Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 895 The World Focuses On You

The time passed quickly, and Dulefarb demonstrated back and forth three times, and they knew how to go, and they could be consistent without paying special attention.

After going back and forth ten times, the simple rehearsal session is over.

"This is just a dress rehearsal. Don't lose the chain when the game starts. Remember, although there are many spectators, you have participated in many such events. There will be countless cameras on you, so don't be nervous and timid! "

Dulefarb repeatedly emphasized that one must not be nervous, and was embarrassed in front of the global vision, and then was rendered speechless by Aidar's laughing sentence, "The more I talk, the more nervous I am."

Indeed, it's okay if I don't say it myself, and I have repeatedly emphasized that maybe someone will be nervous because of it.

He waved his hand and let them rest in place.

"The rehearsal is over, why don't you let me go back?"

Lu An was puzzled, why didn't he leave after the drill was over, and instead rested as usual.

Do you want to continue later?

"You don't know, oh~ yeah, you haven't come out for three days, it's normal if you don't know haha~"

Swinging her legs and sitting beside him, Samisha put her hands on his shoulders and tapped her chin and laughed. The inexplicable laughter made Lu An's mind full of question marks.

From what this means, is it because his news is blocked and lagging behind? Is there something he doesn't know?

It shouldn't be, he has been surfing the Internet for almost 24 hours in the past three days, how could there be something he doesn't know about!

Lu didn't realize at all that his so-called surfing the Internet was just watching some games and looking for black material on himself, and he didn't read a word about other things.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, let me tell you! At four o'clock this afternoon, the British National Tournament will announce the grouping of the preliminary round! Everyone is waiting."

"I don't know which group we will be assigned to. I'm looking forward to it." Samisha looked expectant, and stretched out her hand to grab Lu An's long hair with a smile.

"I see."

He suddenly realized that there was a project, and it was the highlight.

Grouping is indeed very important, it is related to the fate of the team.

No wonder Ammus looked absent-minded.

"We can go back after the grouping is over. Ammus will be busy then. The individual competition is fine, but in the team competition they will be busy analyzing their opponents and making countermeasures."

Samisha had obviously done her homework, and patiently explained the rules of the competition to Lu An in detail. When he understood, the time quickly turned to four o'clock.

"Ding dong!"

As soon as the pointer pointed to four o'clock, there was a sudden ticking sound of water droplets falling in the sky above the huge contestant village, echoing in all directions, conveying the entire contestant village.

No matter where you are, as long as you are still in Vice Island, you can hear this crisp sound.

"It's started, hurry up! Let's go out and have a look."

Sammy stood up, grabbed Lu An's wrist and ran out quickly with vigorous steps.

Similarly, Hezhaben and Ammus all became serious and nervous, and they all wanted to know which country they were about to face.

The entire training area became very lively at this moment. There were figures flashing out of every function hall and other buildings, and the energy fluctuations reached their peak.


Stepping out first, Samisha squinted her blue eyes and looked up at the illusory projection hanging above the sky.

At the same time, the official TV stations of various countries around the world are also broadcasting this exciting moment live simultaneously.

The whole world focuses on this! Focus on exciting moments together.

Audiences from all countries are praying that they will not meet a popular team in the preliminary round!

There is no commentary from the TV host in the contestant village, but it does not prevent them from watching the projection on the sky.

The screen changes rapidly, and the national flag squares of each country appear in the huge illusory projection, and 197 national flags are arranged in an orderly manner and squeezed together.

The passionate and surging music suddenly resounded throughout the world, and with the emergence of a string of letters representing the team competition, the grouping officially began!

Excluding the last championship and runner-up countries, 195 countries were divided into 39 groups, with five countries in each group competing to determine one or two to advance.

"The first group has begun!"

The huge projection began to flash the national flags of various countries, and it reincarnated once in just one second, making people dazzled.


With the national flag fixed, the first country of the first group appeared.

West Asia!

The West Asian country that came with them on the Heart of the Ocean was fortunate to be the first country to appear in front of a global audience.

Second, Slangli.

The third one is Lurburg.

With the last two shots fixed on Poly Jiayao and Maqier, all five countries in the first group have appeared here.

"Luckily, it's not the group of death." Ammus stared at the five national flags and said, "Although there is a gap between them, it's not that big. It's hard to say who will win."

He sighed softly. In fact, he personally hoped to be in this group.

He knew that Hezhaben and the others wanted to meet a stronger country, but he still wanted to be steady, and it was best not to meet a country that was evenly matched or even stronger before he could enter the loser's bracket.

Because this global talent competition is not a simple competition, but related to national resources.

Such as energy, minerals, oil production, new undeveloped treasure land, etc., are all ranked according to the ranking.

In previous years, when the rules were not perfect, in order to ensure that their own country could get the most precious unowned resources as much as possible, many lunatics dared to do stupid things like assassinate other countries' seed players.

Even after the rules are perfected, there are quite a few people who are desperate, just to get rid of hidden dangers as soon as possible.

The seemingly simple game is actually full of undercurrents, so don't be careless.

Ammus shook his head and returned his gaze to the projection.

As each national flag square is finalized, the list of each group is presented to the whole world.

Some people cheered and some wailed, even if they were far away from each other, they could feel the same emotions as friends from other countries.

"Tian Xuan!"

Suddenly, the national flag in the picture freezes, attracting all Lu An's attention to it.

Group 23: Tianxuan, Asan, Besanque, Ganguo Democracy, Bonia.

There is no doubt that this is a super good draw for Tianxuan, the strength can already be crushed, and the four countries in the group are not its opponents at all.

The first place in the group can be said to be pinched with hands.

"Ah San is going to be unlucky."

Lu An was very gloating, he could imagine Ah San and the faces of Sima from the other three kingdoms.

With Tianxuan around, they could only fight for the second place, fighting for the only place to qualify.

"Good guy, a group of two Nego countries."

He muttered to himself, fortunately no one heard him, otherwise he would have to be labeled as a racist.

"Why haven't we arrived yet, the white bears have all come out."

The national flags were fixed one after another. Seeing that the No. 27 group hadn't arrived yet, Samisha couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

It won't really follow until the end, will it?

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