After a few glances, Lu An forgot about it.

Maybe some valuable fish or beast was attracted by the cruise ship.

According to the radar, the light spot was at least three kilometers away from him, and he didn't bother to go back and look for it.

The chain drilled out of the forearm rattled and swayed, sometimes tightened and sometimes relaxed, and it seemed that the other side was not calm.

"Would you mind adding me?"

Lu An was eating well, and his loud voice sounded from not far away. Andre held a few bottles of wine in one hand and walked over with strides that no relatives would recognize.

Seeing Lu An and the others turned back to look at him, they raised the spirits in their hands and said boldly: "Our country's special product, the wine is full-bodied, even a monk, as long as he doesn't deliberately disperse it, he will be drunk after three glasses! Do you want to come? point?"

"Of course, there are so many people." Liu Huang exchanged glances secretly, and said loudly with a smile.

Drinking, as long as there is no malice, they are of course welcome.

Moreover, Baixiong Kingdom has a good relationship with Tianxuan and they can make friends.

"Hahaha, refreshing!"

Andre was not restrained, he moved a stool and sat next to Liu Huang: "I wanted to drink with you yesterday, and today I found the opportunity."

"Let's get to know each other again, my name is Andre, the leader of the White Bear Country, and my hobby is all kinds of spirits."

Prying open the bottle cap with one hand, the rich aroma of spirits wafted out and permeated half the deck. The aroma of the wine pouring into the nostrils immediately made the players from the next-door Polar Bear country raise their thumbs and stare at the wine in Andre's hand without blinking. Spirits, eyes ready to move.

"Winter's Roar, I've been thinking about it for a long time, and Andre, a cheapskate, is willing to take it out. I begged him for a long time and didn't give it to me."

The heart-hair guard, who had just been on the deck, scratched his chest hair hard, with a strange light in his eyes.

"We have to find a way to find an opportunity to have a drink."

"Don't worry, when Andre successfully sneaks into the interior, we'll go directly to join. With Tianxuan's brother here, Andre must be too embarrassed to refuse."

A bearded man with a wise expression had calculated the timing of their entry.

As long as the time comes, the wine in Andre's hand will definitely have a third of their share.

In terms of drinking, even if Tianxuan added ten times more, they would not be their opponents.

Opening the bottle cap, Andre raised the wine bottle and subconsciously wanted to blow on it. He realized that he was not at home when he lifted it halfway, and noticed the strange eyes from the people around him. Then he smiled awkwardly and politely, and put down the wine quietly. bottle.

Asking the chef next to him to fetch a bunch of wine glasses, Andre stretched out his hand, and wisps of light blue crystal wine floated from the bottle and poured into each wine glass.

The moment they came out of the bottle, the surrounding temperature dropped extremely, like the arrival of cold winter, the warm sea breeze instantly turned into a cold wind in the ice and snow, whistling in the ears.

"Good wine."

Liu Huang's eyes lit up, and he unceremoniously reached out and snatched the wine glass filled with fine nectar and jade dew in front of him, took a greedy sip, and immediately showed an intoxicated look.

Seeing this, Lu An also picked up his wine glass and took a sip.

When the wine enters the mouth, the strong and hot wine stimulates countless taste buds, fully activates the taste, and brings out the aroma of the wine to the extreme.

After the tongue is scalded, it is like the coldness of winter, the cold feeling that penetrates the heart and lungs goes straight to the limbs and bones along the throat, the serous fluid seems to be broken down into countless particles in the body and blended into every part of the body.

It made his qi and blood faintly excited, very active.

This thing is better than air conditioner.

Suddenly this idea popped up, and Lu An looked at Andre with a lot of friendliness.

Just drink this wine, I'll take care of you bastard.

Secretly gestured to Shen Li and the others to indicate that they were not poisonous, Lu An smiled and said.

"Good wine, silky in the mouth, scalded first and then cooled, as if you are in the winter snow mountain, facing the cold wind with heroic blood! Two extreme taste experiences, it is worthy of the top wine in the White Bear Country, worthy of the name!"

How he brags is so awesome, he is not shy at all, and Andre laughs, his face is full of satisfaction, and it is very useful.

"That's right, our white bears are popular spirits, and there are countless wines. This bottle of Winter's Roar is produced by a top winemaker, and there are only twenty bottles a year."

"Brother Lu An, you should also be a person who understands wine. As the saying goes, good wine matches heroes. Come on, let's go! Let me tell you about its ingredients."

Andre was overjoyed, and quickly filled Lu An's mouth, and bumped each other with wine glasses.

Fellow man, he likes to be friends with people who drink strong drinks.

True knowledge comes from wine, and he, Andre, meets friends with wine, and after a drink together, he can almost understand a person's character is good or bad.

This is his favorite method of judging people. Although there are elements of bragging in Lu An's words, they are more sincere.

Seeing that the two met after a while, the corners of Shen Li's lips twitched slightly, and she calmly picked up the wine glass to hide her uncontrollable expression.

Andre doesn't know, can she not know?

Lu An knows a lot of alcohol, and I have never seen him drink it at home. He is a modern good young man who does not smoke or drink.

Now such a meal, it is definitely because of the good wine in Andre's hand, and wants to drink them as drinks.

She knows this guy who knows nothing but waves.

"Okay, good drinker!"

After pouring four cups in a row, Andre opened his eyes slightly, and looked at the long-haired man in front of him again.

Can hold four cups without pouring?

Look at Liu Huang, his face turned as red as a monkey's butt after the second cup, how could Lu An drink four cups without changing his face?

Not only him, but also the man in the coffin named Tian Ming.

I met a master.

"Daoquan, you drink."

Quan Xun hiccupped and pulled Zhang Daoquan who was smiling wryly beside him.

"Xiaodao means that monks can't drink alcohol, let Xiaodao go." Zhang Daoquan raised his eyes to look at Quan Xun who had lost his mind, and he was busy chanting the mantra of clearing his mind.

This wine is terrible, three cups poured down the whole search.

Doesn't he just pour a cup?

"Girls drink less, drink too much and go crazy."

Stopping Shen Li and the others from continuing to drink, Lu An grabbed the bottle and continued to drink with Andre.

What a thick-browed, big-eyed boy, let's see who will force whom to death today.

"Hi everyone, we are Andre's teammates, do you mind sharing a table?"

Seeing that the time had come, a group of Polar Bear players who were waiting for the opportunity not far away came up with a smile, and very familiarly moved to the stool that had been prepared for a long time and sat down.

As the saying goes, you don't hit a smiling face with your hand, and Su Daoqi and the others didn't refuse either.

Andre, who was drinking with Lu An, noticed his teammates coming over, how could he not know what they were planning, and cursed in his heart, on the surface, he could only let them mess with the good wine he treasured.

It turns out that Maozi are all alcoholics?

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