Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 903 What Is International Status?

This year, Saudi Arabia came here with the intention of being among the best. She didn't want to disappoint Saudi Arabia, and she didn't want to disappoint Lu An, nor did she want to waste so many days of hard work.

So work harder! Gotta catch up as soon as possible.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Accompanied by the slightly teasing yin and yang language, a hand suddenly rested on her shoulder, bringing Samisha back to her senses.

"Don't worry, unless you're unlucky, it's still too early to meet them. This is enough time for you to catch up." Lu An tucked his nose, not too worried about the situation.

"Instead of talking about this, let's talk about how your body is doing? There is also the matter of the unity of soul and body." He simply changed the subject, lest Samisha was too stressed to think about jumping into the sea.

Anyway, Samisha and Hezaben must support him until he can enter the top 20, and then he can take over the competition for the top ten and top five.

If the opponent is too strong, if you really can't do it, you can give Samisha the whole big one, if you don't believe it, you can't beat it.

"Well, I can vaguely sense the first body possession, but I can't help but merge the soul and body into one, no matter what." As soon as he interrupted, Samisha was immediately attracted by the topic, regrettably shook his head.

"That's it, then forget it, just open the body store with all your strength."

Lu An rubbed his chin thoughtfully, the soul and body could not be fused, he guessed it was because of the soul.

The soul of spiritual practice is related to the divine treasure, perhaps it is for this reason that it cannot be integrated with the physical body.

"Okay, you should pay close attention to the induction first, they are the big heads, and each of them can greatly increase your strength."

Since the body can be sensed, it means that it can be opened and understands the importance of the matter. Samisha nodded, then sat down in a emptiness and started to sense the heart.

"Interesting, both Shenzang and Tizang can be opened, Hunyuan Martial Art is really awesome."

With a sigh, Lu An fell from the sky and dived into the sea with a "plop".

Just after entering the sea, the cold sea water gathered in an instant, and he saw a golden light disappearing into the distance in a trance.

"Little bastard, it's not like I, Lu, can eat people." Qi and blood separated the sea, Lu An secretly said, staring at the direction where the golden light disappeared.

He and Jin Guang were already familiar, it was none other than that weird villain with no lower body.

Two days ago, when I came to the sea for training, I found this guy was peeping from a long distance. When I saw him passing by, I ran away, full of vigilance.

When he went back to practice Samisha slipped back to continue watching, skinny.

After chasing him a few times, I couldn't catch him, and wanted to teleport over there with killing intent, but the villain just ran away like a prophet. As time passed, Lu An didn't bother chasing him anymore, I love watching it.

As long as you don't get caught by him, otherwise no villain can eat juice, and it will be easy to catch into the fish tank.

"Buy in, buy in."

Regardless of the villain's whereabouts, Lu An turned on the radar, happily sinking towards the dark seabed where the sun can't even shine.

From time to time, countless bubbles can be seen surging in the depths of the darkness, the red blood light suddenly explodes, and the sea water forms shock waves visible to the naked eye.

This is Lu An's favorite part of the weekdays, buying goods in the sea to search for energy.

There are at least a few hundred energy sources a day. I was lucky enough to meet a big fierce fish yesterday, and I harvested thousands of energy sources in a single day.

Just short of giving him the title of Plague of the Sea.


In the evening, Samisha and the exhausted Hezaben returned to the athletes' village. Fane, who was waiting outside the hotel, greeted him immediately, and helped Hezaben to the infirmary to rest with a distressed face.

"Remember to continue tomorrow, kid."

The eagle demon on Lu An's shoulder let out a sharp smile that was a nightmare for Farnet, and even accelerated his pace a lot.


He Zhaben stretched out his hand to say ok, and then went into the hotel to get ready to rest. After a day of intensive special training, he was already exhausted, and he didn't even want to talk much.

"Master, Xiaoying is going back to watch the replay first, so that he can recreate a better imaginary enemy tomorrow."

The eagle demon's mind turned quickly, and he whispered his thoughts.

By watching today's four-country player's game, we will gain a better understanding, and tomorrow we will use illusion to simulate them for two people to play against each other.

It has to be said that the eagle demon's little head is very clever, and he has learned to draw inferences from one example, which makes Lu very happy.

"Go, look carefully, and try to copy it 100%."

"Master, don't worry, as long as they have used their abilities, the little eagle can be 100% transformed."

With a low smile, the eagle demon turned into a black light and disappeared into the shadows, not knowing where to hide to watch the replay.

"See you tomorrow, Eagle King. I'm so hungry. I'm going to eat. Would you like to go?" Samisha rubbed her stomach, turned her face to Lu An, and extended an invitation.

Because she has officially become a half martial artist, she needs a lot of energy. After all, the power consumed needs to be converted into energy and blood through the intake of nutrients.

Especially after practicing Lie Yuankui, the demand doubled, turning her who didn't eat much before into a super big eater.

What puzzled Samisha was that, logically speaking, Lu An's martial arts cultivation was higher than hers, so the need for energy and nutrition should be terrifying.

But here comes the problem, she has never seen Lu An eating and drinking to get nutrition, and asking him also got an unnecessary answer.

This made Samisha very puzzled. She felt that she and Lu An did not practice the same Qi and blood martial art. Normally, martial arts should eat a lot, but he is a different kind.

She suspects that the root cause lies in Lu An's physique, which is related to that continuous source of strength!

"I'm not hungry, go by yourself."

Seeing her undisguised puzzled eyes, Master Lu naturally knew what she was thinking, and showed her a mysterious smile.

"Sometimes I really want to dissect you to see what you are made of." Samisha rolled her eyes, turned and ran to the hotel's exclusive Fuli canteen.


Lu An cheerfully watched her disappear, sighed lightly, shook her head and walked into the hotel.

Normally, his food intake would indeed be large, but he has a bug that destroys energy conservation, which is infinite qi and blood.

There is absolutely no need to ingest the qi and blood power consumed by nutritional supplements, and he is a perpetual motion machine.

"Unfortunately, the perpetual motion machine is finished, but the trouble of enjoying food is lost. Is it all worth it?"

He stepped into the lobby of the hotel with a very bad tone to himself, and then saw Ming being complimented and greeted by coaches from many countries.

"Yo, is Elder Ming waiting for me?"

The moment he saw Ming, Lu An greeted with a smile, and then pricked up his ears to listen to the coaches who communicated with Ming in broken Tian Xuan language.

Greetings and respect without exception, and those who want her to palm their own players, hoping to accept Ming as a disciple.

The international status is so high that even Kisfaff, a bad old man from the White Bear Country, came here. When he saw Lu An coming back, he tried his best to give him eyes, trying to play the emotional card.

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