The colliding iceberg and giant octopus, the shock waves generated by the collision of two behemoths rippling in all directions, presented a very visually shocking scene in front of everyone on the deck.

Meteorite-like shattered ice and soft body splashes were isolated by the water curtain of the heart of the ocean, and smashed into the sea near it, causing an uproar.

Like a bombing zone, countless missiles exploded around him.

And the instigator of everything, one is on the deck, the other is hanging high in the sky, holding a giant broken touch that is taller than the others.

The distortion of the surrounding matter made it difficult for people on the deck to see his face clearly. They could only vaguely see the red light on the smooth mirror-like face, and the two-meter-high body concealed the vast power.

Kisfave's always smiling face has been replaced by a heavy seriousness, and he no longer has the heart of contempt.

"What a strong force, I am not as good as him."

Andre's eyes were blazing with fighting intent, and he seemed to be infected by the scene of boiling blood, and his heart beat violently like a lion's roar: "I am not as strong as him in terms of strength, but I am definitely better than him in other aspects."

With strong self-confidence, the Xinmao contestant couldn't help but grinned powerfully, put his hand on his shoulder and said, I believe in you, like a good brother.

Kisfaff glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and nodded slightly in relief.

Andre has this kind of temperament. A strong enemy can't make him slump, but it will ignite his fighting spirit. Even if he loses in the end, he will become more frustrated and courageous, and finally surpass his opponent.

A strong and strong heart is the true character of the Lion King.

But then again, the terrifying strength of this Tianxuan man is a bit abnormal.

He put his eyes on the left hand of the figure, where the cruise ship was advancing, continuously spewing and extending blood-red chains.

Grasping the chain with the left hand and swinging the giant badge with one hand, this power is really incredible.

It was so terrifying that people couldn't understand it, like a giant beast in human skin.

The arms and legs were severed, cold air poured into the body, the deep-sea octopus's disc giant mouth jagged and trembled, silently venting pain and madness, and the vibration generated by the air formed a strange howl that swept across and spread.

The blue ring of the only remaining body suddenly lit up, and it actually manifested from the body, turning into dozens of huge halos across the sky, it was carried by one of the halos, and the huge eyeballs were completely swallowed by madness.

Accompanied by the spread of the sound wave, the halo all over the sky exploded completely, covering the sea area below without distinction, and the pungent and unpleasant toxin burst out from the halo.

With just one drop, an unlucky giant eel below was instantly dissolved into blood.

Looking at the highly poisonous aura falling from the sky, the red pupils could not see any emotions clearly, only his body was constantly cracked.

Harmonious energy is intertwined in the heart, walking in the sky, the power that can't be seen directly is rising, the blood circulates in the body like a pump, the tyrannical force shakes the eight wildernesses, the air is heavy like clay, and mourns for it.

The fuzzy figure swings a huge sonic boom cloud, which looks like a sharp arrow shot out, carrying the vast power turned into substance across the sky, instantly destroying layers of halos, leaving behind a trail of distorted matter.

Pulling out the crimson chain across the sky, like an invisible giant hammer, it crossed endless obstacles and smashed heavily on the half-cruise ship-sized head of the giant chapter of the deep sea!

In an instant, the vast power collided with Juzhang's head, and the majestic storm of power passed through the border like a strong wind, causing the sea below to sag.

The power broke through the air barrier, crushing and deforming the giant chapter in mid-air. The head was squeezed flat at first, and when it reached the limit, the flesh shattered and exploded. Two big eyes popped out, and then were crushed into nothingness by the power ripples that washed down.

The huge head was hammered together with the toxin, and the stench filled the sky, but it was immediately engulfed by the ripples of twisted matter and crashed into the sea.


The 100-meter water column, which was comparable to the cruise ship, exploded in response, forming a salty and wet drizzle and returning to the embrace of the ocean.

In just three seconds, the head of the deep-sea giant seal, which was comparable in size to half the heart of the ocean, was hammered, and only a few remaining fragments sank to the bottom of the sea.

The beating heart of super frequency was transmitted to the ear, and when the energy prompt from the little assistant Baijiu sounded, Lu An quickly stopped Lie Yuankui's operation, the Zhongji acupoint was closed again, the expanding power in the body quickly melted away, and the body no longer cracked Dense cracks.

After the scorching qi and blood returned to calm, Lu An released Wu Cangtian's real body, and he breathed a sigh of relief and slowly flew back to the cruise ship.

For Lie Yuankui, the stronger the body, the stronger the effect.

His current physical strength is beyond the standard, and he can hardly support the super high load brought by opening the seventh door.

He reckoned that if the octopus was harder, he might have to close the Zhongji acupoint automatically because he couldn't bear the super high load if he lasted for another two minutes.

"It turns out that the load is the bulk."

Lu An murmured to himself, it is a trivial matter to burn blood and body damage, and for him the burden brought by himself is the key.

The first few gates were okay, but the load pain of the seventh gate was simply unbearable.

If you want to ignore the loads of the seven gates, you have to point out Lie Yuan Kuizhu's exercises to near perfection.

The body passed through the water curtain and entered the cruise ship unhindered, and was immediately surrounded by a large group of people.

"Didn't you catch intelligent creatures, how did you attract a big octopus?"

"Yes, yes, did it emit the golden light just now?"


Lu An scratched his head in embarrassment: "I didn't catch..."

Looking at Xiang Yuan and the others who had already come up, Lu An broke the chains: "You didn't say anything when you came up, I thought you didn't come back, so I kept holding on."

Holding a bunch of chains restricted his left hand, so he didn't perform well.

"You and Brother Squid have a pk, how can we notify?" Xiang Yuan held a clump of magnificent coral, and tucked his nose unsanitary.

"I felt that there was something wrong with the shaking of the chain. When I came out of the sea, I saw you catching that big octopus hitting the iceberg. To be safe, I came back quietly."

Zhao Yaoyao glanced at the sea where the fish and beasts were scattered: "What's the matter with that big octopus?"

"If you want to eat me, what else can you do?" Lu An rubbed his stiff left hand, and told everyone what happened.

Then he took out the azure scales that he had picked up.

"Hey, that's it. That little thing ran too fast and threw flash bombs. I missed it."

As soon as the scales were taken out, Zhao Yaoyao pulled them over and looked them up and down.

"The strange scales, is there a mermaid in the ancient half-demon?"

Picking up the scales and admiring them against the light source for a while, she couldn't see why, so she handed the scales to Wei Xiaoran to observe one by one.

"I just said that when Fan Tianlan and I picked coral well, the golden light that burst out almost blinded my eyes. It turned out to be the flash bomb you detonated."

Xiang Yuan glanced at Lu An's eyes twice: "Your eyes are fine."

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