"Hey, it's disgusting, this guy."

Zhao Yaoyao had goosebumps, and couldn't help leaning against Lu An to gain a sense of security, with a look of disgust on her face, wishing she could throw Jin Xiangqi into the sea to feed the fish immediately.

After thinking about it, I never thought that Captain Han would be such a rotten person. It seems that the country is so rotten that he can't even show a decent one.

"Disgusting." Wei Xiaoran's face was as cold as ice, his eyes were extremely sharp, and with two simple words, he expressed all the emotions in his heart.

Although the contestants on the cruise ship came from different countries, their expressions were surprisingly consistent at the moment, and they all reached a consensus.

Regardless of men and women, they all showed their truest contempt and disdain from the bottom of their hearts.

No wonder the temperament of Yuan Meng's female contestants changed drastically just now. It turned out that it was Kim Sang-ki who did the trick.

The evil skill of playing with emotions and modifying the mind is really evil!

Although the competition does not expressly stipulate that evil skills cannot be competed, it is impossible for contestants who practice this kind of skills not to be discriminated against.

No one wants to be compared with this guy!

Many female players looked at the Han Guo team with extreme vigilance, and after making up their minds, they must keep a good distance.

"Qirna, is that so?" Uzi moved to Qierna's side full of concern.

"It seems to be, I remember that I was reading a book in the library before, and this person suddenly sat next to me and chatted with me, and then I walked away with him in a daze."

After Qierna finished speaking, she blushed and apologized softly to Uzi and the others.

What I did before must have hurt their hearts.

"I don't blame you. I've never heard of this weird and evil skill. That's not your intention." Head coach Yuan Meng comforted softly with a cold expression, then looked at Jin Xiangqi without saying a word.

The invisible heavy oppressive feeling is like the cataract of Hongchuan falling from the nine heavens, venting the past.

"By the way, let me add that the evil skill is a bit powerful, but this little stick has not yet mastered cultivation. When communicating with him, as long as he presses the Shenting acupoint with spiritual power every two or three minutes, he will not be able to hypnotize everyone."

Lu An grinned sneeringly and added a knife at the end, teaching everyone how to deal with it, which directly shattered the wishful thinking of the Han Country team.

All losers!

Jin Xiangqi stared at Lu An viciously with bloodshot eyeballs. Their plan fell apart at the very beginning, and everything was done by this guy!

Until now, he had been thinking about it, but he still couldn't figure it out, why did this Tianxuan man know more about his exercises than himself? !

"What, you want to hit me? Let's talk about it after passing Yuanmeng's level first. I just want to be righteous, and I can't turn a blind eye to your evil deeds."

Lu An smiled and said, Jin Xiangqi is so disgusting that he feels sick to his stomach just looking at it.

If you don't add something to block him, Lu's conscience will not be at ease.

Of course, there is also the meaning of taking precautions before they happen, and killing danger in the cradle.

He was not interested in waiting for Jin Xiangqi to do something to those around him before coming out to stop him.

Pure Love God of War couldn't see the tauren dangling in front of his eyes, so he just slapped him to death.

"Thank you friend Tianxuan for your help, don't worry, if they want to touch you, they have to pass our test first!"

Captain Yuan Meng is a bald man. After sincerely thanking him, he stared ferociously at the contestants of Han Guo who had revealed the incident:

"Using low means to confuse my Yuanmeng players, if you don't give an account of this matter, you won't be able to get out of this deck today alone!"

"I will report this matter to Kim Sang-ki from your country, and wait for international disputes."

The cold expressions of the bald man and the head coach made it clear that today's matter will not end easily.

But this has nothing to do with Lu. He has exposed Jin Xiangqi's old background, and the tutorial has been released, so there is nothing to do if he doesn't beat him again.

"What a disgusting person, I really want to chop him up!"

Gu Mengmeng came over with a pretty face full of displeasure, as if she felt her emotions, the little skull on her shoulder was about to move, her upper and lower jaws were clicking, and her empty eyes were full of bloodthirsty light.

Samisha didn't speak, but just swung two punches out of thin air and set off a strong wind, everything was kept silent.

Jin Xiangqi, this strange flower, is considered an international death. Who would have thought that his first impression might be a flower picker with kidney deficiency.

"I think we have to be on guard, maybe those female players have the same evil skills!"

Fan Tianlan glanced up and down vigilantly at the female contestants from Han Country, taking advantage of her with small eyes.

"It's just that one punch can hit deformed plastic faces. I think they are all face-blind."


One day later, after a "friendly" discussion between Han Guo and Yuan Meng, Liang Zi came to an end temporarily, and the cruise ship ushered in a peaceful day.

The port of the Sunset Islands is covered with slanting sunshine, and many figures come and go here.

There were tourists and reporters from various countries who had bought tickets and came here in advance. The reporter teams everywhere reported live and interviewed passers-by to talk about their feelings.

Tianxuanyang's mother was a group of reporters. The gentle female reporter turned her back to the golden red sea, holding the microphone in both hands and smiling sweetly at the camera.

"Hi everyone, this is Yangma Channel, I'm reporter Bingbing, and today I will live broadcast the arrival of our Tianxuan players~"

Her appearance immediately caused a brief pause in the barrage in the live broadcast room, and then dense cheering barrages suddenly occupied the screen, and the traffic on the Internet increased at an incredible speed.

It can be seen that she is very popular.

The assistant watched the backstage next to the cameraman, and after seeing the steady increase in the ratings, he gave her an ok gesture.

With a knowing look in her eyes, she smiled sweetly and went straight to the topic: "Look, everyone, now that the British Kingdom has entered dusk, due to the unique nature of the Sunset Islands that can lock the sunlight, the scenery is very beautiful."

"Not long ago, Bingbing, I got the news that the Heart of the Ocean will arrive at the Sunset Islands in ten minutes, and soon everyone will be able to see the outstanding demeanor of our athletes."

"They will be interviewed at that time, and I will pass on the questions that everyone cares about most! Now please come and see the bustling scene of the port with me~"

Following her cheerful pace, the photographer slowly toured the port, and from time to time, regardless of nationality, randomly caught a tourist for interview.

Ten minutes later, amid cheers in various languages, a giant cruise ship appeared on the horizon on time, slowly approaching the port, and finally berthed sideways, with metal steps extending down from the deck.

Headed by the coach, a group of players disembarked along the steps in their expectant eyes, and smiled gently at the tourists from their own countries.

"They're coming down! The leader is Coach Hu Haizhou! The ones following them seem to be players from the Saudi team!"

After waiting for a few minutes, they finally saw a familiar figure coming down the stairs, which made them very excited.

Reporter Bingbing played his job well as a reporter, and he kept on introducing the origins of the names to the audience far away in Tianxuan. He did his homework well.

It was very lively below, but the atmosphere on the deck was a bit weird. Han Guo Ah San stood behind the old man, staring at the players from the four kingdoms of Tianxuan and Baixiong.

Not to be outdone, Yuan Meng's bald man drew his knife across his neck back and forth, and spoke harshly silently.

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