in. He looked around and locked Lu An with piercing eyes. He walked quickly and pulled him away without saying a word.


"Go to the station, you will know later, I can't explain clearly in a few words."

Xiang Yuan grabbed his arm and pulled Lu An out of the cafe.

The sudden change made Uzi startled when he was talking about it. His audience is gone? That's okay?

After staring blankly at the spot for a few seconds, he put away his notebook and hurriedly followed behind.

Seeing Xiang Yuan's fiery look just now, the eyes of the rest of the group flickered, smelling an unusual aura, and they also walked out leisurely.

"What's the matter?"

Being dragged by Xiang Yuan all the way out of the underground center, Lu An saw a bunch of contestants surrounding him all the way from afar, all showing expressions of watching a show.

On the deck, a group of people are confronting each other.

A swarthy man with red dots on his head was acting strangely and aggressively, and he and Fan Tianlan exchanged hilarity, but almost got into a fight.

But with the development of the situation, the dark man gradually became no match for Fan Tianlan, who had rich experience in spraying people, and his expression became more and more serious.

"Little Ah San?"

Looking at this group of young people with uneven skin tone and wearing gold and jade that exudes aristocratic atmosphere, Lu An had an idea in his mind.

"What's the matter with you?"

The majestic voice suppressed the scolding, and forcibly suppressed the voice.

"A catastrophe is coming!" Gu Xiaorou's eyes lit up, and she ran over to grab Lu An and complain.

"We were playing with Farnie and the others, and this group of Asan who just came up for a short time purposely shouted and blamed us, it's really sick!"

"The general meaning is to scold Adar and the others for not knowing what to do, and to get closer to us, and then to pick on us. They are here to find trouble." Xiang Yuan added.

"and then?"

"Then I stabbed that mouth with the cheapest knife. They wanted to fight back, but they were interfered by the peacemaker from the White Bear Kingdom." Gu Xiaorou said weakly, his voice suddenly narrowed, very confident.

Because if we really want to talk about it, it is unreasonable for her to strike first and hurt others.

If the coaches of both sides really found out, I would have to apologize in all likelihood, and maybe even be punished if it was serious.

Nodding to show his understanding, Lu An glanced at the wheat-colored woman whose left arm was dyed red, and then turned his attention to Fan Tianlan and the others.

"Just a few of you? What about Tianming Hezaben and the others?"

Of the people present, only Qingxin Zhao Yaoyao Aidar and the others were eleven, and no one else was there.

No wonder Ah San dared to come and say hello.

"Wei Xiaoran and the others are in the competition room, and He Zhaben and the others went to discuss the Dao."

Adar shrugged helplessly. He didn't expect that he would lie down here and be fired for no reason.

True and interesting.

"Let me tell you, they wouldn't dare to come and say hello to a group of brats."

Lu An was speechless and pulled Gu Xiaorou over, all the people present were looking at him.

Everyone knows this situation, Tianxuan probably has a leader.

Uzi, who followed, looked forward to it, and was very envious of Lu An, who was being focused on by the world at this time.

"Why did they scold you?"

"Hey, it means that we are not worthy to participate in such aristocratic occasions, it is embarrassing to go to the World Championships, etc., and I am not good-looking!"

Zhao Yaoyao was very unconvinced by the last sentence, and actually said she was not good-looking! She can't hear that! This is the first time someone has talked about her appearance!

"Oh, don't be angry, don't be angry, they are blind."

Noticing that someone in Ah San's team slipped away quietly, Lu An didn't care, and turned to look at their leader.

"A player from your country injured my teammate, what are you going to do? If we are not satisfied, don't blame me for notifying your coach."

The swarthy man was aggressive as soon as he opened his mouth, and a smug light flashed in his eyes.

They have the big evidence of the wounded, if Tianxuan doesn't want to make things worse, then they want to handle it how they want.

"Digimon Four Heavenly Kings, you are the craziest in Gotham City."

Lu An sighed speechlessly.

"Little brother, did you make a mistake? It was you who spoke out and provoked first."

"Sue if you have the ability, and hold back if you don't. Don't say that she only stabbed you once, even if she chopped you into pieces, believe it or not, she will be fine?"

As soon as these words came out, the dark man's face was filled with shock and anger: "Tianxuan people are arrogant! It's only natural that they don't apologize for hurting people with knives. Are you trying to cause international disputes!"

Before the start of the match, he shot and injured players from other countries, not in the arena. If he reported it back, Tian Xuan would definitely be condemned by the international community.

If it is done well, it can also give some international pressure.

What he said was full of confidence, he was now standing on the moral high ground, taking advantage of the reason, no matter what, it was Tianxuan player who hurt people first.

They're sure of it!

"Go to Nima!"

To the surprise of Gu Xiaorou and the others, as well as the contestants who were watching the show, Lu An suddenly kicked his chest firmly with a violent kick. The powerful kick directly exploded the body's spiritual power and hit the red heart. The sound of bone cracking was clear. can be heard.

The dark man immediately turned into a human cannonball and knocked down his teammates behind him, hitting the fence in the distance. If the fence didn't stop him, he would fall into the sea just one step away.

"Tianxuan man, do you still dare to hurt Hajamayi?"

Flying the tearing light bomb wrapped in a strong wind, it exploded at a high altitude. Lu An raised a ferocious grin and appeared in front of the dark man instantly across a distance of tens of meters. cruise ship.

Below was the endless sea. As night fell, the sea surface was churning and rough, and the splashes of wet and salty water could jump onto his face.

"You little bastard is shameless. Believe it or not, I will let you go down to feed the fish right now."

The violent energy and blood flowed up his arms, directly pressing his violent spiritual power back into his body.

"You little rubbish of the third level of Shenzang, who gave you the courage to challenge the limit of my patience? Interrupt me from reading?"

Lu An grinned grinningly, his eyes gently sweeping towards the sea below.

For some reason, he felt that something was wrong in this sea area, and it was as noisy as during a storm.

That is, the heart of the ocean is awesome, and it can still walk on the ground in such a rough sea.

Not paying much attention to the turbulent sea, Lu An shook his neck, causing his lower back to rub hard against the fence.

"Old Lu has already made a move, and I will too."

Xiang Yuan chuckled, and took advantage of a good-looking third woman who was not paying attention and punched her in the face. The punch accompanied by the roaring dragon's chant and Xiangming directly blasted her brain into a blank, and she fell into a short-term trance.

He knew this would be the case when he pulled Lu An over.

Don't look at Lao Lu holding this broken book and yelling all day long that he doesn't like fighting and only likes peace and quiet. In fact, his temper is even more violent than him, and he just likes to pretend to be a cultural person.

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